4 research outputs found

    Local Wisdom Based Picture Series in Teaching Reading

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    Reading English as four of language skill is considered to be important in world today. It is not only sufficient for just giving theoretically, but also meaningful learning. In fact, the role of teacher as facilitator influences successful of TL process. Teacher must explore their creativity and innovation in using several kinds of instructional media. Thus, this study attempted to apply “Local wisdom based picture series” with local content approach. The objectivity of this study was to develop instructional media in form of Student’s Worksheet that contained of local wisdom based picture series for students’ reading activity and to identify the readability of student’s toward the media. This study conducted at SMP Al-Ikhlas Taliwang, West Sumbawa Regency for Academic Year 2020/2021. All students at eight grades will be the population and purposive random sampling will be applied on determining the sample. This research design will be concerned on Research and Development (R&D). The result of the limited scale testing has been analysed by descriptive quantitative approach. By designing the student’s worksheet, it was found that the instrument was “extremely valid” criteria both in construct and content aspects. While the readability tested implicitly has performed to the effective and eligible instrument by the obtaining percentage as 78.83% with “Easy” criteria

    Analyzing Errors in Students’ Writing

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the mistakes that eighth-grade Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS) students made when composing recount texts. There were 27 pupils enrolled. The research method used is qualitative design. Interviews, paperwork, and tests were used to gather data, which was then identified, categorized, and explained (calculated), and errors were assessed. The results demonstrate that pupils made mistakes in addition, subtraction, miss-formation, and ordering. There were 264 mistakes in total.  There were 23% omission errors, 13% addition errors, 57% miss-formation errors, and 7% miss-ordering errors.  There were 68 errors in omission, which may be divided into 8 prepositional, 10 article, 28 to be, 17 subject, and 5 noun omissions. When crafting a sentence, the students failed to include grammatical morphemes, certain necessary components of proper sentences, and the items that belong in the phrase. The 28 addition errors were divided into 3 noun addition errors, 2 preposition addition errors, 12 article addition errors, 1 conjunction addition error, 9 to be addition errors, and 1 auxiliary addition error. 140 miss-formation mistakes, divided into 14 categories. 20 misspelled words, 16 misspelled plural words, fifteen word choice/word form, eight possessive form, five auxiliary, twenty-three present verb for third-person singular, six subjects, nine, preposition, ten verbs, twenty pronouns, and thirty-two misspelled articles. Incorrect morpheme placement was frequently cited as the cause of the students' sentences' incorrect order. In this investigation, 23 miss-ordering problems were discovered

    Teaching Reading Strategies for Eight Grade of SMPN 1 Jereweh

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    Reading English text as a basic language skill has a complicated process to be absorbed by second language learners. In practice, Text-based has enlarged students to the complicated of reading comprehension. Therefore, various kinds of teaching reading strategies appropriate to students’ characters and needs are determined. This study aimed to identify teaching reading strategies that English teachers frequently use and identify students’ reading achievement by applying certain recommended strategies and identifying its effect in the teaching and learning process. The subject was thirty students in the eighth grade of SMPN 1 Jereweh, Academic Year 2019/2020. Data collection procedures were FGD, In-depth Interview, Observation, and a reading test. The reading test was distributed toward the Pre-test and Post-test. While the data analysis was a qualitative and inferential statistic. The findings showed two kinds of teaching reading strategies that were frequently applied by English teachers in SMPN 1 Jereweh, namely, SQ3R and QAR. By designing a new combination between both of those strategies, students reading comprehension achievement showed that dominantly students’ categorized in “Good “level. The mean score was significantly different (Pre-test= 55.83, while Post-Test= 78.92). In addition, the r = 0.00 < 0.05 meant that there were significant effects before and after implementing SQ3R and QAR strategies. Thus, this design was recommended for teaching reading comprehension


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    ABSTRAK                                                                                     SDN 13 Taliwang merupakan salah satu Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat yang tergolong masih baru, namun usaha sekolah untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sangat tinggi. Hal tersebut terlihat dari implementasi beberapa program ekstrakurikuler sekolah untuk mendukung pengembangan kemampuan siswa dalam bidang akademik dan non aka demik. Salah satu program yang sudah dilaksanakan adalah bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris akan tetapi kegiatan tersebut tidak terlaksana secara optimal dan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa masih sangat kurang. Oleh karena itu, Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi sekolah khususnya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris. PKM ini dilaksanakan dalam beberapa tahapan yaitu pertama mengadakan pre-test untuk mengukur kemampuan awal siswa dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Selanjutnya melaksanakan kegiatan bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris selama enam bulan. Tahapan terakhir yaitu memberikan post-test untuk mengukur peningkatan kemapuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Hasil pre-test menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman kosa kata dan keterampilan berbicara siswadalam Bahasa Inggris masih sangat rendah. Selama proses bimbingan, siswa terlihat sangat termotivasi dan menunjukan pekembangan yang baik dalam memahami kosa kata dan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Hasil post-test menunjukkan keterampilan siswa dalam berbicara dalam B ahasa Inggris meningkat secara signifikan. Kata kunci: Bimbingan bahasa inggris; siswa sekolah dasar. ABSTRACTSDN 13 Taliwang is one of the elementary schools in West Sumbawa Regency which is still relatively new, but the school's effort to improve the quality of education is very high. This can be seen from the implementation of several school extracurricular programs to support the development of students' abilities in academic and non-academic fields. One of the programs that has been implemented is English tutoring, but this activity is not carried out optimally and students' English speaking ability is still lacking. Therefore, this Community Service Program (PKM) was implemented with the aim of providing solutions to problems faced by schools, especially to improve students' ability to speak English. This program was carried out in several stages, firs,conducting a pre-test to measure students' ability in speaking English. Then carry out English tutoring activities for six months. The last stage is giving a post-test to measure the improvement in English speaking ability. The results of the pre-test showed that the students' vocabulary comprehension and speaking skills in English were still very low. During the tutoring process, the students were very motivated and showed good development in understanding vocabulary and speaking English. The results of the post-test showed that the students' speaking skills in English increased significantly. Keywords: English learning tutoring; elementary school students