386 research outputs found

    A theorem on semi-centralizing derivations of prime rings

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    Some remarks on the bimodule structure of Galois extensions

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    On rings satisfying some polynomial identities

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    Women whose interest in sports and football increase day by day maintain their interest both as active and passive participants (Acosta and Kartepender, 2014). This interest has not been limited merely to watching sports. It has gone so far as women working professionally in the media (Performance Communications, 2016). Thus, it is believed that it will not be wrong to say that the male dominant structure in sports and the sports industry has begun to display differences with the professional participation of women in the sports media (reporter, presenter, author, editor etc.) The power of television is a fact that should be taken into consideration in the developing and changing world. Gender studies on sports media demonstrates that women sports are not taken seriously and does not get the respect it deserves in the media (Cooky, Mesner and Hextrum, 2013). Thus, the place of women in sports programmes and the perception this creates in Turkish society has become an important subject that should be studied. The aim of this study is to find out how female presenters in football programmes are perceived by viewers. For this purpose, the interview technique which is a qualitative research method has been used to get more detailed and in-depth data. The data from the interviews has been analyzed using the content analysis method and coded under appropriate themes. Research results are divided into two as positive and negative thoughts. The thoughts of the participants were evaluated in two categories as ‘the perception of women on screen and program content. The findings of the study show that the presence of women in football programmes is generally viewed positively. In addition, it can be said that women on football screen is perceived as ‘beneficial’, ‘necessary’ and ‘beautiful’.  Article visualizations

    (σ, τ)-derivations in prime rings

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    On a theorem of Mayne

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    Detection of Expenditure Trends in the Telecommunication Sector

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    In the telecommunication sector, particularly in the cellular phone service area, customer expenditures have been in the areas of voice, short messages, and internet usage, leading to a pattern of more or less regular monthly bills. Recently, telecommunication companies started to associate retail stores to their billed commercial activities, resulting in unusual variations in the monthly payment sequences of their customers. In the present work we propose a method for detecting retail expenditure in monthly bills. We then code the information of the discretized version into a binary hierarchical tree and we classify them as positive or negative with respect to complaint potential

    Glycation Interferes with the Activity of the Bi-Functional UDP-N-Acetylglucosamine 2-Epimerase/N-Acetyl-mannosamine Kinase (GNE)

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    Mutations in the gene coding for the bi-functional UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase (GNE), the key enzyme of the sialic acid biosynthesis, are responsible for autosomal-recessive GNE myopathy (GNEM). GNEM is an adult-onset disease with a yet unknown exact pathophysiology. Since the protein appears to work adequately for a certain period of time even though the mutation is already present, other effects appear to influence the onset and progression of the disease. In this study, we want to investigate whether the late onset of GNEM is based on an age-related effect, e.g., the accumulation of post-translational modifications (PTMs). Furthermore, we also want to investigate what effect on the enzyme activity such an accumulation would have. We will particularly focus on glycation, which is a PTM through non-enzymatic reactions between the carbonyl groups (e.g., of methylglyoxal (MGO) or glyoxal (GO)) with amino groups of proteins or other biomolecules. It is already known that the levels of both MGO and GO increase with age. For our investigations, we express each domain of the GNE separately, treat them with one of the glycation agents, and determine their activity. We demonstrate that the enzymatic activity of the N-acetylmannosamine kinase (GNE-kinase domain) decreases dramatically after glycation with MGO or GO—with a remaining activity of 13% ± 5% (5 mM MGO) and 22% ± 4% (5 mM GO). Whereas the activity of the UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (GNE-epimerase domain) is only slightly reduced after glycation—with a remaining activity of 60% ± 8% (5 mM MGO) and 63% ± 5% (5 mM GO).Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftPeer Reviewe

