9 research outputs found

    The Use of A Small Molecule To Improve The Thermostability Of DNA Junctions

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    The short-term goal of this research project is to employ small molecules as a means to stabilize four-way DNA junctions (4WJs) composed of natural DNA and chimeric nucleic acids. The long-term goal of the project is utilizing the 4WJs as extracellular therapeutic inhibitors of DNA binding proteins [i.e. Histones and High Mobility Group Protein B (HMGB1b)]. A number of studies have shown that classical intracellular DNA-binding proteins have a variety of deleterious side-effects when present in the extracellular milieu. In order to develop a successful 4WJ therapeutic, we are focused on using modified nucleic acids to enhance the stability of the resulting 4WJ. The nucleic acid of interest is PNA (peptide nucleic acid). PNA was selected because it is known to form DNA-PNA duplex/triplex structures with elevated thermo- and nuclease stability. 4WJs are prepared using fluorescently labeled DNA strands and a single PNA strand. Small molecules are currently being investigated as tools to potentially link the PNA-DNA strands to form 4WJs composed of multiple PNA strands. One molecule of interest is [Ru(bpy)2(dpp)PtCl2]Cl2. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) have shown that stable 4WJs form in the presence of this molecule. The junctions were visualized using polyacrylamide gels. Circular dichroism studies will be employed to characterize the structural properties of hybrid of interest. Once a stable 4WJ structure is identified, the hybrid was used to study binding and inhibition of HMGB1 in cell-based assays

    Supporting Data for the Characterization of PNA-DNA Four-Way Junctions

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    Holliday or DNA four-way junctions (4WJs) are cruciform/bent structures composed of four DNA duplexes. 4WJs are key intermediates in homologous genetic recombination and double-strand break repair. To investigate 4WJs in vitro, junctions are assembled using four asymmetric DNA strands. The presence of four asymmetric strands about the junction branch point eliminates branch migration, and effectively immobilizes the resulting 4WJ. The purpose of these experiments is to show that immobile 4WJs composed of DNA and peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) can be distinguished from contaminating labile nucleic acid structures. These data compare the electrophoretic mobility of hybrid PNA–DNA junctions vs. i) a classic immobile DNA 4WJ, J1 and ii) contaminating nucleic acid structures

    Structural basis for tunable control of actin dynamics by myosin-15 in mechanosensory stereocilia

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    The motor protein myosin-15 is necessary for the development and maintenance of mechanosensory stereocilia, and mutations in myosin-15 cause hereditary deafness. In addition to transporting actin regulatory machinery to stereocilia tips, myosin-15 directly nucleates actin filament (“F-actin”) assembly, which is disrupted by a progressive hearing loss mutation (p.D1647G, “jordan”). Here, we present cryo–electron microscopy structures of myosin-15 bound to F-actin, providing a framework for interpreting the impacts of deafness mutations on motor activity and actin nucleation. Rigor myosin-15 evokes conformational changes in F-actin yet maintains flexibility in actin’s D-loop, which mediates inter-subunit contacts, while the jordan mutant locks the D-loop in a single conformation. Adenosine diphosphate–bound myosin-15 also locks the D-loop, which correspondingly blunts actin-polymerization stimulation. We propose myosin-15 enhances polymerization by bridging actin protomers, regulating nucleation efficiency by modulating actin’s structural plasticity in a myosin nucleotide state–dependent manner. This tunable regulation of actin polymerization could be harnessed to precisely control stereocilium height

    Characterization of the Structural and Protein Recognition Properties of Hybrid PNA-DNA Four-Way Junctions

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the structure and protein recognition properties of hybrid four-way junctions (4WJs) composed of DNA and peptide nucleic acid (PNA) strands. We compare a classic immobile DNA junction, J1, vs. six PNA–DNA junctions, including a number with blunt DNA ends and multiple PNA strands. Circular dichroism (CD) analysis reveals that hybrid 4WJs are composed of helices that possess structures intermediate between A- and B-form DNA, the apparent level of A-form structure correlates with the PNA content. The structure of hybrids that contain one PNA strand is sensitive to Mg+2. For these constructs, the apparent B-form structure and conformational stability (Tm) increase in high Mg+2. The blunt-ended junction, b4WJ-PNA3, possesses the highest B-form CD signals and Tm (40.1 °C) values vs. all hybrids and J1. Protein recognition studies are carried out using the recombinant DNA-binding protein, HMGB1b. HMGB1b binds the blunt ended single-PNA hybrids, b4WJ-PNA1 and b4WJ-PNA3, with high affinity. HMGB1b binds the multi-PNA hybrids, 4WJ-PNA1,3 and b4WJ-PNA1,3, but does not form stable protein-nucleic acid complexes. Protein interactions with hybrid 4WJs are influenced by the ratio of A- to B-form helices: hybrids with helices composed of higher levels of B-form structure preferentially associate with HMGB1b

    Supporting data for the characterization of PNA–DNA four-way junctions

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    Holliday or DNA four-way junctions (4WJs) are cruciform/bent structures composed of four DNA duplexes. 4WJs are key intermediates in homologous genetic recombination and double-strand break repair. To investigate 4WJs in vitro, junctions are assembled using four asymmetric DNA strands. The presence of four asymmetric strands about the junction branch point eliminates branch migration, and effectively immobilizes the resulting 4WJ. The purpose of these experiments is to show that immobile 4WJs composed of DNA and peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) can be distinguished from contaminating labile nucleic acid structures. These data compare the electrophoretic mobility of hybrid PNA–DNA junctions vs. i) a classic immobile DNA 4WJ, J1 and ii) contaminating nucleic acid structures