57 research outputs found

    Physicochemical investigation of NiAl with small molybdenum additions

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    Specimens of four cast NiAl alloys, three of them containing 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 at. % Mo., were homogenized for 10, 10, and 140 hr at 1373, 1523 and 1273 K, respectively, then kept at 1073, 1173 and 1323 K for 60, 120 and 3 hr, respectively, and quenched in icy water. The precipitation of a metastable Ni3Mo phase was observed at temperatures between 1073 and 1523 K. Molybdenum substituted for nickel was found to inhibit the lattice disordering in NiAl at 1073 and 1523 K

    Processes in spark electric discharge in air, nitrogen and oxygen

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    The yield of redox reactions in aqueous solutions under the action of a remote spark discharge in the air, nitrogen and oxygen was studied. Mohr's salt and potassium permanganate were used as test substances. The direct and indirect effects of a source of active particles were compared. On direct exposure active species can immediately interact with the substance. By indirect action the source of active species directly affects only water. Immediately after treatment water was mixed with a solution of the test substance and the reactions of accumulated active species with the test substance began. When discharged in air medium, the oxidation and reduction reaction yields are approximately the same 5 - 6 1(100 эВ)-1 eV. Equal yields means that active species are firstly produced in water. When discharged in the nitrogen and oxygen medium, the oxidation yield is ∼15% lower, and the recovery yield is much lower. In this case, there is oxygen or nitrogen in the aqueous solution, so nitrogen oxides cannot be formed in water. So the contribution of products, produced in the discharge region is not more than 15% and that radiation plays a major role in initiating of chemical processes in liquid. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Comparison of Mechanisms for the Action of Cold Electric Discharge Plasma and Hot Pulsed Discharge Plasma Emission on Water Solutions

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    Cold electric discharge plasma can be in direct contact with the water solution being treated. Active species are generated directly in the discharge and penetrate into the solution through the gas-liquid interface. Hot plasma of pulsed electric discharge can remotely affect an object without causing any thermal damage to it, e.g., by means of irradiating it. The effect of light penetrating into the solution is fundamentally different from the effect of cold plasma which is in contact with the solution: cold plasma already contains all active species, while radiation does not contain any of them. The species are generated in water solution when radiation passes through it. It is shown that the penetration depth of radiation into distilled water can be considerable. The method for activated water production based on the effect of plasma radiation can be more advantageous than that based on its treatment with cold plasma. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.Project Center ITER; Science and Technology Center PLASMAIOFAN; State Research Center of Russian Federation TRINITI

    Компетенція та роль органів державної влади України у сфері правового забезпечення європейської інтеграції

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    Арістова, І. В. Компетенція та роль органів державної влади України у сфері правового забезпечення європейської інтеграції / І. В. Арістова, М. Н. Курко // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2004. – Вип. 27. - С. 272-280Визначено, що для якісного забезпечення процесу інтеграції України до Європейського Союзу необхідно провести спеціальні дослідження в напрямку визначення компетенції органів державної влади України щодо організаційного та політичного забезпечення зазначеного процессу. Определено, что для качественного обеспечения процесса интеграции Украины в Европейский Союз необходимо провести специальные исследования в направлении определения компетенции органов государственной власти Украины по организационному и политическому обеспечению указанного процесса. It was determined that in order to ensure the quality of the process of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union, it is necessary to conduct special studies in the direction of determining the competence of state authorities of Ukraine in organizing and political support of this process

    Dataset of allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies of five polymorphisms CDKN2B-AS1 gene in Russian patients with primary open-angle glaucoma

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    Data on the allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies of the five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) such as rs1063192, rs7865618, rs2157719, rs944800 and rs4977756 of the CDKN2B-AS gene in Russian patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) are provide

    Genetic variability of the population of the south of the central Russia

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    In work the data on studying of genetic variability of a genopool of the population of the south of the Central Russia with use DNA-markers (7 polymorphic (Alu-insertion) and quasigenetic markers is presented. Results of research allow to draw a conclusion on considerable local heterogeneity of a genopool of the population of the south of the Central Russia with prevalence the European lines in distribution of genetic markers

    Dataset of allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies of of four polymorphisms filaggrin gene in Russian patients with atopic dermatitis

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    Data on the allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies of four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs3126085, rs12144049, rs471144 and rs4363385) filaggrin (FLG) gene in Russian patients with atopic dermatitis are presente

    Genes of vascular reactions and formation of the arterial hypertension at chronic glomerulonephritis

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    Research of polymorphism genes of vascular reactions AGT and ADRB2 at patients are resulted. Presence at patients chronic glomerulonephritis of genotypes -6GG and -6AG gene AGT is connected with the raised arterial pressure

    Personality profiles and the "russian soul": Literary and scholarly views evaluated

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    Many domestic and foreign observers have claimed that Russians have a unique constellation of personality traits that mirrors their distinctive historical and cultural experience. To examine the hypothesized uniqueness of Russian personality, members of the Russian Character and Personality Survey collected data from 39 samples in 33 administrative areas of the Russian Federation. Respondents (N = 7,065) identified an ethnically Russian adult or college-aged man or woman whom they knew well and rated the target using the Russian observer-rating version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. The mean personality profile of Russians was very similar to the international average based on 50 different countries, debunking the myth of a unique Russian soul.The small variations from world norms did not converge with depictions of Russian national character in fiction and the scholarly literature. New items intended to capture distinctive, emic aspects of Russian personality provided no new information beyond the familiar Big Five dimensions. Religion, ethnicity, and beliefs about the uniqueness of the Russian character and the malleability of personality traits had little effect on personality ratings. Perceptions of the Russian soul do not seem to be based on the personality traits of Russians