20 research outputs found

    Perancangan Game Flight Simulator N219 yang Dikendalikan dengan Perangkat Smartphone Android melalui Media Wi- Fi

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    Flight simulation games are generally played on a smartphone or desktop computer. But still there is rarely flight simulation game that combines these two devices simultaneously with each other in a game. Software on a desktop computer that was developed in this research is to fly a plane from take off to landing at controlled by android smartphones using the accelerometer and touch sensors. The aircraft used for flight simulation games are made by PT. Digantara Indonesia, N219. The result of this design is only intended as a study course

    Penghilangan Racun Asam Sianida ( Hcn ) dalam Umbi Gadung dengan Menggunakan Bahan Penyerap Abu

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    Gadung constitutes carbohydrate source. But then, gadung also contain poison who can switch off if consumed by overdose. Severally region at Indonesian, gadung is utilized as food of alternative or just is utilized as demulcent food. Besides as source of carbohydrate, gadung also contain calcium, phosphorus and iron substance one stand in good stead in human body. Remembering gadung quality that exists at marketing that stills to contemn, so needs to be studied by method that effisien and results gadung that high-grade. To the effect this research is subject to be know HCN's poison rate that exists in gadung's corm, knowing absorbent material type influence (chaff ash and wood ash) one that is utilized and weight influence of that absorbent material for disappearance to titrate HCN's poison in gadung's corm. Research did by adds absorbent material on surface cut gadung with rolled out. Gadung already being sliced by little – little then added by absorbent material (chaff ash, wood ash, and active carbon) until rolled out goes to all cut surface with variation (5%, 10%,15%) and is set, packaged by calico. Then is pressed and at aging up to 24 hours and afterwards are dried. Soaking in water 15 liters up to 72 hours, then is dried again. Experimental result then analysed by spektrofotometri's quiz tool so known by HCN's poison rate that lost from umbi gadung. Result is that show trial active carbon can't be utilized to absorb HCN'S poison, meanwhile wood ash and chaff ash can be utilized as absorbent material of HCN'S poison on gadung's corm. Chaff ash with composition 5%,10%,15% get to remove HCN as big as 42,08%; 56,57%; 56,58%. Timbered ash with composition 5%,10%,15% can remove HCN'S poisons as big as 27,44%; 56,51%; 63,78%. Optimum absorbent material acquired on absorbent material type that is utilized as ash of wood as big as 15% of heavy gadung's corms, which is poison which gets lost as big as 63,78%

    Struktur Komunitas Biologi di Danau Pondok Lapan, Kabupaten Langkat Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Danau Pondok Lapan (DPL) adalah sebuah danau buatan yang terdapat di Kabupaten Langkat. Danau ini berfungsi sebagai sumber air, irigasi, resapan air tanah bagi masyarakat sekitar, pengendali banjir, dan kegiatan pemancingan ikan. Sampai saat ini data-data tentang danau tersebut sangatlah terbatas. Data-data terkait sumberdaya yang terdapat di danau sangat diperlukan untuk pengelolaan yang lebih tepat. Diantara beberapa data yang dimaksud adalah organisme penyusun danau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kondisi biologis DPL dengan melihat keragaman jenis dan struktur komunitas nekton, benthos dan plankton di perairan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Februari - April 2015. Hasil pencacahan plankton di DPL ditemukan 52 jenis dari 10 kelas. Ada 6 kelas dari kelompok pitoplankton dan 4 kelas dari kelompok zooplankton. Jumlah genus paling banyak ditemukan jenis fitoplankton dan zooplankton masing-masing dari kelas Chlorophyceae berjumlah 18 genus dan dari kelas Cladocera sebesar 5 genus. Nekton yang ditemukan terdapat 2 kelas yaitu Actinopterygii dan Malacostrata.Terdapat 5 Ordo nekton yang ditemukan, yaitu 4 ordo dari jenis ikan dan 1 ordo dari jenis udang. Benthos yang ditemukan hanya 3 jenis dari kelas gastropoda, yaitu Bithynia tentaculata, Pomacea canaliculata dan Campeloma decisum. Struktur komunitas plankton, nekton dan benthos relatif tidak stabil serta ada kecenderungan didominansi oleh jenis tertentu.Pondok Lapan Lake (PLL) is an artificial lake located in Langkat regency. The lake its function as source of water, irrigation, catchment area, flood control, and fishing activities. Until recently data about this lake, are limited. The data related to the resource contained in the lake is very necessary for a more appropriate management. Among some of these data are organisms that inhabit the lake. This research aims to study the biological conditions of PLL to see the diversity and community structure of nekton, benthos and plankton. Sampling was conducted in February - April 2015. PLL enumeration results in the plankton found 52 species of 10 classes. There are 6 classes of groups pitoplankton and 4 classes of zooplankton groups. Nekton found there are 7 types of two classes, namely Actinopterygii and Malacostrata. Benthos found only 3 species of gastropod class, namely Bithynia tentaculata, Pomacea canaliculata and Campeloma decisum. Community structure benthos, nekton and plankton are relatively unstable and there is a trend happening dominance by a particular typ

