22 research outputs found

    Bionanomedicine: A “Panacea” In Medicine?

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    Recent advances in nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, and materials science have prompted novel developments in the field of nanomedicine. Enhancements in the theranostics, computational information, and management of diseases/disorders are desperately required. It may now be conceivable to accomplish checked improvements in both of these areas utilising nanomedicine. This scientific and concise review concentrates on the fundamentals and potential of nanomedicine, particularly nanoparticles and their advantages, nanoparticles for siRNA conveyance, nanopores, nanodots, nanotheragnostics, nanodrugs and targeting mechanisms, and aptamer nanomedicine. The combination of various scientific fields is quickening these improvements, and these interdisciplinary endeavours to have significant progressively outstretching influences on different fields of research. The capacities of nanomedicine are immense, and nanotechnology could give medicine a completely new standpoint

    In silico modification of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) as potential inhibitor for class II histone deacetylase (HDAC)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer for the woman in the world. It is caused by the oncogenic human papilloma virus (HPV). The inhibition activity of histone deacetylase (HDAC) is a potential strategy for cancer therapy. Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) is widely known as a low toxicity HDAC inhibitor. This research presents <it>in silico</it> SAHA modification by utilizing triazole, in order to obtain a better inhibitor. We conducted docking of the SAHA inhibitor and 12 modified versions to six class II HDAC enzymes, and then proceeded with drug scanning of each one of them.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The docking results show that the 12 modified inhibitors have much better binding affinity and inhibition potential than SAHA. Based on drug scan analysis, six of the modified inhibitors have robust pharmacological attributes, as revealed by drug likeness, drug score, oral bioavailability, and toxicity levels.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The binding affinity, free energy and drug scan screening of the best inhibitors have shown that 1c and 2c modified inhibitors are the best ones to inhibit class II HDAC.</p

    Troubled Helix – Tinjauan Multiperspektif Genetika dalam Bioetika

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    Dalam review ini, dibahas tinjauan multiperspektif genetika dalam bioetika. Dikemukakan prinsip-prinsip etika mutakhir, seperti: reciprocity, mutuality, solidarity, citizenry, dan universality. Dibahas pula prinsip-prinsip etika dan pemeriksaan genetika, seperti: otonomi, privasi, kebaikan, nonmaleficence, keadilan. Didiskusikan pula perspektif etnokultural dalam layanan genetika, milestones guideline etika dan regulasi riset biomedis Internasional, prinsip-prinsip etika menurut Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights 2005, hak asasi manusia dan etika profesional: apresiasi translasional, perspektif utilitarianisme, perspektif deontologi, “simalakama” pemeriksaan genetika, globalisasi bioetika, etika bioinformatika, dan riset eugenik.In this review, a multiperspective review of genetics in bioethics is discussed. The latest ethical principles are mentioned, such as: reciprocity, mutuality, solidarity, citizenry, and universality. The principles of ethics and genetic inquiry, such as: autonomy, privacy, kindness, nonmaleficence, justice was also discussed. Also discussed are multiperspective, ethnocultural perspectives in genetic services, milestones of ethical guidelines and International biomedical research regulations, ethical principles according to the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights 2005, human rights and professional ethics: translational appreciation, utilitarianism perspective, deontological perspective, the “simulacra” of genetic examination, bioethics globalization, bioinformatics ethics, and eugenic research

    Drug Repurposing Option for COVID-19 with Structural Bioinformatics of Chemical Interactions Approach

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus is the pathogenic agent that caused the COVID-19 disease. The epicenter of this disease is the city of Wuhan, China. It is already categorized as “pandemic” by WHO, as many countries already affected with the infections, including recently Indonesia. Although the standard RT-PCR and DNA sequencing protocols has already developed for diagnostic, no drugs are available to cure this disease until today. The anti-malaria drug of chloroquine phosphate was repurposed, as well as other anti-viral drugs. In this regard, a structural bioinformatics pipeline was utilized to validate the claim in the computational realm. Within the sphere of the online molecular docking method, it was found that all the tested repurposed drugs attached accordingly with the SARS-CoV-2 protease enzyme that plays a role in viral replication. The repurposed drugs could be proposed as drug candidates for COVID-19, after clinical trials or further laboratory testing.Virus SARS-CoV-2 adalah patogen penyebab penyakit COVID-19. Episentrum penyakit ini adalah kota Wuhan, Tiongkok. WHO mengeluarkan peringatan ‘pandemi' karena banyak negara sudah terkena infeksi, termasuk Indonesia. Meskipun protokol RT-PCR dan sekuensing DNA standar telah dikembangkan untuk tujuan diagnostik, hingga saat ini tidak ada obat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini. Obat anti-malaria chloroquine phosphate dicoba, bersama dengan beberapa obat anti-virus. Alur analisis bioinformatika struktural digunakan untuk validasi di ranah komputasi. Dalam lingkup metode molecular docking secara daring, ditemukan bahwa obat tersebut tertambat dengan enzim protease SARS-CoV-2 yang berperan dalam replikasi virus. Obat ini dapat diusulkan sebagai kandidat obat untuk COVID-19, setelah pengujian laboratorium dan uji klinis lebih lanjut

    Bionanomedicine: A “Panacea” In Medicine?

