10 research outputs found

    Cross differential dynamic microscopy

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    V magistrskem delu je kot razširitev osnovne metode diferenčne dinamične mikroskopije za namen opazovanja hitre dinamike v mehki snovi predstavljena metoda križne diferenčne dinamične mikroskopije. V običajni metodi poteka zajemanje videoposnetka fluktuacij intenzitete sipane svetlobe v vzorcu pri konstantni frekvenci zajemanja slik, zato je najmanjši časovni zamik med dvema slikama obratno sorazmeren s frekvenco. V novi metodi z uporabo dveh poravnanih kamer pridobimo dva nabora slik istega dela vzorca, s Fourierovo analizo pa izračunamo križno slikovno strukturno funkcijo kot funkcijo valovnega vektorja in časovnega zamika. Naključna shema proženja kamer poskrbi, da lahko najmanjši časovni zamik med dvema slikama poljubno skrajšamo ter tako efektivno povečamo frekvenco zajemanja, zato lahko dinamiko v mehki snovi opazujemo tudi v primeru hitrih procesov. Z meritvijo dinamike nematičnega tekočega kristala ter s simulacijami Brownovega gibanja sferičnih delcev smo preučili razlike med obema metodama, z namernim izmikanjem obeh kamer iz poravnane lege pa preverili robustnost križne diferenčne dinamične mikroskopije.In this master\u27s thesis Cross-Differential Dynamic Microscopy is introduced as an extension to the established method of Differential Dynamic Microscopy, for the purpose of observing the fast dynamics in soft matter. With the standard method, a video of the fluctuating intensity of light, scattered by the observed sample, is taken at a constant frame rate. The smallest time delay between two consecutive frames is therefore inversely proportional to the frame rate. With the new method we obtain two sets of data, taken with two aligned cameras observing the same area in the sample, and we calculate the cross-image structure function as a function of the wave vector and the time delay. Random triggering of the cameras can greatly decrease the minimum time delay between the two frames, which results in a faster effective frame rate. This way we can observe the dynamics of fast processes in soft matter. In the experiment we compared both the standard and the new method by measuring the dynamics of a nematic liquid crystal and by analyzing simulated videos of Brownian motion of spherical particles. Lastly, robustness of the proposed method was tested against various camera misalignments

    Pyxel: the collaborative detection simulation framework

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    Pyxel is a novel python tool for end-to-end detection chain simulation i.e. from detector optical effects to readout electronics effects. It is an easy-to-use framework to host and pipeline any detector effect model. It is suited for simulating both Charge-Coupled Devices, CMOS Image Sensors and Mercury Cadmium Telluride hybridized arrays. It is conceived as a collaborative tool to promote reusability, knowledge transfer, and reliability in the instrumentation community. We provide a demonstration of Pyxel's basic principles, describe newly added capabilities, and give examples of more advanced applications

    Autologous Platelet and Extracellular Vesicle-Rich Plasma as Therapeutic Fluid: A Review

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    The preparation of autologous platelet and extracellular vesicle-rich plasma (PVRP) has been explored in many medical fields with the aim to benefit from its healing potential. In parallel, efforts are being invested to understand the function and dynamics of PVRP that is complex in its composition and interactions. Some clinical evidence reveals beneficial effects of PVRP, while some report that there were no effects. To optimize the preparation methods, functions and mechanisms of PVRP, its constituents should be better understood. With the intention to promote further studies of autologous therapeutic PVRP, we performed a review on some topics regarding PVRP composition, harvesting, assessment and preservation, and also on clinical experience following PVRP application in humans and animals. Besides the acknowledged actions of platelets, leukocytes and different molecules, we focus on extracellular vesicles that were found abundant in PVRP

    Autologous platelet and extracellular vesicle-rich plasma as therapeutic fluid

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    The preparation of autologous platelet and extracellular vesicle-rich plasma (PVRP) has been explored in many medical fields with the aim to benefit from its healing potential. In parallel, efforts are being invested to understand the function and dynamics of PVRP that is complex in its composition and interactions. Some clinical evidence reveals beneficial effects of PVRP, while some report that there were no effects. To optimize the preparation methods, functions and mechanisms of PVRP, its constituents should be better understood. With the intention to promote further studies of autologous therapeutic PVRP, we performed a review on some topics regarding PVRP composition, harvesting, assessment and preservation, and also on clinical experience following PVRP application in humans and animals. Besides the acknowledged actions of platelets, leukocytes and different molecules, we focus on extracellular vesicles that were found abundant in PVRP

    The ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope Working Groups

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    Since 2005 ESO has been working with its community and industry to develop an extremely large optical/infrared telescope. ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope, or ELT for short, is a revolutionary ground-based telescope that will have a 39-metre main mirror and will be the largest visible and infrared light telescope in the world. To address specific topics that are needed for the science operations and calibrations of the telescope, thirteen specific working groups were created to coordinate the effort between ESO, the instrument consortia, and the wider community. We describe here the goals of these working groups as well as their achievements so far