    Analisis Optimalisasi Pengembangan Sarana Dan Prasarana Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang

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    Tujuan studi penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja dan kapasitas dermaga, kinerja dan kapasitas container yard, dan kapasitas alat yang berada di Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang, yaitu Container Crane (CC), Automatic Rubber Tyred Gantry (ARTG) dan Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG). Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kinerja dermaga adalah Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR), yaitu perbandingan antara waktu penggunaan dermaga dengan waktu yang tersedia yang dinyatakan dalam presentase. Sedangkan kinerja dari container yard dapat dianalisis menggunakan metode Yard Occupancy Ratio (YOR), yaitu nilai yang menunjukan persentase dari terminal yang dimanfaatkan untuk penumpukan peti kemas untuk periode tertentu. Kapasitas dermaga dan container yard dihitung menggunakan persamaan kapasitas dermaga terpasang (KDL) dan persamaan luasan container yard (At). Selain itu metode BTP (Berth Throughput) digunakan dalam studi penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat pemakaian dermaga. Nilai BOR dengan persamaan beberapa tambatan pada tahun 2016 adalah 54,33% dan nilai BOR dengan persamaan tambatan umum 22,87%. Besarnya nilai BTP tahun 2016 adalah 3.696 TEUs/m/tahun dan nilai KDL adalah 1.995.640 TEUs. Jika nilai BTP terpasang dibandingkan dengan nilai BTP terpakai (1.139 TEUs/m/tahun) dan nilai KDL dibandingkan dengan jumlah peti kemas tahun 2016 (615.133 TEUs/tahun), maka disimpulkan pada tahun 2016 TPKS masih mampu melayani kedatangan peti kemas. Luasan kebutuhan Container Yard (CY) dihitung menggunakan persamaan At didapatkan hasil sebesar 17,68 ha. Jika dibandingkan dengan luas terpasang container yard (18,5 ha), maka disimpulkan bahwa container yard TPKS masih mampu melayani penumpukkan peti kemas. Kinerja container yard di TPKS ditunjukkan melalui nilai YOR pada tahun 2015 yaitu sebesar 62,95%, nilai tersebut dipengaruhi oleh dwelling time. Sebaiknya pada studi selanjutnya didasarkan pada kaidah ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Security) dan memperhitungkan tingkat pertumbuhan industri dan angkutan barang

    Study of rhombohedral tricalcium phosphate in hexagonal crystal structure family on the sample prepared by the sol-gel route and the effect of calcination temperature

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    Abstract The effect of the calcination temperature at 800 and 1000 °C on the stable formation of the tricalcium phosphate with rhombohedral structure in the system of the hexagonal crystal family was determined, while its precursor was made from limestone obtained from nature in the Lumajang district, Indonesia. The rhombohedral tricalcium phosphate samples were prepared by sol-gel routine, then examined by several tests, such as, Fourie transform infrared spectroscopy to study the deficiency of -OH, X-ray diffraction test to study the microstructure of the tricalcium phosphate with the rhombohedral structure in a hexagonal crystal system, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry tests to study thermal characteristics, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy to study the surface topography and to obtain the atomic ratio Ca/P ~1.5. Finally, the UV-vis test found the optical energy gap, Eg, from ~5.34 to ~5.41 eV for the sample calcined at 800 °C and Eg ~5.19 to ~5.21 eV at 1000 °C

    Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Tenaga Kerja Formal di Indonesia

