428 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modul Scan Tool Launch X431 Master Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Praktik Motor Bensindi Jurusan Teknik Mesin Ft Unesa

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    Praktik Motor Bensin merupakan salah satu dari beberapa praktik di Jurusan Teknik Mesin FT UNESA yang berbobot 3 sks. Nilai Mahasiswa tahun ajaran 2013/2014 menunjukan nilai B+ (13,92%), B (7,59%), B– (5,06%), C+ (5,06%), C (0%), D (1,26%), dan E (6,32%). Menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa masih banyak yang belum mendapatkan nilai maksimal yaitu nilai A. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran perlu adanya pengembangan modul scan tool Launch X431 Master. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan modul pada mata kuliah Praktik Motor Bensin. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Prodi S-1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin-Otomotif FT UNESA yang memprogram mata kuliah Praktik Motor Bensin pada semester gasal tahun ajaran 2014/2015 dengan jumlah 30 mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan (development research) yang menggunakan model pengembangan Peter Fenrich. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi modul, lembar angket respon dosen, dan lembar angket respon mahasiswa. Analisis data dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah modul pembelajaran scan tool Launch X431 Master mendapatkan hasil validitas dari dosen ahli sebesar 3,98 dengan kategori cukup valid pada validasi tahap 1 dan validasi tahap 2 mendapatkan skor sebesar 4,35 dengan kategori valid. Respon dosen sebesar 82,95% dikategorikan sangat baik. Sedangkan respon mahasiswa sebesar 81,33% juga dikategorikan sangat baik

    Konstruksi Makna Bagi Wanita Pengguna Vape di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Woman consider themselves the same as men, where they are adept at using vape. The development of the trend gives curiosity as well as the aroma generated from the liquid or steam provides a sense of enjoyment in terms of vape taste is very different from conventional cigarettes generally. The study aims to determine the motives of female users of vape, the meaning of female users of vape and experience communication woman users vape.This research using phenomenology approach and taking informant using snowball technique with key informant. This study has 5 informant. With data collection techniques such as observation, interview adn documentation. While for the technique of examination of data validity, writer use technique of extension of participation. The data obtained are then processed for reduction, presented until a general conclusion is produced.The result of this study show that 1The motive of women vape users divided into two motives because (because motive) the sense of comfort and environmentally friendly, while the motive for (in order to motive) the sense of desire to quit smoking and the growth of confidence. 2The meaning of female users of vape that is as an upper middle class cigarette, reduce the number of early smokers (under age), reduce smoking addicts (quit smoking), various flavours (aroma) and various forms of vape and cigarettes hits (kekinian). 3The experience of woman communication vape users divided into two pleasant communication experience where a new friend, exclamation and race to form the creation of the vape steam, and upleasant communication experience that is considered naughty girl. Naughty girl here can be interpreted as a person who can not be arranged to do as he pleased only, doing according to his will. And has no moral and ethical and is considered cynical (worth hating). Have no moral can be interpreated as people who have no religious value (less), are often considered like a child\u27s night because the habit is only done people who are far from religion

    Public Perception on Historical Landscape of Ethnic Immigrant Heritage in Heritage City of Baubau

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    As a one of the heritage cities in Indonesia, Baubau has many historical heritages which are not only created by local ethnics but also by immigrants. There are three historical landscapes created by the immigrants like China Town by Chinese, Waliabuku by Bugisnese, and Ngkaring-Ngkaring by Balinese. Until now, proper management to preserve the landscapes does not exist and it remains unknown whether this phenomenon is caused by the public perception who think that historical landscapes of immigrants as an unimportant heritage. The objective of this study is to investigate the public perception of historical landscapes that are created by immigrant in Baubau city as an heritage city in Indonesia. The results of survey show that the public regard all historical landscapes must be preserved. However, the landscapes created by the ethnic of Chinese have the lowest degree of public selection as compared to the ethnics of Bali and Bugis. The situation is triggered by the stereotype on the ethnic of Chinese which state that they tend to be more closed and reserved. Sebagai salah satu kota pusaka di Indonesia, Baubau memiliki banyak peninggalan sejarah bukan hanya yang dibentuk oleh etnis lokal, tetapi juga oleh etnis pendatang. Setidaknya terdapat tiga lanskap sejarah yang dibentuk oleh etnis pendatang yaitu lanskap pecinan oleh etnis Tionghoa, lanskap Waliabuku oleh etnis Bugis, dan lanskap Ngkaring-Ngkaring oleh etnis Bali. Sampai saat ini belum ada pengelolaan untuk melestarikan ketiga lanskap tersebut dan belum diketahui apakah fenomena ini dipengaruhi oleh persepsi masyarakat yang merasa lanskap peninggalan etnis pendatang tidaklah penting? Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji persepsi masyarakat terhadap lanskap sejarah peninggalan etnis pendatang sebagai aset pusaka Kota Baubau sebagai kota pusaka Indonesia. Hasil yang diperoleh dari survei yang dilakukan, masyarakat umumnya menganggap seluruh lanskap sejarah harus dilestarikan tidak memandang apakah dibentuk oleh etnis lokal atau pendatang. Meskipun demikian, lanskap yang dibentuk oleh etnis Tionghoa memiliki derajat pemilihan paling rendah dari lanskap yang dibentuk etnis Bali dan Bugis. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya stereotip akibat karakter etnis Tionghoa yang dianggap masyarakat cenderung tertutup di Kota Baubau

