1,881 research outputs found

    Labour Market Dynamics in Pakistan: Evidence from the Longitudinal Data

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    The bulk of research on labour market conditions in Pakistan has concentrated on the economic activity rate, the number of employed persons, or the unemployment rate at a particular point in time. These stock measures of labour market situation are useful from a policy viewpoint as they give a broad indication of the dimension of the problem. For example, the recent labour force surveys show an increase in the level of open unemployment from 5.9 percent in 1997-98 to 7.8 percent in 1999-2000 [Pakistan (2001)]. There is also an emerging consensus that during the 1990s poverty has increased at the national as well as for rural and urban areas of the country [Qureshi and Arif (2001)]. Labour market is considered as the main route for establishing the link between macro policies, the resulting GDP growth and poverty alleviation [Rahman (2002)]. Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (IPRSP) and other development plans have suggested various targets of employment creation for poverty reduction. The stock measures of labour market conditions, such as unemployment rate, are considered to be inadequate from the viewpoint of developing appropriate policy responses. There is a need to gain further insights by examining the structure of labour market in terms of its dynamic components: these being the turnover of persons into and out of the labour force and turnover into and out of employment and unemployment pools

    Makna Kepentingan Umum Dalam Pengadaan Tanah Untuk Jalan Tol Dalam Perspektif Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum

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    Procurement of land in Indonesia was held in order intended for the benefit umum.Tidak definitive definition of public interest is, in its application had an impact mainly affected community development activities in the public interest. Entry legislation latest land acquisition namely Law No. 2 In 2012 on Land Procurement for Development for Public Interest, is set on land procurement for public interest or the interests of development, for in Article 10 states that the Land Public Interest found one of them is a toll road. One side of the will of the state represented by the government for the land acquisition activities for the public interest in order to improve the welfare and prosperity of the nation and society through the implementation of development, is actually the activities as mandated by the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. Being a problem concerning the meaning of interests Generally, if an activity is a reality and it can not be perceived by the emergence masyarakat.Secara priori toll road development activities with attractive tariffs for the toll road users are business activities that can be said there are elements of a commercial nature. Actual construction of the toll road is a business that there is a direct link with the economic growth that will affect the general welfare. The principle of public interest is the welfare of society at large. The impact of economic growth and their activities will bring common prosperity, so business needs can be classified as a public interest. The journal is compiled with normative juridical research method, with the approach of legislation and approach to the concept. Based on the survey results revealed that land procurement for toll roads, including the public interest

    Pengaruh Experiential Marketing terhadap Customer Loyalty melalui Customer Satisfaction sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Dunkin' Donuts Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh hasil observasi yang menunjukan loyalitas pelanggan Dunkin' Donuts Indonesia mulai menurun. Saat ini Dunkin' Donuts menerapkan konsep new image untuk meningkatkan kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan, salah satunya melalui experiential marketing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh experiential marketing yang terdiri dari senseexperiences, feel experiences, think experiences, act experiences, dan relate experiences terhadap customer loyalty melalui customer satisfaction sebagai variabel intervening. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif dan kausal. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode non probability sampling dengan tipe incidental sampling dan jumlah responden 100 responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan experiential marketing berpengaruh signifikansecara simultan terhadap customer satisfaction dengan hubungan sebesar 89%. Secara parsial subvariabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction adalah sense experiences (17,2%), feel experiences (16,6%), think experiences (31%), act experiences (13,9%), dan relate experiences (29,2%). Customer satisfaction berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer loyalty sebesar19,2%. Secara simultan experiential marketing berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer loyalty melalui customer satisfaction dengan hubungan sebesar 92,8%. Secara parsial subvariabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer loyalty melalui customer satisfaction adalah sense experiences (3,3%), feel experiences (3,2%), think experiences (6%), act experiences (2,7%),dan relate experiences (5,6%)

    Konstitutionalistas Perda Syari'ah di Indonesia dalam Kajian Otonomi Daerah

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    The rolling of regional autonomy in 1999 was marked by the issuance of Law Number 22 Year 1999 concerning Regional Government and Law No. 25 of 1999 concerning Financial Balance between the Central and Regional Governments, has provided a very strong impetus for the regions to regulate their regions according to the aspirations of the people in the regions. In an instant, the euphoria was manifested by the local elite into legal regulations that tended to be elitist. Now the issue of problematic regional regulations has shifted no longer only with a material tendency, but has spread to the area of choice of the ideology that underlies it, namely the regional regulations with the nuances of Islamic law. The authorship uses a normative juridical research method, in which the author uses laws, journal articles, books and documents that support the analysis related to the constitutionality of sharia regulations. Thus, the sharia regional regulations are substantially inconsistent with the spirit of regional autonomy. Except for areas that are given specificity in carrying out their government. Although the aims and objectives of the formation of these regional regulations are good for improving a reduced moral order, they must be used in a way that is in accordance with the established legal structures. So that by referring to the theory about the level of legal norms and hierarchy that have been determined in Law no. 12 of 2011, the Sharia Regional Regulation substantially contradicts the legal norms that are above it and can be said to be unconstitutional.

    Polyfluorene as a model system for space-charge-limited conduction

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    Ethyl-hexyl substituted polyfluorene (PF) with its high level of molecular disorder can be described very well by one-carrier space-charge-limited conduction for a discrete set of trap levels with energy ∼\sim 0.5 eV above the valence band edge. Sweeping the bias above the trap-filling limit in the as-is polymer generates a new set of exponential traps, which is clearly seen in the density of states calculations. The trapped charges in the new set of traps have very long lifetimes and can be detrapped by photoexcitation. Thermal cycling the PF film to a crystalline phase prevents creation of additional traps at higher voltages.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. Physical Review B (accepted, 2007
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