    Effects of First and Third Trimester MPV Ratios on Prediction of Preeclampsia

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    Giriş: Preeklampsi, obstetrik alanındaki gelişmelere rağmen halen maternal ve fetal morbidite ve mortalitenin önde gelen sebeplerindendir. Bu nedenle hastalık oluşmadan tanı konulabilmesi;mortalite ve morbiditeyi azaltacaktır Amaç: Preeklampside 1. ve 3. trimester MPV(median platellit volum) oranlarının hastalığı öngörebilme üzerine etkilerini araştırmak Yöntem ve gereç; Ocak 2010 ile nisan 2010 tarihleri arasında T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Zeynep Kamil Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniğinde ACOG 2002 kriterlerine göre ağır preeklampsi tanısı konulan 69 hafif preeklampsi, 72 ağır preeklampsi, 52 normal gebenin rutin biyokimya, tam kan sayımı, idrarda protein ve Doppler akım sonuçları değerlendirildi. Bu hastaların 8 ila 12 haftalar arasında olan tam kan sayımlarına ulaşıldı Bulgular: Hafif preeklampsi ve ağır preeklampsi ile normal gebeler arasında 1. trimester MPV oranları arasında, hastalığın derecesi ile pozitif korelasyon mevcut idi. MPV değeri 8,3 fl üzerinde olduğunda ağır preeklampsi gelişme riski 1,73 kat artmakta idi. 3. trimesterde MPV 9,6 fl olduğunda ağır preeklampsi gelişme riski 2,37 kat artmakta idi ve bu durum hastalığın şiddeti ile korelasyon göstermektedir. 1. trimesterde MPVnin 8,3 fl üzerinde olduğu gebelerde preeklampsi gelişme riskinin arttığı söylenebilir. 3. trimester için bu değer 9,6 fl dir. Sonuçlar: MPV Hastalığı öngörebilmedeki güvenirliği düşük olmasına rağmen üst sınıra yakın değerlerde artmış riskten söz edilebilir. Diğer parametreler göz önüne alındığında özellikle umblikal arter Doppler indeksleri ile kombine edilmesinin klinisyene takip ettikleri hastanın preeklampsi olabileceğine dair fikir verebilir.Aim: To investigate the prognostic value of the levels of mean platelet volumes (MPV) in preeclampsia Material and methods: MPV values obtained 1st and 3rd trimesters in preeclamptic and severe preeclamptic woman diagnosed according to the ACOG (2002) criteria were compared with the same parameters of healthy pregnant subjects Results: 69 preeclamptic, 72 severe preeclamptic and 52 healthy pregnant women were investigated. It was calculated that, if the 1st trimester MPV values were greater than 8,3 fl, the risk for developing severe preeclampsia was 1.73. Additionally, if the 3rd trimester MPV values were greater than 9, 6 fl, the risk for developing severe preeclampsia was 2.37. Conclusion: Increased MPV values may be helpful in predicting severe pereclampsia

    Behavioral accounting theory in the scope of financial reporting and auditing applications

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    Psikoloji bilimi ile finansın kesişimi olarak nitelendirilebilecek olan davranışsal finans uzun yıllardır finans literatüründe yer almasına ve oldukça çok sayıda akademik çalışmaya konu olmasına rağmen davranışsal muhasebe bu bağlamda daha geride kalmıştır. Oysa ki Amerika Muhasebe Birliği’nin (AAA) muhasebe eğitiminde psikoloji ile ilgili konuları dahil etme yönündeki çağrısı 1970’li yıllara kadar geriye gitmektedir. Finansal raporları hazırlayan muhasebecilerin sıklıkla mesleki yargılarına göre karar vermek durumunda kalmaları ve raporların bu doğrultuda şekillenmesinin yanı sıra bu raporları denetleyenlerin mesleki şüphecilik ile hareket ediyor oluşu davranışsal muhasebenin etki alanını ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı davranışsal muhasebenin teorik altyapısını ve ilgili olduğu teorileri ortaya koymak ve finansal raporlama ve denetim uygulamalarındaki yansımalarını incelemektir. Bu doğrultuda ilgili finansal raporlama ve denetim standartları da ele alınmaktadır.Although behavioral finance, that can be described as the intersection of psychology and finance, has been in the financial literature for many years and is subject to a great number of academic studies, behavioral accounting has lagged behind in this context despite the call of the American Accounting Association (AAA) to include psychology-related issues in accounting education goes back to the 1970s. Accountants who prepare financial reports frequently make decisions according to professional judgment so they shape the financial reports accordingly; auditors of these reports are acted with professional skepticism. These two facts reveals the domain of behavioral accounting. The aim of the current study is to demonstrate the theoretical background of behavioral accounting and other theories linked and to examine the implications of financial reporting & auditing practices. In this respect, related financial reporting and auditing standards are also addressed.Publisher's Versio