18 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de software para determinação dos parâmetros sagitais e ponto de inflexão

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    A otimização da análise paramétrica para programação cirúrgica da coluna vertebral passa pela inclusão de parâmetros funcionais que refletem as características individuais, além dos parâmetros anatômicos comumente utilizados. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é validar e apresentar uma nova ferramenta de análise paramétrica anatômica e funcional. A metodologia de validação baseou-se na comparação pela diferença média absoluta dos parâmetros versão pélvica (VP), inclinação sacral (IS), incidência pélvica (IP), cifose torácica (CT) e lordose lombar (LL), calculados com o software proposto e o Surgimap, para 10 voluntários assintomáticos. O resultado para cada parâmetro foi: IS = 0.25°, VP = 0.09°, IP = 0.24°, CT = 4.3°, LL = 0.51°. Os pontos de inflexão da coluna foram localizados pela derivada da curva da coluna vertebral modelada pela interpolação dos centroides dos corpos vertebrais. Focando as análises na lordose lombar, demonstrou-se que o ponto de inflexão nem sempre coincide com o referencial anatômico da mudança de curvatura da coluna. Os resultados preliminares apresentam fortes indícios que a introdução dos parâmetros funcionais representam a coluna vertebral de forma mais próxima do real, sendo promissores para os avanços na programação cirúrgica. &nbsp

    A Model of Animal Spirits via Sentiment Spreading

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    In order to incorporate animal spirits in a scientifically rigorous inquiry about the causes of aggregate business cycles, one needs to explore the foundations of human behavior, namely concerning the process through which sentiment switching occurs. Which factors drive human sentiments? In what conditions a pessimistic individual becomes an optimist, or the other way around? Is it possible to justify persistent waves of optimism and pessimism under reasonable assumptions concerning social behavior? This article proposes a framework to address the posed questions. The setup is based on rumor propagation theory and it explains how social interaction may lead individuals to change from one sentiment state to the other, eventually triggering a rotation between periods of dominant optimism and periods of dominant pessimism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cirurgia virtual da laringe

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    Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas técnicas computacionais que auxiliam os especialistas da fonologia a prever os efeitos produzidos na voz de um paciente quando alterações físicas e mecânicas são efetuadas na laringe, especificamente, nas pregas vocais após a realização da cirurgia. O objetivo principal deste trabalho consiste na utilização de contornos ativos para desenvolver um modelo da laringe baseado no movimentos das pregas vocais e glote. A técnica é baseada em imagens obtidas do exame de endoscopia da laringe. A partir do sinal de voz do paciente é filtrado as características da glote obtidas da imagem da estrobo-laringoscopia, assumindo que as disfonias são causadas por irregularidades nas pregas vocais. As modificações feitas na glote são utilizadas para estimar um novo filtro glotal que é adicionada ao sinal previamente filtrado. Utilizando este método, pode-se obter uma nova voz sintetizada que mantém as características individuais dos pacientes após as alterações realizadas nas pregas oriundas da cirurgia virtual da laring

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    Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de instrumentação destinada à pré-diagnósticos de disfunções na laringe, bem como no fornecimento de auxílio no acompanhamento dos tratamentos das patologias ou uma avaliação pós-operatória e ainda pode facilitar a tarefa de triagem de pacientes com problemas na laringe em hospitais. O programa desenvolvido consiste em um método não invasivo para pré-diagnósticos da laringe. Através da análise do resíduo do sinal de voz obtém-se seis parâmetros que permitem indicar os casos de patologias. Os sinais de vozes foram adquiridos diretamente com um microfone ligado a uma placa de aquisição no Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP. Este sistema oferece procedimentos clínicos mais confortáveis e permite um rápido diagnóstico sem restrições a qualquer paciente.This work describes the development of a device destined for pre-diagnoses of larynx dysfunctions, as well as, to supply aid in the accompaniment of the treatments of the pathologies or a postoperative evaluation and it can still facilitate the task of the patients\' screen with problems in the larynx in hospitals. A software package has been developed in order to set a non-invasive method for pre-diagnosis of the larynx. Through the residue voice signal analysis, six parameters are extracted from the signal in order to assess the pathological cases. The voice signal was acquired directly from a microphone and an acquisition board at the Department of Otorrinolaringology of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, USP. That system makes the clinical procedures more confortable and allows for a faster diagnosis with no restriction to any patient

