13 research outputs found

    Efektivitas E-Procurement Dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa (Studi Terhadap Penerapan E-Procurement Dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Di Kabupaten Bojonegoro)

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    : The Effectiveness of E-Procurement on Supplying Services/Goods (A Case Study of E-Procurement Application of Supplying Services/Goods in Bojonegoro). This study is based on the aim of its, that is to understand and to analyze how far the gaining goals of e-procurement application in supplying services/goods in Bojonegoro. In this study, the writer used qualitative approach by using descriptive methodology. The result of this study revealed that e-procurement application in supplying services/goods was less and had not gained the goals yet. The result supported by decreasing of the perfect effort competition. It was found the indication of skullduggery and causing less of the effectiveness in the implementation of e-procurement system in Bojonegoro. Thus, to minimize its indication, it should have intensive monitoring from the society and self-supporting institution like ICW (Indonesia Corruption Watch), so that the goals of e-procurement system works well

    Evaluasi Kinerja Pelayanan Dinas Perhubungan Dalam Bidang Angkutan Umum Perkotaan (Studi Pada Dinas Perhubungan Kota Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur)

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    Human activities are accompanied by the movement and displacement of the place, so as to make the shift takes place far enough a transport. Transport (urban public transport) largely determine the development of an area, can facilitate the movement of human induced, goods, services and information. This study aims to describe the services to be run by urban public transport for the better. Research methods used in this research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. The results showed that the performance of the Department of transportation services in the field of public transport can be said to have been carried out in accordance with the applicable rules. The problem that arises is the only elementary are still able to be overcome through a sustainable approach undertaken by the Department of transportation by taking action against the officers who are in the service of transportation of Malang and the minibus driver were in the city of Malang

    The Influence of Distribution Cost and Promotion Cost to Sales Volume of Candy Tolak Angin in PT Muncul Mekar Semarang

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    This study about the influence of distribution cost and promotion cost to sales volume of candy tolak angin in PT Muncul Mekar Semarang. Companies often experience fluctuations in sales volumes of candy tolak angin. Issues to be discussed is how the promotion cost influence to sales volume, how the distribution cost influence to sales volume as well as how the influence of promotion costs and distribution costs to sales volume. While the purpose of this study is to determine the influence of promotion costs to sales volume, the influence of distribution costs to sales volume and the influence of promotion costs and distribution costs to sales volume. The type of this study is explanatory research that is explained and research the influence of existing variables. The data used is data in period of 2006 to 2011. To get it is used interview techniques to related parties. From the statistical calculations using simple regression analysis was known promotion costs to sales volume Y= 5222,9 + 0,0000193 X1, distribution costs to sales volume Y = 5638,8+ 0,00007478 X2. Through the multiple regression analysis between the cost of promotion and distribution costs to sales volume Y = 5044,6+ 0,0000195 X1 + 0,0000904 X2. By using the F test is known that the value of F count is 18.2 greater than F table (df1 = k= 2 and df2 = n-k-1=72-2-1 = 69) so F table is 3.13. And obtained the values ​​of significance (P value) is 0.001. Since the value of P value less than 0.05 it means Ha is accepted and Ho rejected, so it can be concluded that the promotion costs and distribution costs together may influence sales volume. While the dominant influence is given by the promotion costs. The conclusion is that the promotion costs used to support promotional activities are appropriate because the promotion is interesting

    Inventarisasi Jenis Arthropoda dan Echinodermata di Zona Pasang Surut Tipe Substrat Berbatu Pantai Gatra Kabupaten Malang

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    Gatra beach is one of the ecotourism beach in Malang that have tidal zones with stone predominant substrate. Rocky substrate is the most crowded area makroorganismenya. Arthropods and Echinoderms have an important role in terms of food sources and ecologically. Given the lack of reporting types of Arthropods and Echinoderms in tidal zones Gatra Beach, the inventory of research done in this area. The aim of this study is inventory Arthropoda and Echinodermata. Results of this research is, overall found 14 species, 13 genera and 11 families of the phylum Arthropoda and Echinodermata.Pantai Gatra merupakan salah satu ekowisata pantai di Kabupaten Malang yang memiliki zona pasang surut dengan substrat dominan batu. Substrat berbatu merupakan daerah yang paling padat makroorganismenya. Arthropoda dan Echinodermata mempunyai peranan penting dari segi sumber makanan maupun ekologi. Mengingat belum adanya pelaporan jenis Arthropoda dan Echinodermata di zona pasang surut Pantai Gatra, maka dilakukan penelitian inventarisasi di daerah ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah invetarisasi jenis Arthropoda dan Echinodermata. Hasil penelitian tentang inventarisasi jenis Arthropoda dan Echinodermata di zona pasang surut pantai Gatra Kabupaten Malang, secara keseluruhan ditemukan 14 jenis, 13 genus, dan 11 famili dari filum Arthropoda dan Echinodermata

