14 research outputs found

    Pomeron loops in zero transverse dimensions

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    We analyze a toy model which has a structure similar to that of the recently found QCD evolution equations, but without transverse dimensions. We develop two different but equivalent methods in order to compute the leading-order and next-to-leading order Pomeron loop diagrams. In addition to the leading-order result which has been derived from Mueller's toy model~\cite% {Mueller:1994gb}, we can also calculate the next-to-leading order contribution which provides the (αs2αY)(\alpha_{s}^{2}\alpha Y) correction. We interpret this result and discuss its possible implications for the four-dimensional QCD evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Diffractive dissociation including pomeron loops in zero transverse dimensions

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    We have recently studied the QCD pomeron loop evolution equations in zero transverse dimensions [Shoshi:2005pf]. Using the techniques developed in [Shoshi:2005pf] together with the AGK cutting rules, we present a calculation of single, double and central diffractive cross sections (for large diffractive masses and large rapidity gaps) in zero transverse dimensions in which all dominant pomeron loop graphs are consistently summed. We find that the diffractive cross sections unitarise at asymptotic energies and that they are suppressed by powers of alpha_s. Our calculation is expected to expose some of the diffractive physics in hadron-hadron collisions at high energy.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures; numerous explanations added, matches the published versio

    Total gluon shadowing due to fluctuation effects

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    We show a new physical phenomenon expected for the ratio R_{pA} of the unintegrated gluon distribution of a nucleus over the unintegrated gluon distribution of a proton scaled up by the atomic factor A^{1/3} in the fluctuation-dominated (diffusive scaling) region at high energy. We calculate the dependence of R_{pA} on the atomic number A, the rapidity Y and the transverse gluon momentum k_{\perp}. We find that R_{pA} exhibits an increasing gluon shadowing with growing rapidity, approaching 1/A^{1/3} at asymptotic rapidities which means total gluon shadowing, due to the effect of gluon number fluctuations or Pomeron loops. The increase of R_{pA} with rising gluon momentum decreases as the rapidity grows. In contrast, in the geometric scaling region where the effect of fluctuations is negligible, the ratio R_{pA} shows only partial gluon shadowing in the fixed-coupling case, basically independent on the rapidity and the gluon momentum.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; two plots and further explanations added; matches version accepted for publicatio

    Diffractive photon dissociation in the saturation regime from the Good and Walker picture

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    Combining the QCD dipole model with the Good and Walker picture, we formulate diffractive dissociation of a photon of virtuality Q^2 off a hadronic target, in the kinematical regime in which Q is close to the saturation scale and much smaller than the invariant mass of the diffracted system. We show how the obtained formula compares to the HERA data and discuss what can be learnt from such a phenomenology. In particular, we argue that diffractive observables in these kinematics provide useful pieces of information on the saturation regime of QCD.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, revte

    High energy QCD beyond the mean field approximation

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    It has been recently understood how to deal with high-energy scattering beyond the mean field approximation. We review some of the main steps of this theoretical progress, like the role of Lorentz invariance and unitarity requirements, the importance of discreteness and fluctuations of gluon numbers (Pomeron loops), the high-energy QCD/statistical physics correspondence and the consequences for the saturation scale, the scattering amplitude and other, also measurable, quantities