12 research outputs found

    Correlation and regression analysis of the body measurements of the Doro Ncanga Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) reared extensively in the Savanna of Mount Tambora Dompu Regency, Indonesia

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    The objectives of the present study were examined the correlation and regression of body measurements of the Doro Ncanga buffaloes in the Savanna of Mount Tambora Dompu Regency, Indonesia. A total of 339 animals were used in this study. In female, body weight (BW) was found to be significantly (p0.05) correlated with body length (BL), the degree of correlation increased from 0-6 (r=0.319) to 13-24 months (r=0.394), thereafter decreased at 36 months (r=0.160). The BW was not significantly correlated with height at wither (HW) for all 5 age groups. However, BW and heart girth (HG) were highly correlated (p0.01) between age groups 0-6 (r=0.967) and 36 months (r=0.978). The BL was significantly (p0.01) correlated with HW from 0-6 to 13-24 months of age, except for 25-36 months of age. The correlation between BL and HG was highly significant (p0.01) at 0-6 (r=0.427) and 13-24 (0.371) months of age, then decreased with the increase of age. The HW had no strong correlation with HG  at all groups. Regression model of BW changes with HG was predictable with R2 values ranged from 0.896 to 0.957. In male, BW had a strong correlations with HG for age groups 0-6 (r=0.979) and 7-12 months (r=0.972). The BL and HW were not highly correlated with BW at all groups. However, BW was significantly (p0.01) correlated with HG for age groups 0-6 (r=0.979) and 7-12 months (r=0.972). Their R2 values were 0.958 and 0.945, respectively. A highly significant (p0.01) correlations were also observed between BL and HW for age groups 0-6 months (r=0.677)and 7-12 months (0.462). The  R2 values were 0.458 and 0.214 for the two different age groups, respectively. The estimates of coefficient of determinations and predictive equations show that HG alone could be used to predict BW of female and male Doro Ncanga buffalo at different age groups

    Substitusi Kuning Telur dengan Lesitin Kedelai sebagai Pengencer Semen dalam Mempertahankan Kualitas Spermatozoa Kerbau Penyimpanan 5°C

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    ABSTRAKPengencer konvensional berbasis kuning telur yang bersumber dari hewan membawa risiko kontaminasi mikroba dan menghalangi jarak pandang pemeriksaan spermatozoa di bawah mikroskop. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan` untuk menilai apakah substitusi kuning telur dengan lesitin kedelai di dalam pengencer berbasis-tris dapat mempertahankan kualitas spermatozoa kerbau lumpur pada penyimpanan 5°C selama 120 jam. Ejakulat dari 3 ekor kerbau umur 3-4 tahun dengan bobot badan 450-500 kg ditampung dengan menggunakan vagina buatan.Semen diencerkan dengan pengencer konvensional yang mengandung 20% kuning telur (kontrol) dan pengencer lesitin dengan konsentrasi1%, 2%, 3% dan 4%(perlakuan) dan disimpan pada 5°C selama 120 jam. Parameter spermatozoa dinilai pada interval 0, 72, dan 120 jam setelah semen yang diencerkan disimpan 5°C.Persentase motilitas dan spermatozoa normal tidak berbeda nyata (P<0,05) antara pengencer 1% lesitin dan kontrol. Namun pengencer 1% lesitin mampu mempertahankan kedua parameter tersebut setelah penyimpanan 5°C selama 120 jam. Persentase viabilitas, keutuhan membran dan tudung akrosom spermatozoa pada pengencer 1% lesitin dibandingkan pengencer kontrol lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dari pengencer perlakuan 2, 3, dan 4% lesitin. Disimpulkan bahwa pengencer 1% lesitin dapat menyubstitusi pengencer konvensional berbasis kuning telur untuk penyimpanan semen kerbau pada 5ºC selama 120 jam.Kata kunci: kuning telur, lesitin, pengencer, semen cair, semen kerbauABSTRACTConventional egg yolk-based diluent animal origin carries the risk of microbial contamination and interference with microscopic examination. This study was conducted to assess whether substitution of egg yolk with soy lecithin in tris-based diluents can maintain the quality of buffalo spermatozoa stored at 5°C for 120 h. Ejaculate from 3 buffaloes aged 3-4 years and body weight of 450-500 kg was collected using an artificial vagina. Semen was diluted with diluent containing 20% egg yolk (control) and diluent with concentrations of lecithin 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% (treatment). Spermatozoa parameters were assessed at intervals of 0, 72 and 120 h after the diluted semen was stored at 5°C for 120 h. The percentages of motility and normal spermatozoa did not differ significantly (P<0.05) between 1% lecithin and control diluents. However, 1% of lecithin was able to maintain both parameters after stored at 5°C for 120 h. The percentages of viability, membrane integrity and functional acrosome of spermatozoa in 1% lecithin were higher (P<0.05) than control and the other three treatment diluents. In conclusion, 1% of lecithin diluent could substitute conventional egg yolk-based diluent for the storage of buffalo semen at 5ºC for 120 h.Keywords: buffalo semen, egg yolk, lecithin, diluents, liquid seme

