69 research outputs found

    Assessment of irrigation system performance and its associated impacts on poverty

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    ABSTRACT It is indicated that the level of performance of an irrigation systefrz affects the benefit received by farmers. Low level of performance leads on the low farmers\u27 income, which furthermore affects farmers\u27 welfare. On the opposite, farmers with low level of welfare have limited capability to manage their irrigation system so the level of performance of the system declines. This created a vicious circle of low performance and poverty. This paper aims to assess irrigation system peformance, relate the performance with poverty in the system, and examine possibilites of poverty alleviation through improvement of irrigation system performance. Irrigation performance assessment comprises of characterization of irrigation system and performance assessment by ⢠using indicators. The study has been conducted in four irrigated systems in Java, namely Klambu Kiri, Glapan, Kalibawang, and Krogowanan. Lesson learnt were drawn from cases of the selected systems to find out factors affecting irrigation performance and how irrigation system performance affects farmers\u27 welfare. Possible efforts to improve irrigation system performance to alleviate poverty are crop diversification, Irrigation Management Transfer, empowerment of Water Users\u27 Association (WUA), locally specific farming, and off farm job opportunity. To implement those efforts there are some constraints to deal with, such as limited technical capability of farmers, diversity of social and culture, and limited available data and information. Key Words : Irrigation system performance, povert

    Pemakaian Analisis Harmonik Hasil Sedimen (sediment yield) Untuk Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Manajemen Daerah Aliran Sungai (Das) (Studi Kasus Di Sub DAS Tapan)

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    Departemen Kehutanan sebagai instansi pemerintah yang bertanggung jawab atas kelestarian hutan dan lahan atasan di suatu Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) telah melaksanakan beberapa program beserta tindakan pemantauan dan evalualinya (monitoring and evaluation), meskipunbelummempunyaiprosedur dan metode yang baku. Tujuan utama tulisan ini ialah melakukan evaluasi manajemen DAS dengan memakai analisis harmonik hasil sedimen sebagai salah satu peubah (variable) pemantauan (monitoring) usaha perbaikan manajemen lahan yang telah dilakukan, dengan mengasumsikan bahwa proses perubahan watak DAS dalam kurun waktu yang ditinjau berlangsung dalam keadaan tunak. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Sub DAS Tapan yang merupakan bagian DAS Bengawan Solo. Analisis dilakukan terhadap data hasil sedimen untuk kurun waktu 1974 â 1979, 1983 â1988 dan 1986 â 1990. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemakaian analisis harmonik memberikan akurasi nisbi tinggi pada kurun-kurun waktu awal dan semakin lama semakin mengecil untuk kurun-kurun waktu setelahnya. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa perubahan watak DAS dalam keadaan tunak berlangsung pada kurun waktu awal untuk kemudian berangsur-angsur berubah menjadi proses tak lunak sesuai dengan proses perubahan tata guna lahan. Proses tak tunak juga ditunjukkan oleh perubahan harga koelisien limpasan, fo, dalam kurun waktu yang ditinjau

    Model perencanaan pembangunan pedesaan berbasis pada sektor pertanian(studi Kasus kecamatan Moyudan kabupaten Sleman)= model of rural development plan based on agricultural sector (a case study of Moyudan district -Sslem

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    BSTRACT Sleman, as an area with rapid economic growth, againts the challenge of development in relation with population expansion, local autonomy and good governance. In one hand, there is lack of synergy among development stakeholders, on the other hand. information is ineffectively used during the decision making process. This paper aimed to develop a model of rural development plan based on agricultural sector using two computer softwares, (i) Geographical Information System (GIS) as spasial information system and (ii) Powersim to program the dynamic system behaviour. The model provides information on existing condition and consists of five components namely geography, development function, infrastructure, institution, and data catalog. The model was developed through formulating causal diagrams of development sectors and set it in a dynamic programming. The model was then validated in Moyudan, Sleman for the case of agriculture development, which is showed that the model was valid. Keywords : rural development, agriculture developmen

