32 research outputs found

    High-resolution Quaternary record of marine organic carbon content in the hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea from bromine counts measured by XRF core scanner

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    Abstract The marine organic carbon content in sediments is a useful tool for reconstructing past productivity in the ocean. Bromine has been proposed as a useful proxy for marine organic carbon, since bromine is more concentrated in marine organic matter compared to terrestrial organic matter. Here, we present a high-resolution Quaternary record of marine organic carbon in the hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea obtained during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 346. We measured the bromine content in the sediments using an XRF core scanner (ITRAX). The total organic carbon content, total nitrogen, and stable carbon isotope values were also measured for discrete samples from the same sediments. The total organic carbon/total nitrogen ratio and the stable carbon isotope ratio of the total organic carbon are used to estimate the marine organic carbon content within the total organic carbon. The Br counts and marine organic carbon content show a high correlation, which we used to construct a calibration equation of the marine organic carbon content from the Br counts. Using the calibration equation, we reconstructed the changes in the marine organic carbon content during the Quaternary with a time resolution of ~ 50 years using sediment cores from IODP Site U1424 in the east central Japan Sea. The method to estimate the marine organic carbon content from the Br counts measured by the XRF core scanner proposed in this paper will be a useful tool to reconstruct the organic carbon content with high resolution and high speed

    Selected Chapters on Baseball History in the World and the Czech Republic

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    Vybrané kapitoly z historie baseballu ve světě a ČR Selected chapters from baseball history in the world and the Czech Republic Cíl práce: Zpracovat prapočátky baseballu a vyřešit otázku původu baseballu, zmínit nejvýznamnější momenty ve světové historii baseballu, analyzovat historii a současnou situaci baseballu v ČR a navrhnout možnosti zlepšení situace v Česku. Metoda: Pro zpracování základních informací z historie baseballu byla v největším rozsahu použita metoda přímá, induktivní a deduktivní. Dále pak bylo použito metody diachronní progresivní, kvantitativní a komparativní. Výsledky: Mohou pomoci seznámit se s baseballovým odvětvím, blíže pak s jeho celosvětovým vývojem. Klíčová slova: Baseball, Major league baseball, American league, Nationalleague, liga, tým, hráč, USA. V Praze, dne 31. srpna 2006. 1KinantropologieFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Construction of perfectly continuous records of physical properties for dark-light sediment sequences collected from the Japan Sea during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 346 and their potential utilities as paleoceanographic studies

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    Abstract Establishment of sedimentary sequence is essential for the interpretation of the sedimentary records. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition (Exp.) 346 drilled high-quality sediment archives with more than three holes each at nine sites that enable us to establish continuous sedimentary sequences through splicing technique. After extensive efforts to replace the disturbed, missed, or duplicated intervals found in spliced sediment sequences constructed onboard during IODP Exp. 346 to the corresponding undisturbed intervals, nearly perfectly continuous sediment columns and physical property records for the Pleistocene intervals of Sites U1422-U1427 and U1430 collected from the Japan Sea have been established. Same kind of efforts to correct the shipboard splices were also achieved for Plio-Miocene intervals at Sites U1425 and U1430. The continuous records established for these sites will allow a much more detailed understanding of the long-term variability in East Asian paleoclimate and North Pacific oceanography

    Additional file 4: of Construction of perfectly continuous records of physical properties for dark-light sediment sequences collected from the Japan Sea during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 346 and their potential utilities as paleoceanographic studies

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    Figure S4. Graphic representations of inter-hole correlations for IODP Exp. 346 Sites U1425. Originally spliced intervals are indicated by blue lines next to core photographs. Disturbed or missing intervals found during visual inspection are indicated by blue broken lines. These disturbed or missing intervals were amended by the corresponding undisturbed “patch” intervals indicated by pink lines. (PDF 8638 kb

    Multicultural upbringing and education of Czech and Vietnamese pupils

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    Tato práce si klade za cíl zmapovat stav multikulturní výchovy a vzdělávání na vybraných pražských školách. K tomuto zjišťování byla použita metoda dotazníkového šetření. Z výzkumu vyplynulo, že zkoumané školy mají o problematice multikulturní výchovy a vzdělávání poměrně jasnou představu, problém však nastává při financování jednotlivých aktivit. Tato práce má zároveň sloužit jako přehledný zdroj informací pro české pedagogy, kde naleznou podrobné informace o Vietnamu, jeho historii, kultuře a tradicích. Dále nabízí možnost seznámit se s vietnamským jazykem, výslovností a vietnamskými jmény. V závěru teoretické části jsou uvedeny vybrané odkazy na webové stránky, které se zabývají právě multikulturalitou. Jak multikulturní výchovu a vzdělávání převést do praktické roviny naznačuje zpracované strukturované drama dle námětu vietnamských pohádek. V závěru práce jsou nastíněny další možnosti využití přítomnosti žáků jiné kultury ve třídě. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)The scope of this document is to find out an actual situation and presence of the multicultural education at selected Prague's elementary schools. A methodology of Questionnaire's research has been used for acquiring of the data. The research's result stated out clear vision of a need multicultural education but also were discovered economical problems during financing particulars activities. The document might to help to the Czech teachers as the overview and data's resource of the information of about Vietnam, Vietnamese culture, history and traditions. The document is divided to four parts (introduction, theoretical and practical part, conclusion); on the end of the theoretical part is a list of the web pages referring about multiculturahty. One chapter is dedicated to Vietnamese language, pronunciation and names. A possible way how to transfer multicultural education from the theoretical level to practice is presented by structured drama based on Vietnamese tale stories. On the end are described another options to take in classroom's presence of pupils from different cultures. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Katedra primární pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Additional file 3: of Construction of perfectly continuous records of physical properties for dark-light sediment sequences collected from the Japan Sea during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 346 and their potential utilities as paleoceanographic studies

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    Figure S3. Graphic representations of inter-hole correlations for IODP Exp. 346 Sites U1424. Originally spliced intervals are indicated by blue lines next to core photographs. Disturbed or missing intervals found during visual inspection are indicated by blue broken lines. These disturbed or missing intervals were amended by the corresponding undisturbed “patch” intervals indicated by pink lines. (PDF 1806 kb