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    Recent advances in nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, and materials science have prompted novel developments in the field of nanomedicine. Enhancements in the theranostics, computational information, and management of diseases/disorders are desperately required. It may now be conceivable to accomplish checked improvements in both of these areas utilising nanomedicine. This scientific and concise review concentrates on the fundamentals and potential of nanomedicine, particularly nanoparticles and their advantages, nanoparticles for siRNA conveyance, nanopores, nanodots, nanotheragnostics, nanodrugs and targeting mechanisms, and aptamer nanomedicine. The combination of various scientific fields is quickening these improvements, and these interdisciplinary endeavours to have significant progressively outstretching influences on different fields of research. The capacities of nanomedicine are immense, and nanotechnology could give medicine a completely new standpoint

    Bionanomedicine: A “Panacea” In Medicine?

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    Recent advances in nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, and materials science have prompted novel developments in the field of nanomedicine. Enhancements in the theranostics, computational information, and management of diseases/disorders are desperately required. It may now be conceivable to accomplish checked improvements in both of these areas utilising nanomedicine. This scientific and concise review concentrates on the fundamentals and potential of nanomedicine, particularly nanoparticles and their advantages, nanoparticles for siRNA conveyance, nanopores, nanodots, nanotheragnostics, nanodrugs and targeting mechanisms, and aptamer nanomedicine. The combination of various scientific fields is quickening these improvements, and these interdisciplinary endeavours to have significant progressively outstretching influences on different fields of research. The capacities of nanomedicine are immense, and nanotechnology could give medicine a completely new standpoint

    Revolution in Detecting Tuberculosis Using Radiology with Application of Deep Learning Algorithm

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    Radiology is a medical examination of internal body parts using data imaging to interpret an illness. Many illnesses can be detected using this medical discipline; one of the diseases is tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. The supreme ability of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning has amazed the radiologist in analyzing big data-based information. A better deep learning algorithm can lead radiologist to accurate results. This article will review ten (10) research papers that use a deep learning algorithm in the application to detect tuberculosis by data processing technique. The goal is to know the best type of data processing in deep learning to detect TB.Radiologi adalah pemeriksaan bagian dalam tubuh menggunakan data pencitraan untuk interpretasi suatu penyakit. Banyak penyakit dapat dideteksi menggunakan disiplin medis ini; salah satu adalah tuberkulosis yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis yang menyerang paru-paru. Ahli radiologi tertarik atas kemampuan Artificial Intelligence dan Machine Learning untuk analisis data yang akurat. Artikel ini akan mengulas sepuluh (10) makalah penelitian aplikasi algoritma deep learning untuk deteksi tuberkulosis menggunakan teknik pengolahan data

    Designing hybrid CRISPR-Cas12 and LAMP detection systems for treatment-resistant Plasmodium falciparum with in silico method

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    Genes associated with drug resistance of first line drugs for Plasmodium falciparum have been identified and characterized of which three genes most commonly associated with drug resistance are P. falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter gene (PfCRT), P. falciparum multidrug drug resistance gene 1 (PfMDR1), and P. falciparum Kelch protein K13 gene (PfKelch13). Polymorphism in these genes could be used as molecular markers for identifying drug resistant strains. Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) along with DNA sequencing is a powerful diagnostic tool that could identify these polymorphisms. However, current NAAT and DNA sequencing technologies require specific instruments which might limit its application in rural areas. More recently, a combination of isothermal amplification and CRISPR detection system showed promising results in detecting mutations at a nucleic acid level. Moreover, the Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)-CRISPR systems offer robust and straightforward detection, enabling it to be deployed in rural and remote areas. The aim of this study was to develop a novel diagnostic method, based on LAMP of targeted genes, that would enable the identification of drug-resistant P. falciparum strains. The methods were centered on sequence analysis of P. falciparum genome, LAMP primers design, and CRISPR target prediction. Our designed primers are satisfactory for identifying polymorphism associated with drug resistant in PfCRT, PfMDR1, and PfKelch13. Overall, the developed system is promising to be used as a detection method for P. falciparum treatment-resistant strains. However, optimization and further validation the developed CRISPR-LAMP assay are needed to ensure its accuracy, reliability, and feasibilit