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    Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de instrumentação destinada à pré-diagnósticos de disfunções na laringe, bem como no fornecimento de auxílio no acompanhamento dos tratamentos das patologias ou uma avaliação pós-operatória e ainda pode facilitar a tarefa de triagem de pacientes com problemas na laringe em hospitais. O programa desenvolvido consiste em um método não invasivo para pré-diagnósticos da laringe. Através da análise do resíduo do sinal de voz obtém-se seis parâmetros que permitem indicar os casos de patologias. Os sinais de vozes foram adquiridos diretamente com um microfone ligado a uma placa de aquisição no Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP. Este sistema oferece procedimentos clínicos mais confortáveis e permite um rápido diagnóstico sem restrições a qualquer paciente.This work describes the development of a device destined for pre-diagnoses of larynx dysfunctions, as well as, to supply aid in the accompaniment of the treatments of the pathologies or a postoperative evaluation and it can still facilitate the task of the patients\' screen with problems in the larynx in hospitals. A software package has been developed in order to set a non-invasive method for pre-diagnosis of the larynx. Through the residue voice signal analysis, six parameters are extracted from the signal in order to assess the pathological cases. The voice signal was acquired directly from a microphone and an acquisition board at the Department of Otorrinolaringology of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, USP. That system makes the clinical procedures more confortable and allows for a faster diagnosis with no restriction to any patient

    Vocal folds vibrations with a three-dimensional deformable model

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    In this work a computational method is presented to simulate the movements of vocal folds in three dimensions. The proposed model consists of a mesh free structure where each vertex is connected its neighbor through a group spring-damper. Forced oscillations were studied by time varying surface forces. The preliminary results using this model are similar with the literature and with the experimental stroboscopic observations of larynx. © 2006 IEEE

    A generalized alternating-direction implicit scheme for incompressible magnetohydrodynamic viscous flows at low magnetic Reynolds number

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    This paper presents numerical simulations of incompressible fluid flows in the presence of a magnetic field at low magnetic Reynolds number. The equations governing the flow are the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid motion coupled with Maxwell's equations of electromagnetics. The study of fluid flows under the influence of a magnetic field and with no free electric charges or electric fields is known as magnetohydrodynamics. The magnetohydrodynamics approximation is considered for the formulation of the non-dimensional problem and for the characterization of similarity parameters. A finite-difference technique is used to discretize the equations. In particular, an extension of the generalized Peaceman and Rachford alternating-direction implicit (ADI) scheme for simulating two-dimensional fluid flows is presented. The discretized conservation equations are solved in stream function-vorticity formulation. We compare the ADI and generalized ADI schemes, and show that the latter is more efficient in simulating low Reynolds number and magnetic Reynolds number problems. Numerical results demonstrating the applicability of this technique are also presented. The simulation of incompressible magneto hydrodynamic fluid flows is illustrated by numerical solution for two-dimensional cases. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Parameters Acoustic and High-speed kymography identified effects of voiced vibration and vocal fry exercises

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    Purpose: To identify the immediate effects of voiced vibration and vocal fry exercises on healthy subjects by means of acoustic parameters and high-speed kymography. Methods: Thirty healthy subjects (18 women and 12 men, aged from 19 to 45 years old) participated in this study. The voices were recorded at the range of 44.100 samples/second, before and after of the vocal exercises. We developed a computational routine to extract jitter and shimmer. High-speed kymography was generated from laryngeal images for the analysis of the phase times: closed (CPh), open (OPh), of closing (cPh) and of opening (oPh) and used the paired t-Student test and the Mann-Whitney test, with a significance level of 0.05. Results: After voiced vibrations, acoustic parameters showed reduced jitter for both genders (p=0.018 for men and p<0.01 for women) and reduced shimmer for female voices (p<0.01). There was a decrease in CPh (p=0.046) and cPh (p=0.026) and an increase in OPh (p=0.05) in female vocal folds. After vocal fry, we identified decreased jitter (p<0.01) in female voices and cPh (p=0.026) in male vocal folds. Conclusion: We observed more positive immediate effects of the voiced vibrations, mainly in voice quality and vocal folds among females. Nevertheless, studies with larger male sample and investigation of the appropriate time of vocal fry are necessary to confirm the results of this search