    Conceptual approach on development of tidal farming from water management aspect=A Case Study at Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    A lot of tidal irrigation land development projects were carried out in several locations of Kalimantan for new settlement and food production. A continuous research has been conducted to develop tidal agricultural land since 1971. Based on the research, a new concept for redesigning and reconstructing of tertiary demonstration block (TDB) should be develop. A conceptual approach on development of tidal farming from water management aspect has been proposed. The concept is presented in a model named Micro Water Management Model (MWMM): The basic concept of MWMM is improvement of micro water management and then be followed by improvement of all aspects

    Penentuan transmisivitas dan porositas efektif untuk mengkaji proses gerakan airtanah pada lahan heterogen

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    The main purpose of this research is to determine properties of non-homogeneous ill-drained area which are reflected by transmissivity and effective porosity. The flow of water was analyzed using Darcy law and Boussinesq equations which were developed based on analogy theory of heat conduction to 2-Dimension (pseudo 3-D) of transient water flow. Based on the formula, transmissivity and effective porosity have been determined through mathematical model. The model needs daily deep water table as the main data. The model was tested in PG Jatitujuh Cirebon. The transmissivity and effective porosity information were very useful to solving drainage problems in the ill-drained area. Result of iteration method indicated that the land have 11 and S are 0,070 â 0,698 rnlm and 0,10 â 91,0 m2/day respectively. A R-square test was used to compare deep water table between observation data and output model each of bore hole, and was found average R-square is 0,8519 and standard of error is 0,0981. Keywords: drainage, effective porosity, non homogeneous soil media, mathematical model, transmissivit

    Analisis Kesiapan Modernisasi Irigasi dan Optimasi Alokasi Air Irigasi pada Daerah Irigasi Belitang

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    Penilaian pilar irigasi untuk mengukur tingkat kesiapan menuju modernisasi irigasi diperlukan dalam rangka implementasi modernisasi irigasi di Daerah Irigasi Belitang. Ketersediaan air irigasi menjadi pilar yang perlu untuk dioptimasi sebelum implementasi modernisasi irigasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai dan mengkaji kesiapan modernisasi irigasi, menetapkan prioritas pengembangan modernisasi pada Daerah Irigasi (DI) Belitang, serta menentukan alokasi air optimal sebagai upaya meningkatkan pilar keandalan penyediaan air. Metode IKMI digunakan untuk mengukur kesiapan modernisasi irigasi DI Belitang sedangkan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas kebijakan pengembangan modernisasi irigasi. Optimasi alokasi air dimaksudkan untuk menambah luas tanam dianalisis dengan program linier. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa berdasarkan hasil penilaian indeks kesiapan modernisasi irigasi yaitu 69,05, DI Belitang masuk dalam kategori cukup. DI Belitang pada tingkat wilayah belum siap untuk dimodernisasi sehingga diperlukan pengembangan dan perbaikan sistem irigasi terlebih dahulu selama 1 sampai 2 tahun. Pengembangan dan perbaikan kinerja menuju modernisasi irigasi berdasarkan analisis dengan AHP mengikuti urutan Belitang III, Belitang I dan Belitang II. Keuntungan maksimum dan luas tanam optimal dengan optimasi alokasi air diperoleh dengan penerapan Golongan pada wiayah DI Belitang dan pola tanam padi-padi-palawija. Penerapan Golongan di 3 wilayah DI Belitang dapat menghindari defisit air tetapi terdapat surplus air pada Masa Tanam (MT) I dan MT II. Dengan demikian, optimasi alokasi air dapat menjadi upaya dalam peningkatan keandalan penyediaan air irigasi

    Pengembangan Model Operasi Pompa Berkelanjutan di Daerah Irigasi Sumur Pompa Dangkal = Development of Sustainable Pump Operation Model In an Confined Groundwater Irrigation

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    Model of sustainable pump operation in an unconfined groundwater irrigation system was developed to determine pump operation pattern which consist of the number of pumps, duration, and distance between pumps, so that crop water requirement is fulfilled and groundwater irrigation system is sustained. Total irrigation flow, EQpi, results in lowering water table which is called drawdown, sn. Drawdown sn should be less than di (s.< di) which (d1 is maximum drawdown which is affected by pump technology. Model outputs for the area of Sri Rahayu Farmer Group in Kedungtuban, Blora for existing cropping pattern show that average irrigation water requirement is 916.1mm/year and peak flow is 4.93 ips. It still can be fulfilled by 1, 2, 3, 4, or 9 pumps for 10 days operation continuously which is shown by the drawdowns which are less than maximum drawdown


