6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perputaran Modal Kerja, Leverage Dan Pertumbuhan Penjualan Terhadap Profitabilitas (Studi Pada Perusahaan Makanan Dan Minuman Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Pada Tahun 2011-2013)

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    This research aims to explain the effect of Working Capital Turnover (WCT), Debt Ratio (DR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Sales Growth on Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Equity (ROE) simultaneously and partially. The method that is used in this research is explanatory research with purposive sampling as the sampling as the sampling method. This research is using 13 companies as samples out of a total population of 16 companies that is listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). The analysis technique that is used on this research is multiple linear regression and hypothesis test. The result of the F test analysis for ROI shows that WCT, DR, DER and Sales Growth have a simultaneously significant impact to ROI. Based on t test for ROI the DR, DER and Sales Growth have a partially signinifivant impact to ROI ehilr the WCT does not. The result of the F analysis for ROE shows that WCT, DR, DER and Sales Growth nave simultaneously significant impact to ROE. Based on t test for ROE the DR, and DER have a partially significant impact to ROI while the WCT and Sales Growth do not

    Strategi Dakwah Sunan Kudus

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    Model Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) Pada Materi Kontroversi (Controversy Issues) Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Kota Semarang

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    Social science subjects need to be constructed to shape the life of a democratic citizen. Organizing the material needed to form a controversy very intelligent character and critical learners. Organizing materials studied so interesting controversy will be able to develop a model that is capable of learning controversy develops the creativity of learners. The problems of this study are: (1) Which materials in IPS is controversial in the Junior High School?, (2) how teachers prepare and implement instructional materials IPS on the controversy?, and (3) how the teacher needs to be learning model on the IPS material controversy?.This study uses a design research and development (R & D), proceeded by a qualitative approach to determine the need for learning model IPS on the matter of controversy. Data collected through observation and interviews, and data analysis techniques used qualitative analysis.Based on the results of the study concluded that the learning material in the field of IPS controversy has not constructed well by the teacher. Teachers have not done the analysis of the material by separating the material which can be developed to foster critical thinking of students because it contains materials that controversy. Thus, the learning was done using a learning model that is not based matteri, because equating the controversy materials with other materials. This happens because the educational background of teachers who monodisiplin and analysis of materials that do not involve groups of teachers in the MGMP forum as well as a lack of understanding of the controversy in the learning material IPS. Based on the conclusions suggested: (1) teachers need to do the analysis of learning materials in MGMP so that the development of learning materials are made into more depth, and (2) there needs to be an understanding of the learning model that can be used by teachers to develop the material controversy in social studies

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan RANHAM 2004-2009 dan Rencana Ratifikasi Optional Protocol To The Convention Against Torture (CAT) dalam RANHAM 2004-2009 dan Perencanaan RANHAM 2010-2014

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    Dalam rangka mengevaluasi kepatuhan (comply) Pemerintah Indonesia dalam menjalankan United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) yang telah dirati kasi dengan UU No 5 1998, Kemitraan merasa perlu mengadakan kajian ini karena alasan-alasan berikut: (i) Secara hukum Indonesia wajib menjalankan UNCAT karena telah mengikatkan diri pada Konvensi tersebut sejak tahun 1998, sehingga semua pasal-pasal UNCAT (kecuali pasal 20 karena Indonesia mengecualikan diri) bersifat wajib atau legally binding untuk melaksanakannya. (ii) Indonesia belum sepenuhnya mengintegrasikan UNCAT dalam sejumlah peraturan Perundang-undangan nasional sehingga perlu dicermati secara khusus. (iii) Rencana Aksi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (RANHAM) 1998-2003 dan RANHAM 2004-2009 dirasa masih memiliki kekosongan substansi dan pelaksanaannya belum konsisten dengan apa yang dituangkan dalam ke dua RANHAM tersebut. Berdasarkan alan-alasan di atas dan makin maraknya pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di Indonesia, Kemitraan dengan bantuan dana dari Uni Eropa mencoba mengevaluasi secara komprehensive pelaksanaan RANHAM 2004-2009 dan melihat kemungkinan rencana rati kasi Optional Protocol UNCAT yang telah disepakati oleh Majelis Umum PBB pada tanggal 18 Desember 2002 dan telah enter into force pada tanggal 22 Juni 2006. Disamping itu, kajian ini juga memberikan masukan bagi Perencanaan RANHAM 2010-2014

    Islam, Radikalisme dan Deradikalisasi Berbasis Pancasila

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    Religious radicalism (Islam) developed the theological thought to counter-Pancasila and the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), it can be fought and softened with Pancasila itself. This is due to the fact that the cause of such radicalism is a misunderstanding to the Pancasila and its political system. Pancasila is regarded as a secular political ideology, whereas it actually cared pattern for the relationship between religion and state that upholds the values of divinity on the one side, and the public virtue on the other side. Deradizalisation of religion based on Pancasila can be applied with two strategies. First, proving the existence of religious dimension of Pancasila and Republic of Indonesia to undermine the secular claims from the radical groups. Second, learning the nature of politics which contained in Pancasila. These nature of politics are more in line with the political ideals of Islam, rather than the ideology of Islamism which tends to the violent.

    Kewarisan Beda Agama dalam Putusan-Putusan Hakim di Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine cases of inheritance from different religions that have been decided by the Religious Courts, High Religious Courts, and the Supreme Court in Indonesia. Inheritance from different religions can be classified into inheritance from Muslim heirs to non-Muslim heirs and inheritance from non-Muslim heirs to Muslim heirs. This study uses a judicial case study approach by examining five decisions, consisting of two religious court decisions, two cassation decisions, and one Supreme Court jurisprudence. This study shows that in cases of inheritance from non-Muslim heirs to Muslim heirs, religious court judges allow Muslim heirs to receive inheritance. This is in line with the opinion of some fiqh scholars who allow such provisions. Meanwhile, in cases of inheritance of Muslim heirs to non-Muslim heirs, judges at the religious court, high court, and the Supreme Court did not decide this case as an inheritance, but as a mandatory wasiat, so that the provisions prohibiting a Muslim from inheriting a non-Muslim were still obeyed by these judges. while the relationship between the heir and the heir is maintained because the heir still receives the heir's inheritance. The formulation of this obligatory will does not conflict with the opinion of the clergy, because there are no religious requirements in wasiat