    Analisis Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Motivasi Peternak Sapi dalam Adopsi Teknologi Inseminasi Buatan di Sumbawa Barat

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    ABSTRAK                                                            Upaya pengembangbiakan sapi melalui penerapan inseminasi buatan (IB) dengan semen beku terbukti berhasil meningkatkan produktivitas sapi potong di Provinsi NTB. Namun tingkat adopsi teknologi IB oleh peternak sapi di Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat selama lebih dari 10 tahun masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan motivasi peternak sapi dalam adopsi teknologi IB. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif korelatif dengan metode wawancara tatap muka, rancangan cross sectional dengan bantuan kuesioner terstruktur dari 84 responden. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Spearman Rho. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 90,5% responden mengetahui manfaat teknologi IB dan hanya 8,4% responden yang tidak mengetahui manfaat teknologi IB. Sebanyak 60-70% responden mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan IB dan tanda-tanda estrus yang diketahui dari keluarnya lendir dari vulva, warna merah vagina dan sapi menjadi gelisah. Sekitar 70% responden tidak memahami waktu yang tepat untuk inseminasi serta peralatan yang digunakan untuk IB. Semua responden setuju dengan program IB, namun, tidak ingin memiliki keterampilan dalam melakukan IB. Disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan motivasi responden secara umum cukup baik dalam upaya untuk mengadopsi teknologi IB dan ada hubungan positip dan signifikan (p<0,05) antara pengetahuan, sikap dan motivasi.Kata Kunci: adopsi, inseminasi buatan, peternak sapi, teknologi ABSTRACTImproving cattle productivity in NTB by breeding using AI technology has been successful. In West Sumbawa District AI has been used for over 10 years, however, the level of its adoption is still low. The study was conducted to obtain the relationships between knowledge, attitude, and motivation of cattle farmers in the adoption of AI technology. A survey approach was used in this study and a questionnaire was developed to gather the data. The sample size for cattle farmers was 84. Data were analyzed using Spearman Rho. About ninety-five respondents apprehended the benefits of AI technology and only 8.4% did not know. Around 60-70% of respondents understood factors that affected the success of AI and recognized signs and characteristics of oestrus. About 70% of respondents did not understand the fixed time for insemination as well as the equipment used for AI. All respondents agreed with the AI program, however, they did not prefer to have skills in carrying out AI. In conclusion, the level of knowledge, attitude and motivation of respondents in general was quite good in the effort to adopt AI technology and there were positive and significant (p<0.05) relationships between knowledge, attitude, and motivations.Keywords: adoption, artificial insemination, cattle farmers, technolog

    Use of compounds of epididymal and plant origin in maintaining viability of ram spermatozoa / by Chairussyuhur Arman.

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 267-292).xx, 386 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.This study aimed at finding better ways of storing ram semen at refrigerator or room temperature with particular reference to ingredients readily available in Indonesia, namely coconut extract and quail egg yolk. Coconut extract showed consistent advantages with regard to sperm motility and quail egg yolk was as effective as hen egg yolk. Investigations were extended to examine storage for subnormal semen such as would be produced during periods of heat stress. Motility was assessed visually and using a Hamilton Thorn semen evaluation apparatus.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Animal Sciences, 1997

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    vi, 166 hlm. :ilus. ;tab. ; 23 c

    Reproduksi Ternak

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    Identification of Bmpr-1b and Bmp15 gene mutations in fat tail sheep

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    Fat tail sheep (FTS) is regarded as highly prolific local sheep and have been well adapted under tropical climate of Lombok island. BMPR-1B and BMP15 genes that controll reproductive traits such as ovulation rate and litter size in different type of sheep will be studied as candidate genes for prolific traits in FTS. These genes  have been reported by various investigators have different prolificacy mechanism between several breeds of sheep, and it is very likely will occur in FTS. This study was designed to understand different prolificacy mechanism that occurred among breed of sheep. One hundred and forty FTS potential for twin and triplet scattered in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara Province were screened to identify mutation of BMPR-1B and BMP15 genes using Forced PCR-RFLP method. Furthermore, the frequency of allel and genotype caused by mutation was measured in each gene. Results of the study indicated that mutation of FecXG at BMP15 gene resulted in two alleles, namely “wild-type”(+) Allel  was 111 bp and 30 bp, and mutan allel (G) was 141 bp with frequency of 0.675 and 0.325. The combination of allel at BMP15 gen resulted in two genotipes, namely: ++ (111 bp/111 bp) and G+ (141 bp/111 bp) with frequency of 0.35 dan 0.65 in FTS. Mutation of FecB at BMPR-1B gen resulted in two allel, namely “wild-type”(+) Allel was 140 bp, and mutan allel (B) was 110 and 30 bp with frequency of 0.718 and 0.282. The combination of allel at BMPR-1B gen resulted in three genotipes, namely: BB (110 bp/110 bp), B+ (110 bp/140 bp), and ++ (140 bp/140 bp), its frequency was 0.11, 0.35 and 0.54 in FTS, respectively. Key words: Mutation, BMPR-1B, BMP15, Fat Tailed, Shee

