11 research outputs found

    Flora vascular de açudes de uma região do semi-árido da Bahia, Brasil Pond vascular flora in the semi-arid region of Bahia State, Brazil

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    Foram selecionados seis açudes que margeiam a Estrada do Feijão (BA 052), nos municípios de Feira de Santana e Angüera, entre as coordenadas 39º30'-39º00'W e 12º00'-12º30'S. Com a finalidade de se conhecer a flora vascular dos mesmos, esses tipos de plantas foram coletadas de agosto/1996 a dezembro/1997. Registraram-se 121 espécies distribuídas em 46 famílias. As famílias mais representativas foram: Cyperaceae, com 18 espécies (14,9%), Poaceae, com 13 (10,7%), Asteraceae, com 10 (8,3%), Scrophulariaceae e Fabaceae, com 6 (5,0%). As espécies que ocorreram em todos os açudes foram Pistia stratiotes L. (Araceae), Echinochloa colona (L.) Link (Poaceae), Nymphaea ampla (Salisb.) DC. (Nymphaeaceae) e Oxycarium cubense (Poepp. & Kunth.) Lye (Cyperaceae).Six ponds were studied between August/1996 and December/1997 at the edge of State Highway BA 052, in the municipalities of Feira de Santana and Angüera, 39º30'-39º00'W and 12º00'-12º30'S.With the aim to know their vascular flora, one hundred and twenty-one species of vascular plants were collected, representing 46 families. The most frequent families were: Cyperaceae with 18 species (14.9%), Poaceae with 13 (10.7%), Asteraceae with 10 (8.3%), Scrophulariaceae and Fabaceae with 6 (5.0%). The species which were recorded in all lakes were: Pistia stratiotes L. (Araceae), Echinochloa colona (L.) Link (Poaceae), Nymphaea ampla (Salisb.) DC. (Nymphaeaceae) and Oxycarium cubense (Poepp. & Kunth.) Lye (Cyperaceae)

    Data_Sheet_1_Pan-genomic analysis of Corynebacterium amycolatum gives insights into molecular mechanisms underpinning the transition to a pathogenic phenotype.docx

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    Corynebacterium amycolatum is a nonlipophilic coryneform which is increasingly being recognized as a relevant human and animal pathogen showing multidrug resistance to commonly used antibiotics. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in transition from colonization to the MDR invasive phenotype in clinical isolates. In this study, we performed a comprehensive pan-genomic analysis of C. amycolatum, including 26 isolates from different countries. We obtained the novel genome sequences of 8 of them, which are multidrug resistant clinical isolates from Spain and Tunisia. They were analyzed together with other 18 complete or draft C. amycolatum genomes retrieved from GenBank. The species C. amycolatum presented an open pan-genome (α = 0.854905), with 3,280 gene families, being 1,690 (51.52%) in the core genome, 1,121 related to accessory genes (34.17%), and 469 related to unique genes (14.29%). Although some classic corynebacterial virulence factors are absent in the species C. amycolatum, we did identify genes associated with immune evasion, toxin, and antiphagocytosis among the predicted putative virulence factors. Additionally, we found genomic evidence for extensive acquisition of antimicrobial resistance genes through genomic islands.</p

    Álbum fotográfico: um mapa de cenários discursivos na produção acadêmica brasileira sobre aulas experimentais de Ciências

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