4 research outputs found


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    Pentingnya peran dosen dalam fungsinya sebagai pendidik dan tenaga profesional membuat kajian produktivitas dosen menarik untuk diteliti. Peran dosen sebagai pagawai/aparatur sipil negara, juga sebagai tenaga profesional membuat kinerja keduanya harus sinergis, sehingga produktivitas dosen terjaga dan sasaran pendidikan tercapai dengan optimal. Untuk itulah peneliti melakukan penelitian tersebut dengan judul : Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja, Disiplin Kerja, Diklat, dan Komunikasi Organisasi terhadap Produktivitas Dosen di Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengkaji pengaruh variabel-variabel tersebut sehingga dapat menganalisa penurunan produktivitas di Polman Bandung sekaligus dapat mengembangkan variabel yang berpengaruh lainnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data baik dari kuisioner, studi dokumen, serta observasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik asosiatif dengan analisis jalur model dekomposisi. Hasilnya semua variabel berpengaruh signifikan, namun pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap produktivitasnya tersebut ditinjau dari unsur umur, jenis kelamin, dan tingkat pendidikan tidak signifikan. Selain unsur variabel tersebut ada variabel yang mempengaruhi cukup besar yaitu faktor kepemimpinan dan penghargaan terhadap kinerja dosen. Dari hasil temuan penelitian ini rekomendasi yang diberikan adalah produktivitas dosen dipengaruhi kuat oleh variabel-variabel tersebut namun demikian akan tercapai jika dosen melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi yang dibebankan kepadanya baik sebagai pegawai negeri sipil maupun sebagai tenaga profesional pendidik. ; The importance of the role of lecturers in their function as educators and professionals make the study of lecturer productivity interesting to study. Lecturer role as staff members / civilian state apparatus, as well as professionals to make the performance of both should be synergistic, so that the productivity of lecturer awake and educational goals achieved optimally. For this reason the researchers conducted the study with the title: Influence of Work Motivation, Work Discipline, Education and Training and Organizational Communication on lecturer Productivity at Bandung State Polytechnic for Manufacturing. This study is expected to examine the influence of these variables in order to analyze the productivity decline in Polman Bandung as well as to develop other influential variables. The method used is quantitative, with good data collection techniques from the questionnaires, the study documents, as well as observation. While the technique of analysis using descriptive statistics and associative statistics analysis with decomposition mode path analysis. The result of all the variables have a significant effect, but the effect of independent variables on the productivity in terms of the element of age, gender, and education level were not significant. In addition to these variables there is a variable element that affects large enough that the factors of leadership and respect for the performance of lecturers. From the findings of this research is the recommendation given lecturer productivity is strongly influenced by these variables nevertheless be achieved if the lecturers carry out the duties and functions assigned to him either as civil servants as well as professional educators

    Dukungan Pengembangan Agrowisata di Kampung Cibuluh Desa Pulosari Pangalengan dengan Pemasangan Peta Wisata dan Penerangan Jalan

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    Pariwisata di suatu daerah merupakan salah satu penggerak ekonomi. Situ Cileunca merupakan suatu danau di daerah Pangalengan yang dikenal sebagai tempat wisata. Ditegah danau tersebut terdapat sebuah kampung yang disebut Kampung Cibuluh. Sebagai tempat wisata, Kampung Cibuluh memiliki keterbatasan fasilitas berupa penerangan dan peta informasi lokasi wisata. Melalui kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) dalam mengambil peran tridarma perguruan tinggi yaitu pengabdian pada masyarakat, Mahasiswa Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung melakukan rencana pembuatan alat untuk menerangi jalan umum dan peta lokasi berupa sign system di sekitar kampung Cibuluh. Dilakukan analisis berdasarkan survei terhadap alat penerangan jalan secara umum dan penunjuk lokasi, lalu hasilnya dibuat desain rancangan dari kedua alat yang akan dibuat. Setelah itu dilakukan pembuatan dan pemasangan kedua alat tersebut. Setelah dilakukan uji coba, baik penerangan jalan maupun peta lokasi wisata dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Akhirnya penerangan jalan dan peta lokasi berupa sign system di Kampung Cibuluh Situ Cileunca Pangalengan dapat dipasang dan dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat maupun wisatawan di sekitar Situ Cileunca, Desa Cibuluh

    Design and building motion capture system using transducer Microsoft kinect to control robot humanoid

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    Currently the development of robots has reached a high level of complexity. However, it is also accompanied by increasing complexity problems in its control. Some control with the image processing method also requires competent operators, at least memorize each command used. Therefore, to reduce the complexity in its control, in this research robot control, especially humanoid robot is made using motion capture method. Motion capture is a control technique using a camera transducer in the form of Microsoft Kinect, to obtain the coordinate skeleton of the joint user. Furthermore the data is processed in Visual Studio software to obtain the angular information that will be formed by the robot. So that the robot can perform the same movement with the user. The information is transmitted wirelessly to the microcontroller contained on the robot in real-time. The results of research showed that the system can translate the user's movement into information movement of humanoid robot. With an average skeleton vector detection error of 1.69 cm, an average response time of 1.3 seconds and an absolute error average position of the end effector on the x axis of 3.2 cm and on the y-axis of 1.28 cm

    Design and building motion capture system using transducer Microsoft kinect to control robot humanoid

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    Currently the development of robots has reached a high level of complexity. However, it is also accompanied by increasing complexity problems in its control. Some control with the image processing method also requires competent operators, at least memorize each command used. Therefore, to reduce the complexity in its control, in this research robot control, especially humanoid robot is made using motion capture method. Motion capture is a control technique using a camera transducer in the form of Microsoft Kinect, to obtain the coordinate skeleton of the joint user. Furthermore the data is processed in Visual Studio software to obtain the angular information that will be formed by the robot. So that the robot can perform the same movement with the user. The information is transmitted wirelessly to the microcontroller contained on the robot in real-time. The results of research showed that the system can translate the user's movement into information movement of humanoid robot. With an average skeleton vector detection error of 1.69 cm, an average response time of 1.3 seconds and an absolute error average position of the end effector on the x axis of 3.2 cm and on the y-axis of 1.28 cm