21 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Sekolah Sehat (Health Promoting School) di Daerah Miskin Perkotaan

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    It is known that there was strong relation between health status of primary school students and school records. A health­ promoting school was, whether all members of school community work together to provide students with an integrated positive experiences and structures which promote and protect their health.These include both formal and informal curriculum in health, creation of a safe and healthy school environment, provision of appropriate health services and involvement of family and wider commmunities was in efforts to promote health. The objectives of, this study is to develop a model of health promoting school at poor urban areas which included to measure student knowledge and attitude, nutrition intake, and role of school teacher in health promotion. A stratified mulitistage randomized pre-post test control groups design was used in this study. Duration of this study was 3 years (2001-2003) and the location at 9 primary schools (6 intervention schools and 3 control schools) in Semarang, Surakarta, Denpasar municipalities and Kendal district. Results of this study showed that students knowledge and atitude toward health were improved significantly as well as nutrition intake at intervention groups. This improvement was caused by the role of school teachers in health promotion which was integrated in daily learning process. Based on this results a model of health promoting school has been developed. It recommends to implement this health promoting school model at wider areas and to provide school teachers completed with health promotion manuals

    Persepsi Ibu Hamil Tentang Antenatal Care Dan Persalinan

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    The antenatal care coverage for first visit was 92.72%. It meant that almost all pregnant mothers had ever contacted with health services. But the four time visits of pregnant mothers to health facilities reported only 75.6% and pregnant mothers who got standar antenatal care services was even lower just about 60,0%. The national target for 80.0% of deliveries by the health personals in year 2000 was only reached by Bali Province. For other provinces, particularly at rural areas in Java Provinces, the coverage of delivery was only 44.6%. The objectives of this study were to measure pregnant mothers' knowledge and perseption regarding pregnancy and delivery cares, A cross sectional study was conducted at 20 health centers located in Jember and Kedin Dtstricts of East Java Province, in Semarang and Demak Districts of Central Java Province and in Lombok Tengah District of West Nusa Tenggara year 2003. There were 159 pregnant mothers randomly selected and the variable to be studied are collected by interviewed the pregnant mothers and observation during antenatal care delivery services. Results indicated that mothers' knowledge about pregnancy and delivery cares were very low. During antenatal care, pregnant mothers mentioned that they got very little information from midwives about pregnancy care and the importance of deliveries by healthy personals. Factors considered for choosing TBA for helping delivery were not only economtc factor but the TBA's nearness and provided that they more complete services than midwives. It is recommended that mtdwives have to improve their interpersonal communication skills and to provide better quality services to pregnant mothers

    Perspektif Petugas Kesehatan Tentang Kinerja Puskesmas di Saerah Terpencil

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    Some factors influence the health status in remote areas are low performances of Health Centers (HCs) because of limited resources, lack of qualified health services, dtfficulty in transportation to access basic and referral health services. This study aimed to determine health workers' perspective on the performances of HCs in remote areas. The study design was explorative. It was conducted in Katingan and Palangka Raya Regencies in Central Kalimantan Province and also Trenggalek and Tulungagung Regencies in East Java Province. The respondents were 99 HCs' workers. The variables studied were the workers perspectives on the performance of HC and their satisfaction to the HCs' performance. Results showed that in general the workers were satisfied to the performance of their own HCs, except on Tuberculosis (TB), Behaviors on Clean and Healthy Life and sanitation in public places and food stores and also Antenatal Car programs because their targets decided by the Regencies Health Offices were not achieved. The targets which should be achieved by the HCs seem too high because not in accordance with the real situations and not suitable with the HCs' resources (infrastructures, transportations, and health workers), such as limited abilities of the workers to communicate with TB patients and their families. Besides there were no scheduled inter-programs mini-lokakarya and systematic plan to overcome the low performances on the programs mentioned aboved. Therefore, in determinmg targets, the Regency Health Office should consider the HCs' resources so that the targets in each HC are not the same and the health workers should be trained to enhance their abilities in root course analysis and communication


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    It is known that there was strong relation between health status of primary school students and school records. A health­ promoting school was, whether all members of school community work together to provide students with an integrated positive experiences and structures which promote and protect their health.These include both formal and informal curriculum in health, creation of a safe and healthy school environment, provision of appropriate health services and involvement of family and wider commmunities was in efforts to promote health. The objectives of, this study is to develop a model of health promoting school at poor urban areas which included to measure student knowledge and attitude, nutrition intake, and role of school teacher in health promotion. A stratified mulitistage randomized pre-post test control groups design was used in this study. Duration of this study was 3 years (2001-2003) and the location at 9 primary schools (6 intervention schools and 3 control schools) in Semarang, Surakarta, Denpasar municipalities and Kendal district. Results of this study showed that students knowledge and atitude toward health were improved significantly as well as nutrition intake at intervention groups. This improvement was caused by the role of school teachers in health promotion which was integrated in daily learning process. Based on this results a model of health promoting school has been developed. It recommends to implement this health promoting school model at wider areas and to provide school teachers completed with health promotion manuals.   Keywords: model, health promoting schoo

    Pelaksanaan Universal Precautions oleh Perawat dan Pekerja Kesehatan (Studi Kasus di Rumah Sakit Islam Malang Unisma)