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    Even though the informal labour still dominates Indonesia workforce, the trend of formal labour increases each year. BPS data shows that in 2015, the percentage of formal labor reached 42,25 percent. Then it increased to 44,28 percent in 2019. As a capital-intensive sector, formal sector supports economy of Indonesia, because it is relatively safe or less prone to shut down. However, the determination of the global pandemic status on March 11, 2020 due to Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) has hit the world economy, including Indonesia. To suppress the spread of Covid-19, people are asked to work, study, or pray from home. This causes many companies suffer losses and even close their businesses, thus impacting workers. Based on data from the Ministry of Manpower 13 April 2020 as many as 1.2 million formal labour have been furloughed and 212.4 thousand have been laid off. This study aims to observe the trends of formal labour in Indonesia and the impact of Covid-19 on formal labour in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data obtained from various sources which are analyzed descriptively

    Potensi Biji Labu Kuning sebagai Agen Fitoestrogen pada Wanita Post Menstrual

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    Osteoporosis and hypercholesterolemia are prevalent condition in menopausal women. The common therapy to prevent the estrogen degrading condition is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). However, HRT possessed various risks. Curcubita pepo L. seed (pumpkin seed) contains lignan secoisolariciresinol and lariciresinol which exhibit estrogenic effect. The aim of this study is to determine the estrogenic effect of Ethanolic Extract of Pumpkin Seeds (EEPS) through in silico and in vivo study. In silico study were conducted by molecular docking of lignan which is secoisolariciresinol and lariciresinol with Estrogen Receptor (ERα and Erβ). In vivo study conducted by using ovariectomized Sprague dawley female rats as a model of postmenopausal women. Blood lipid profile, bone density, and uterine weight were assayed after thirty days. Molecular docking score of secoisolariciresinol and lariciresinol were similar to estradiol. In vivo study found that EEPS increase bone density and uterine weight percentage while also improve the blood profile. In conclusion, these result showed that EEPS is potential to be developed as an osteoporosis and hypercholesterolemia prevention agent

    Struktur komunitas biologi di Danau Pondok Lapan, Kabupaten Langkat Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Danau Pondok Lapan (DPL) adalah sebuah danau buatan yang terdapat di Kabupaten Langkat. Danau ini berfungsi sebagai sumber air, irigasi, resapan air tanah bagi masyarakat sekitar, pengendali banjir, dan kegiatan pemancingan ikan. Sampai saat ini data-data tentang danau tersebut sangatlah terbatas. Data-data terkait sumberdaya yang terdapat di danau sangat diperlukan untuk pengelolaan yang lebih tepat. Diantara beberapa data yang dimaksud adalah organisme penyusun danau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kondisi biologis DPL dengan melihat keragaman jenis dan struktur komunitas nekton, benthos dan plankton di perairan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Februari - April 2015. Hasil pencacahan plankton di DPL ditemukan 52 jenis dari 10 kelas. Ada 6 kelas dari kelompok pitoplankton dan 4 kelas dari kelompok zooplankton. Jumlah genus paling banyak ditemukan jenis fitoplankton dan zooplankton masing-masing dari kelas Chlorophyceae berjumlah 18 genus dan dari kelas Cladocera sebesar 5 genus. Nekton yang ditemukan terdapat 2 kelas yaitu Actinopterygii dan Malacostrata.Terdapat 5 Ordo nekton yang ditemukan, yaitu 4 ordo dari jenis ikan dan 1 ordo dari jenis udang. Benthos yang ditemukan hanya 3 jenis dari kelas gastropoda, yaitu Bithynia tentaculata, Pomacea canaliculata dan Campeloma decisum. Struktur komunitas plankton, nekton dan benthos relatif tidak stabil serta ada kecenderungan didominansi oleh jenis tertentu.Pondok Lapan Lake (PLL) is an artificial lake located in Langkat regency. The lake its function as source of water, irrigation, catchment area, flood control, and fishing activities. Until recently data about this lake, are limited. The data related to the resource contained in the lake is very necessary for a more appropriate management. Among some of these data are organisms that inhabit the lake. This research aims to study the biological conditions of PLL to see the diversity and community structure of nekton, benthos and plankton. Sampling was conducted in February - April 2015. PLL enumeration results in the plankton found 52 species of 10 classes. There are 6 classes of groups pitoplankton and 4 classes of zooplankton groups. Nekton found there are 7 types of two classes, namely Actinopterygii and Malacostrata. Benthos found only 3 species of gastropod class, namely Bithynia tentaculata, Pomacea canaliculata and Campeloma decisum. Community structure benthos, nekton and plankton are relatively unstable and there is a trend happening dominance by a particular typ