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    DAS merupakan suatu sistem yang terdiri atas sub sistem sumberdaya dan sub sistem unit sumberdaya maka dalam penelaahannya lebih tepat apabila kondisi dan fungsi pemanfaatan DPS Logawa dilakukan dengan pendekatan teori system secara sistematis sebagai suatu sistem yang terpadu. Ruang lingkup sistem keberlanjutan kondisi dan fungsi pemanfaatan DPS Logawa adalah faktor yang berkaitan dengan penyebab terjadinya kerusakan kondisi fungsi DPS Logawa yang meliputi perilaku manusia antara lain kesalahan perencanaan pembangunan, konservasi dan pendayagunaan serta pemanfaatan DAS, Kesalahan distribusi dan pengendalian daya rusak, kelemahan kelembagaan maupun inventarisasi aset dan sistem informasi. kesadaran seluruh pihak pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) harus mau berpartisipasi dalam Pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan DAS, terutama menghargai jasa lingkungan, merupakan kunci keberhasilan pengelolaan DAS. Pemanfaatan sumberdaya DAS secara optimal akan berujung kepada tercapainya tujuan konservasi, produktivitas dan pengentasan kemiskinan. Pemerintah (pemerintah pusat, interdepartemental, dan daerah) secara kolektif harus mampu memfasilitasinya. Faktor penting dalam keberlanjutan kondisi dan fungsi pemanfaatan DAS adalah bagaimana regulasi dan kelembagaan yang mendasari dan menjadi  pengelola DAS tersebut dapat berfungsi maksimal secara efektif dan efisien. Tulisan ini difokuskan pada peran metode focusing group discussion (FGD) sebagai fasilitator netral diskusi berbagai stakes holders yang terkait dengan pengelolaan DAS untuk saling berkomitmen menyelesaiakan permasalahan yang muncul setelah adanya UU No. 7 tahun 2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air dan aturan aturan dibawahnya. Forum diskusi diterapkan pada DPS. Logawa sebagai lokus penelitian

    Analisis Neraca Air Untuk Perbaikan Rencana Penetapan Pola Tanaman Dan Jadwal Tanam (Studi Kasus Di Daerah Irigasi Papah, Kulon Progo) = Water Balance Analysis for Improvement the Plan of Cropping Pattern and Planting...

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    Abstract The future water availability could be predicted using data generation analysis. Markov chain model (AR-2) was used to generate data for this research and the sintetic data was applied to plan the cropping pattern of an irrigation scheme. Before using the data for analysis, it was necessary to test the consistency of the data using RAPS method (Rescaled Adjusted Partial Sums). The predicted rainfall and also runoff were compared to the observed one to validate the model using T test. The predicted runoff was used as the available water, meanwhile the predicted rainfall was used to find out the effective rainfall and these data were used to calculate the irrigation water requirement. The cropping pattern and the accurate planting schedule were based on the appropriate water balance where the available water was enough for the irrigation water requirement. The results indicated that the runoff and rainfall were consistent and so for predicted data were significant. Based on the water balance, it was known that the appropriate cropping pattern of Papah Irrigation Scheme was by applying the grouping system. For the first growing period, the land cultivation was started at 16 November 1999 for the first group (Kongklangan Manunggal) and 1 December 1999 for the second group (Cangkring Mulyo). For the second growing period, the area of paddy land was decreased by planting the upland crops. The results indicated that for the second growing period at Kongklangan Manunggal the area of paddy was 176 ha, corn 290 ha and sugarcane 10 ha, meanwhile for Cangkring Mulyo it was 159 ha for paddy, 290 ha for corn, and 58 ha for sugarcane. The irrigation channel of Kongklangan Manunggal was better to dry for the first half-monthly of August, meanwhile for Cangkring Mulyo was second half-monthly of August. Keywords: available runoff- irrigation water requirement - cropping pattern - planting schedul
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