80 research outputs found

    Physicochemical investigation of NiAl with small molybdenum additions

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    Specimens of four cast NiAl alloys, three of them containing 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 at. % Mo., were homogenized for 10, 10, and 140 hr at 1373, 1523 and 1273 K, respectively, then kept at 1073, 1173 and 1323 K for 60, 120 and 3 hr, respectively, and quenched in icy water. The precipitation of a metastable Ni3Mo phase was observed at temperatures between 1073 and 1523 K. Molybdenum substituted for nickel was found to inhibit the lattice disordering in NiAl at 1073 and 1523 K

    Processes in spark electric discharge in air, nitrogen and oxygen

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    The yield of redox reactions in aqueous solutions under the action of a remote spark discharge in the air, nitrogen and oxygen was studied. Mohr's salt and potassium permanganate were used as test substances. The direct and indirect effects of a source of active particles were compared. On direct exposure active species can immediately interact with the substance. By indirect action the source of active species directly affects only water. Immediately after treatment water was mixed with a solution of the test substance and the reactions of accumulated active species with the test substance began. When discharged in air medium, the oxidation and reduction reaction yields are approximately the same 5 - 6 1(100 эВ)-1 eV. Equal yields means that active species are firstly produced in water. When discharged in the nitrogen and oxygen medium, the oxidation yield is ∼15% lower, and the recovery yield is much lower. In this case, there is oxygen or nitrogen in the aqueous solution, so nitrogen oxides cannot be formed in water. So the contribution of products, produced in the discharge region is not more than 15% and that radiation plays a major role in initiating of chemical processes in liquid. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Comparison of Mechanisms for the Action of Cold Electric Discharge Plasma and Hot Pulsed Discharge Plasma Emission on Water Solutions

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    Cold electric discharge plasma can be in direct contact with the water solution being treated. Active species are generated directly in the discharge and penetrate into the solution through the gas-liquid interface. Hot plasma of pulsed electric discharge can remotely affect an object without causing any thermal damage to it, e.g., by means of irradiating it. The effect of light penetrating into the solution is fundamentally different from the effect of cold plasma which is in contact with the solution: cold plasma already contains all active species, while radiation does not contain any of them. The species are generated in water solution when radiation passes through it. It is shown that the penetration depth of radiation into distilled water can be considerable. The method for activated water production based on the effect of plasma radiation can be more advantageous than that based on its treatment with cold plasma. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.Project Center ITER; Science and Technology Center PLASMAIOFAN; State Research Center of Russian Federation TRINITI

    Functionally significant polymorphisms of ESR1and PGR and risk of intrauterine growth restriction in population of Central Russia

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    This study aimed to investigate the role ofESR1 and PGR gene polymorphisms in development of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) among Russian women in Central Russi

    Dataset of allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies of five polymorphisms CDKN2B-AS1 gene in Russian patients with primary open-angle glaucoma

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    Data on the allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies of the five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) such as rs1063192, rs7865618, rs2157719, rs944800 and rs4977756 of the CDKN2B-AS gene in Russian patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) are provide

    Risk Effects of rs1799945 Polymorphism of the HFE Gene and Intergenic Interactions of GWAS-Significant Loci for Arterial Hypertension in the Caucasian Population of Central Russia

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    The aim of this case-control replicative study was to investigate the link between GWAS-impact for arterial hypertension and/or blood pressure gene polymorphisms and AH risk in Russian subjects (Caucasian population of Central Russia

    Effects of pre-pregnancy overweight/obesity on the pattern of association of hypertension susceptibility genes with preeclampsia

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    The aim of this study was to explore the effects of pre-pregnancy overweight/obesity on the pattern of association of hypertension susceptibility genes with preeclampsi

    Sex-Specific Features of the Correlation between GWAS-Noticeable Polymorphisms and Hypertension in Europeans of Russia

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    The aim of the study was directed at studying the sex-specific features of the correlation between genome-wide association studies (GWAS)-noticeable polymorphisms and hypertension (HTN

    Associations of insertion-deletion polymorphism of angiotensin-converting enzyme with the risk of preeclampsia development among pregnant women in Central Russia

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    The associations of the insertion-deletion angiotensin-converting enzyme (I/D ACE) genetic polymorphism with the risk of preeclampsia development were studie

    Sex-hormone-binding globulin gene polymorphisms and breast cancer risk in Caucasian women of Russia

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    In our work, the associations of GWAS (genome-wide associative studies) impact for sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)-level SNPs with the risk of breast cancer (BC) in the cohort of Caucasian women of Russia were assesse