    A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    Deep learning algorithms, in particular convolutional networks, have rapidly become a methodology of choice for analyzing medical images. This paper reviews the major deep learning concepts pertinent to medical image analysis and summarizes over 300 contributions to the field, most of which appeared in the last year. We survey the use of deep learning for image classification, object detection, segmentation, registration, and other tasks and provide concise overviews of studies per application area. Open challenges and directions for future research are discussed.Comment: Revised survey includes expanded discussion section and reworked introductory section on common deep architectures. Added missed papers from before Feb 1st 201

    Validation, comparison, and combination of algorithms for automatic detection of pulmonary nodules in computed tomography images: The LUNA16 challenge

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    Automatic detection of pulmonary nodules in thoracic computed tomography (CT) scans has been an active area of research for the last two decades. However, there have only been few studies that provide a comparative performance evaluation of different systems on a common database. We have therefore set up the LUNA16 challenge, an objective evaluation framework for automatic nodule detection algorithms using the largest publicly available reference database of chest CT scans, the LIDC-IDRI data set. In LUNA16, participants develop their algorithm and upload their predictions on 888 CT scans in one of the two tracks: 1) the complete nodule detection track where a complete CAD system should be developed, or 2) the false positive reduction track where a provided set of nodule candidates should be classified. This paper describes the setup of LUNA16 and presents the results of the challenge so far. Moreover, the impact of combining individual systems on the detection performance was also investigated. It was observed that the leading solutions employed convolutional networks and used the provided set of nodule candidates. The combination of these solutions achieved an excellent sensitivity of over 95% at fewer than 1.0 false positives per scan. This highlights the potential of combining algorithms to improve the detection performance. Our observer study with four expert readers has shown that the best system detects nodules that were missed by expert readers who originally annotated the LIDC-IDRI data. We released this set of additional nodules for further development of CAD systems

    Exchange Rate Pass-through Terhadap Harga Barang Ekspor, Studi Kasus Di Indonesia.

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    This study focuses on the relationship between the exchange rate and export performance, using Indonesian data. Although many studies have been undertaken on this topic, only a few have been devoted to developing countries. Studies of exchange rate passthrough (ERPT), especially for small open economies, show that incomplete pass-through is the most common result of the relationship between export prices and the exchange rate. Johansen's co-integration test was used to determine the long-run relationship between the variables tested. Where we could not perform the Johansen co-integration test because we had one stationaty variable, the ARDL (autoregressive distributed lag) approach to co-integration testing, as proposed by Pesaran and Shin, was used. The study shows that most of the Indonesian export commodities tested are price taker commodities. The ERPT of groups of commodities showed no long-run equilibrium relationship (or no co-integration) for the group of labour intensive goods (LBINT) and the group of resource base intensive good (RBASE). Although it was found that there was co-integration for the mining (MINING) and high technology intensive goods (HTECH) groups of commodities, the ERPT coefficients for these variables were not statistically significant at the 5% level. At the commodity level the study indicated that, except for palm oil and kayu gergajian, the Indonesian export commodities tested had relatively weak market power; in other words, Indonesia is a price taker in the world market for most of its export commodities

    Relationship Between Characteristics of Marine Debris and Impact to Coral Reef

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    HighlightMarine debris can be as a treat for coral reefBranching coral is the most affected by marine debrisPlastic marine debris commonly found in all research location, especially from fisheries and daily activityAbstractA coral reef is one of the important ecosystems, however, the existence of coral reef is threatened. Several factors can be a threat to the coral reef, such as marine debris. Research about marine debris on coral reefs in Indonesia has not much been done. This research aims to identify marine debris that is found and impacted, to identify the impacts caused, and to identify the life forms most susceptible to being affected. This research was conducted in Kelapa Island, Kelapa Dua Island, and Harapan Island by using the Belt Transect method sized 20 x 4 m2 with four repetitions at each station to determine coral reef life form, and type of marine debris. The data was analyzed by using the Correspondence Analysis (CA) to determine the correlation of marine debris and the affected life forms of coral reefs. The result showed the plastic marine debris was found in all stations. Six life forms were affected by marine debris, and the most susceptible life forms that affected were massive and branching. The most dominant impact category on coral reefs was tissue loss with algal growth (TLAG)