    Pengaruh Nilai Abrasi Agregat terhadap Karakteristik Beton Aspal

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    Unsur terbesar penyusun campuran beton aspal adalah agregat, sehingga kualitas campuranbeton aspal sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas agregat penyusunnya. Salah satu indikator kekuatanagregat adalah nilai abrasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh nilai abrasiagregat terhadap karakteristik campuran beton aspal. Variasi nilai abrasi yang digunakan yaitu16,41%, 20,44%, 25,71%, 28,57% dan 35,86%. Diketahui bahwa semakin besar nilai abrasi agregatmaka stabilitas campuran semakin menurun. Nilai stabilitas tertinggi sebesar 1787,477 kgdiperoleh pada nilai abrasi 20,44%. Rentang nilai abrasi yang memenuhi seluruh parameterkarakteristik campuran beton aspal (VMA, VIM, VFB, Flow, Kepadatan, MQ dan Stabilitas) yaituantara 7,592% dan 64,98

    Integrating an agent-based model of malaria mosquitoes with a geographic information system

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    Agent-based models (ABMs) are used to model infectious diseases and disease-transmitting vectors. Malaria is a deadly infectious disease in humans, transmitted by Anopheles mosquito vectors. Although geographic information system (GIS) has been used before with ABMs, no ABM-based malaria study showed the usage of custom-built spatial outputs integrated within a modeling framework. In this paper, we show how to effectively integrate a malaria ABM with GIS-based, spatially derived parameters. For a specific study area, we process GIS data layers, create hypothetical scenarios, produce maps, and analyze biological insights. Results indicate that availability of resources and relative distances between them are crucial determinants for malaria transmission. The maps also reveal potential hotspots for the measured variables. We argue that such integrated approaches, which combine knowledge from entomological, epidemiological, simulation-based, and geo-spatial domains, are required for the identification of relationships between spatial variables, and may have important implications for malaria vector control. © 2013 DIME UNIVERSITAT DI GENOVA

    Kemampuan Kognisi, Kerja Ilmiah Dan Sikap Mahasiswa Non IPA Melalui Pembelajaran Inkuiri Berbantuan Multimedia

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    Dalam kurikulum 2013 tujuan Pendidikan Nasional dikemas dalam 3 aspek sebagai SKL (Standar Kompetensi Lulusan) yaitu aspek sikap, aspek keterampilan dan aspek pengetahuan. Dalam pembelajaran IPA sedapat mungkin guru/dosen melaksanakan proses pembelajaran secara Inkuiri Ilmiah untuk menumbuhkan kemampuan bekerja ilmiah, bersikap ilmiah dan dapat mengkomunikasikannya sebagai komponen penting dalam kecakapan hidup (BNSP,2006). Pembelajaran inkuiri memberi kontribusi terhadap ketiga aspek SKL pada mahasiswa , Kenyataannya dosen kurang membelajarkan IPA melalui inkuiri kepada para mahasiswanya. Telah dilakukan penelitian uji coba terhadap mahasiswa non IPA yang memperoleh mata kuliah Ilmu Alamiah Dasar di semester tiga sebanyak 28 orang. Metode penelitian menggunakan Research and Design (R&D). Komponen yang diteliti dan diamati adalah: kemampuan kognisi, kemampuan kerja ilmiah dan sikap mahasiswa. Kemampuan kognisi dijaring melalui pretest dan postest yang bersifat close question. Kemampuan kerja ilmiah dijaring melalui Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa dengan pembelajaran inkuiri berbantuan multimedia, sedangkan sikap ilmiah mahasiswa diamati pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Hasil analisis penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Terdapat perbedaan kemampuan kognisi mahasiswa yang signifikan pada hasil pretest dan postest. Rerata N gain terhadap kemampuan kognisi mahasiswa adalah 0,31 (sedang) dan rerata gain sebesar 15,18. (2) Kemampuan kerja ilmiah mahasiswa berdasarkan rerata nilai dari yang terendah (42,38) hingga tertinggi (59,53) adalah: Merumuskan masalah (42,38), merumuskan variabel (43,10), membuat grafik (49,29), merumuskan hipotesis (50,95), memprediksi (55,24),mengumpulkan data (56,19), menghitung (56,43), menyimpulkan (59,05) dan mengkomunikasikan (59,53). (3) Sikap yang teramati secara dominan berturut-turut adalah: Rasa ingin tahu, mengemukakan pendapat, kerja sama, tekun, tanggung jawab, terbuka, kreatifitas, jujur dan peduli terhadap lingkungan.In 2013 the curriculum goals of the National Education packaged in 3 aspects as SKL (Competency Standards) which aspects of attitudes, skills and knowledge aspect aspect. In learning science wherever possible teachers / lecturers carry out the process of scientific inquiry learning capabilities to foster scientific work, scientific attitude and can communicate as critical components in life skills (BNSP, 2006). Inquiry learning contributes to the three aspects of SKL on students, lecturers fact less membelajarkan science through inquiry to his students. Has conducted research trials to non-science students who obtain a Basic Natural Science courses in three semesters as many as 28 people. Using research methods Research and Design (R & D). Components are researched and observed are: cognitive ability, scientific ability and attitude of student work. The ability of cognition pretest and posttest captured through nature close question. The ability of the scientific work captured through the Student Worksheet with multimedia-assisted inquiry learning, while the scientific attitude of students observed during the learning process takes place. The results of analysis showed that: (1) There are differences in cognitive abilities of students were significant at pretest and posttest results. The mean N gain against the cognitive ability of students is 0.31 (medium) and a mean gain of 15.18. (2) The ability of the scientific work of students based on the mean value of the lowest (42.38) to the highest (59.53) is: Formulate the problem (42.38), formulating variables (43.10), make a chart (49.29) , formulate hypotheses (50.95), predict (55.24), collecting data (56.19), calculate (56.43), concluded (59.05) and communicate (59.53). (3) Attitude is observed predominantly in a row are: curiosity, expression, cooperation, diligence, responsibility, open, creative, honest, and caring for the environment