    Sistem pengelolaan sumberdaya pertanian: berwawasan lingkungan, ed.1/ Yasin

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    x, 211 hal. ; 21 cm


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    Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is one of the large ruminants that havesignificant contribution in the development of national livestock. Buffalohas its own advantages to be developed because it can survive withlow-quality feed, tolerant of tropical parasites and their presence has beenintegrated with the life of farmers in the countryside. In Dompu Regency, the buffalo populationmostly concentrated in the Doro Ncanga savanna in the Tambora area. InIn this field, buffaloes are generally kept extensively and their presence is much moreearlier than cattle.The purpose of this study was to determine the eating behavior and wallowing behaviorin the Doro Ncanga savanna, Dompu Regency, NTB. The research results are shownin Figure 4.2, namely eating activities and kissing, grabbing, chewing,and swallow food. Wallowing activity at two locations at Hodo and Mada Oi . springsRao is shown in (Figures 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5). In the morning starting at 07:30 -08:35 WITA a herd of buffalo departs hand in hand to the puddle and in the afternoonaround 17:00 - 18:30 pm climb back up to the slopes of the mountains or hills inMount Tambora area. Doro Ncanga's buffalo wallow time at both locationsit is different. The herd of mud buffalo heading towards Mada Oi Rao (Figure 4.6) beginswallowing at 09:30 to 15:00 local time, while in the Mada Oi Hodo puddle (Picture 4.7)start to wallow at 09:00 - 15:30 pm, and there is no time difference between the twothe puddle. In the afternoon at the two puddles (Hodo and Mada Oi Rao) respectivelybuffalo will go up to the hill at 17:00 - 18:30 pm to rest andgraze on (Figure 4.8). In the evening until the morning from 18:00 to06:00 in the morning the buffalo resting or chewing is shown (Figure 4.9).Kerbau (Bubalus bubalis) merupakan salah satu ternak ruminansia besar yang memilikikontribusi yang cukup penting dalam pembangunan peternakan nasional. Kerbaumemiliki keunggulan tersendiri untuk dikembangkan karena dapat bertahan hidup denganpakan berkualitas rendah, toleran terhadap parasit tropis serta keberadaannya telahmenyatu dengan kehidupan petani di pedesaan. Di Kabupaten Dompu, populasi kerbausebagian besar terkonsentrasi di padang sabana Doro Ncanga kawasan Tambora. Dipadang ini umumnya kerbau dipelihara secara ekstensif dan keberadaanya jauh lebihdahulu dari pada ternak sapi.Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkah laku makan dan tingkah laku berkubangdi padang sabana Doro Ncanga Kabupaten Dompu NTB. Hasil penelitian ditunjukkanpada Gambar 4.2 yaitu aktivitas makan dan aktivitas mencium, merenggut, mengunyah,dan menelan makanan. Aktivitas berkubang di dua lokasi di mata air Hodo dan Mada OiRao ditunjukkan pada (Gambar 4.3, 4.4, dan 4.5). Pada pagi hari mulai pukul 07:30 -08:35 wita kawanan kerbau berangkat beriringan menuju ke kubangan dan sore harisekitar pukul 17:00 - 18:30 wita naik kembali ke lereng gunung atau perbukitan dikawasan Gunung Tambora. Waktu berkubang kerbau Doro Ncanga di kedua lokasitersebut berbeda. Kawanan kerbau lumpur yang menuju Mada Oi Rao (Gambar 4.6) mulaiberkubang pukul 09:30-15:00 wita, sedangkan di kubangan Mada Oi Hodo (Gambar 4.7)mulai berkubang pukul 09:00 - 15:30 wita, dan tidak ada perbedaan waktu dikeduakubangan tersebut. Spada sore hari di kedua kubangan (Hodo dan Mada Oi Rao) masingmasingkerbau akan naik ke bukit pada pukul 17:00 - 18:30 wita untuk istirahat danmerumput pada (Gambar 4.8). Pada malam hari hingga pagi pukul 18:00 hingga pukul06:00 subuh kerbau istrahat atau memamah biak ditujukkan pada (Gambar 4.9)

    Sistem pengelolaan sumberdaya pertanian: berwawasan lingkungan, ed.1/ Yasin

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    x, 211 hal. ; 21 cm