6 research outputs found

    Assessing the links between organisational cultures and unlearning capability:evidence from the Spanish automotive components industry

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    Within the current business environment, knowledge management, organisational learning and unlearning mechanisms are becoming critical factors in the process of reaching lasting competitive advantages. Our research model employs the competing values framework (Cameron and Quinn, 1999) to empirically assess the influence of the firm's own cultural typology on organisational unlearning. Our hypotheses are tested using a sample of 145 firms drawn from the Spanish automotive components manufacturing sector. The relationships between the constructs are assessed through the use of partial least squares (PLS) path-modelling, a variance-based structural equation modelling technique. The outcomes reveal that certain types of culture exert a higher influence on unlearning than others. This suggests in turn that some cultural typologies are better positioned to face the current turbulent situation than others

    El directivo «acosado»: un estudio empírico de los factores individuales, organizativos y contextuales

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    The aim of this paper is to study the determinants of workplace bullying in a group of employees with a privileged position within the company: managers. First of all, we define the phenomenon. After we make a review of literature with the object to set related variables in a global model of workplace bullying. A sample population of 608 managers was obtained from the microdata file of the last European Working Conditions Survey (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). The methodology used to achieve our research objectives is based on the binary logistic regression model. With this statistical technique we determine the probability of the occurrence of an event –workplace bullying in this case– compared to the probability of the occurrence of the opposite event. The global model is integrated by individual, organizational and contextual factors and predicts the likelihood of workplace bullying in 68% (61,6% between bullied managers and 75,9% between non bullied managers). The resulting model for managers is similar to models of workplace bullying for employees in general.El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar los factores determinantes del acoso laboral que inciden en un colectivo de trabajadores con una situación privilegiada dentro de la empresa: los directivos. Tras delimitar conceptualmente el fenómeno, se realiza un recorrido sobre los hallazgos obtenidos a nivel empírico para establecer las variables presentes en un modelo global del acoso laboral. Con una submuestra aleatoria de 608 directivos y mandos intermedios obtenida de la última Encuesta Europea de Condiciones de Trabajo se estima, por etapas, un modelo de regresión logística binaria, para determinar la probabilidad de ocurrencia del acoso. El modelo global obtenido contiene variables a nivel individual, laboral-organizativas y contextuales y predice la probabilidad de acoso en un 68 por 100 (61,6% en directivos acosados y 73,9% en directivos no acosados), obteniéndose un modelo de acoso entre directivos muy similar al que se deduce de la literatura empírica analizada para todo tipo de trabajadores

    Understanding how organizational culture typology relates to organizational unlearning and innovation capabilities

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    This study focuses on the link between organizational unlearning and innovation capabilities and explores how this relationship might be managed within an innovative firm. In order to gain a clearer insight into to the influence of a firm’s culture on organizational unlearning and its innovation capabilities, a research model was developed that employs the Competing Values Framework (Cameron & Quinn, 1999). In this model, the influence of a firm’s cultural typology on unlearning and innovation is conceptualized and hypotheses are developed. The model was tested empirically using a sample of 145 firms drawn from the Spanish automotive components manufacturing sector and the relationships between the constructs were assessed using the partial least squares path-modeling approach. The results reveal that each distinct organizational culture exerts a different impact on the innovation and unlearning outcome variables. In particular, an adhocracy culture is associated closely with innovation capabilities while a market culture exerts a significant influence on organizational unlearnin

    Job Stability and Gender Perspectives: Application of a Logistic Regression Model

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    Several changes have been taking place in the labour market since the 1970s that have created the right climate to spur organisations and workers to demand greater flexibility in employment. In this context, temporary employment has been the focus of many research papers and temporary contracts have been used as a tool to achieve labour flexibility. In order to understand the situation in Andalusia (Spain), this paper aims to identify the decisive factors in permanent employment. To this end, starting hypotheses will be defined about the decisive factors in permanent employment and the positive or negative significance of their influence; the starting hypotheses will then be tested empirically using a logistic regression model on a sample population of wage earners in Andalusia. In the second stage, given that the ratio of temporary contracts is much higher among women, the variable ‘gender’ is likely to be decisive in the construction of the regression model, therefore the decisive factors for permanent employment in Andalusia will be evaluated separately for men and women, in order to calibrate the impact of gender on job stability. Finally, based on the estimated probabilities of having a permanent job depending on gender, the degree of labour discrimination faced by women in the Andalusian labour market will be analysed

    Workplace Bullying among Managers: A Multifactorial Perspective and Understanding

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    The aim of this paper is to study certain factors that may be determinant in the emergence of workplace bullying among managers—employees with a recognized and privileged position to exercise power—adopting the individual perspective of the subject, the bullied manager. Individual, organizational, and contextual factors integrate the developed global model, and the methodology utilized to accomplish our research objectives is based on the binary logistic regression model. A sample population of 661 managers was obtained from the micro data file of the 5th European Working Conditions Survey-2010 (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) and utilized to conduct the present research. The results indicate that the chance for a manager to refer to him/herself as bullied increases among women that hold managerial positions and live with children under 15 at home, and among subjects that work at night, on a shift system, suffering from work stress, enjoying little satisfaction from their working conditions, and not perceiving opportunities for promotions in their organizations. The present work summarizes an array of outcomes and proposes, within the usual course of events, that workplace bullying could be reduced if job demands were limited and job resources were increased. The implications of these findings could assist directors/general directors in facilitating, to some extent, good social relationships among managers