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    Universal precautions is important for prevention of nosocomial infections among patients and health care providers (especially hepatitis BIG and HIV/AIDS). The objective of this study was to determine implementation of universal precautions. This was a case study. Data were collected using interview and observations, at Rumah Sakit Islam Malang Unisma year 2005. There were ten nurses and assistant nurses working at hospital ward interviewed. Result of this study mdicated that in general the universal precautions had been implemented but not in accordance with the standard prosedure of universal precautions. Only 50% of the respondent practiced correctly hands washing and none hand gloves. All respondents did incorrect procedure for sterilizations of hand gloves and medical equipments. All needles were not decontaminated before disposal. Supporting facilities particularly the standard operating prosedure for umversal prosedure and pre service training were not available. It was concluded that the implementation of universal precautions were not match with the standard prosedure. So the potential risks of nosocomial infections cannot be reduced, in the other hand increase risks of hepatitis BIG and HIV/AIDS transmission among patient and health providers. The nurses and assistant nurses never got pre-service training for universal precautions by hospital management. Based on the results, it recomended to provide the standard prosedure of universal precautions and to train all health provider (nurses and assistant nurses) who deliver service in hospital ward to be able to implement universal precautions correctly. And it is necessary to conduct further study on implementation of universal precautions at health centers with inpatient ward and others hospital

    Pengembangan Model Kesehatan Reporduksi Remaja (Krr)

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    Adolescent reproductive health were influence by health service, nutrient, family environment, education information economics social and cultural conditions. This study used one group pretest-post test design to interview adolescent reproductive health model. This study were done in Surakarta city (Health Center Gajahan, Ngoresan and Banyuanyar) and Semarang city (in Health Center Poncol, Tambak Aji and Morota) in Jawa Tengah province. This study showed that health education on adolescent reproductive health conducted by school teachers during class session and health education by health provider for Karang Taruna could improve adolescent reproductive health knowledge. The attitude toward reproductive health after 6 month of intervention was not changed. It is recommended to implement this model at wider areas by focusing for Secondary school student. Health service for adolescent, particularly counseling would be better conducted at school during health provider visit to school also. It is necessary to develop adolescent reproductive health material for school teacher, and manual for adolescent peer educators

    Pendapat Ibu Hamil Tentang Pemenuhan Haknya pada Pelayanan Kehamilan di Puskesmas

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    Background: One important aspect of service quality is the fulfillment of client rights in health service which are: lnformation, Access to service, lnformed choice, Safe service, Privacy and confidentiality, Dignity, comfort and expression of opinion, and Continuity of care. Methods: This study measured 114 pregnant mothers opinion regarding the fulfillment of that right during antenatal care service in 14 Health Centers at 4 districts and municipalities of East Java and Central Java provinces. Results: The results of this study found that only very few pregnant mother's who always had gotten those right during antenatal care service in Health Center which is indicated the low quality of antenatal care service. Since the patient right was stated in Indonesian Law no. 36 year 2009 about Health. It is strongly recommended to improve knowledge and skill of health providers (midwives and doctors) to be able to fullfil pregnant mother right and to improve the quality of antenatal care service at Health Center. It is necessary to more focus to soft skills as interpersonal communication skills practice in midwifery and medical education


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    Adolescent reproductive health were influence by health service, nutrient, family environment, education information economics social  and cultural conditions. This study used one group pretest-post test design to interview adolescent reproductive health model. This study were done in Surakarta city (Health Center Gajahan, Ngoresan and Banyuanyar) and Semarang city (in Health Center Poncol, Tambak Aji and Morota) in Jawa Tengah province. This study showed that health education on adolescent reproductive health conducted by school teachers during class session and health education by health provider for Karang Taruna could improve adolescent reproductive health knowledge. The attitude toward reproductive health after 6 month of intervention was not changed. It is recommended to implement this model at wider areas by focusing for Secondary school student. Health service for adolescent, particularly counseling would be better conducted at school during health provider visit to school also. It is necessary to develop adolescent reproductive health material for school teacher, and manual for adolescent peer educators.   Key words: model, development, adolescent reproductive healt


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    Some factors influence the health status in remote areas are low performances of Health Centers (HCs) because of limited resources, lack of qualified health services, dtfficulty in transportation  to access basic and referral health services. This study aimed to determine health workers' perspective on the performances of HCs in remote areas. The study design was explorative. It was conducted in Katingan and Palangka Raya Regencies in Central Kalimantan Province and also Trenggalek and Tulungagung Regencies in East Java Province. The respondents  were 99 HCs' workers. The variables studied were the workers perspectives on the performance of HC and their satisfaction  to the HCs' performance. Results showed that in general the workers were satisfied to the performance of their own HCs, except on Tuberculosis (TB), Behaviors on Clean and Healthy Life and sanitation in public places and food stores and also Antenatal Car programs because their targets decided by the Regencies Health Offices were not achieved. The targets which should be achieved by the HCs seem too high because not in accordance with the real situations and not suitable with the HCs' resources (infrastructures, transportations, and health workers), such as limited abilities of the workers to communicate with TB patients and their families. Besides there were no scheduled inter-programs mini-lokakarya and systematic plan to overcome the low performances on the programs mentioned aboved. Therefore, in determinmg targets, the Regency Health Office should consider the HCs' resources so that the targets in each HC are not the same and the health workers should be trained to enhance their abilities in root course analysis and communication.   Keywords: perspecttve, performance, health centers, remote area