12 research outputs found

    Modelo para avaliar o comportamento dinâmico da agregação de serviços no contexto de PSS

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2013.Abstract : The Product-Service System (PSS) is characterized by adding value to the product by association services. In these dynamics systems acting feedback information structures, time lags and nonlinearities. So specific performance conditions this association cannot be addressed by the development process or the contemplation without the evaluating dynamic behavior can trigger unfavorable events in system behavior over time. Therefore, this research aimed to "establish guidelines for orientation of product development efforts by evaluation of the dynamic performance of the aggregation a service module to the product into PSS context." The survey data are secondary in nature and collected in specialized literature through a structured process. With this, the bibliographic reference portfolio has built seventeen articles. The intervention instrument "Dynamic Systems" was used for processing. Three main subsystems were comprised by study: production, service provision and consumption. In describing the system context were explained and associated the main factors and highlighted the feedback loops that give the nonlinearities of the system behavior. This feedback loops are: production control, service provision control, control of product quality, control of service quality, process losses and waiting losses. The system structure was defined in proposed model, as well as entered the variables and enabled the mathematically integrating of constants and variables. The impact of unfavorable conditions in model behavior was estimated with simulation process. Thus four basic guidelines for the development activity of the product were presented as a proposed for solving the research problem. These include: strengthening the integration of actions aimed at consumer satisfaction, strengthen the integration of actions directed to the ease of obtaining the value, strengthen the integration of actions aimed at ease of consumption value, and strengthen the integration of actions aimed at controlling and operation of production and value addition

    Systemic relations among the variables involved in occupational accidents of the nursing team in a psychiatric hospital

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    Background: The occupational activities carried out in hospital environments pose occupational risks to professionals. In psychiatric hospitals, due to the characteristics of the patients treated, professionals are also subjected to other risks, such as physical aggression. Objective: This research aimed to identify the systemic context, highlighting the cause-and-effect relationships that culminate in occupational accidents that occurred with the nursing staff in a psychiatric hospital in Brazil. Methods: The current study is an applied research and was divided into three stages. First, the collection of data related to the case study was made and accidents were analyzed and occupational hazards were identified. In the second stage, from the collected information, occupational safety indicators were defined. Lastly, in the third stage, the qualitative aspect of System Dynamics was applied to perform the systemic analysis and to identify how the different variables were related. Results: The results showed that physical aggression was the main cause of accidents. Regarding safety indicators, while both the level of use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by professionals and the high level of PPE protection were positive aspects, the level of training of professionals to use PPE was a negative aspect. The Causal Link Diagram (CLD) showed that the perception of risk influenced the level of use of PPE and those organizational measures influenced the accident rate. Conclusion: In conclusion, the systemic analysis of the system dynamics can optimize the diagnostic process of occupational accidents in psychiatric hospitals, and especially help to identify the cause and effect among the variables involved.- (undefined

    Decision-making framework for implementing safer human-robot collaboration workstations: system dynamics modeling

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    Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) systems are often implemented seeking for reducing risk of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD) development and increasing productivity. The challenge is to successfully implement an industrial HRC to manage those factors, considering that non-linear behaviors of complex systems can produce counterintuitive effects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to design a decision-making framework considering the key ergonomic methods and using a computational model for simulations. It considered the main systemic influences when implementing a collaborative robot (cobot) into a production system and simulated scenarios of productivity and WMSD risk. In order to verify whether the computational model for simulating scenarios would be useful in the framework, a case study in a manual assembly workstation was conducted. The results show that both cycle time and WMSD risk depend on the Level of Collaboration (LoC). The proposed framework helps deciding which cobot to implement in a context of industrial assembly process. System dynamics were used to understand the actual behavior of all factors and to predict scenarios. Finally, the framework presented a clear roadmap for the future development of an industrial HRC system, drastically reducing risk management in decision-making.This work was supported by European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project n◦ 39479; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-39479] and by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/202

    Modelo de dinâmica de sistemas para avaliar capacidade na manufatura orientada a serviços

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2018.Com a redução da demanda na indústria da manufatura o gap resultante entre a capacidade utilizada e a capacidade instalada representa uma condição indesejável para o fabricante visto que corresponde a uma menor receita frente aos custos fixos. Essa pesquisa aborda esse problema utilizando como alternativa a oferta de serviços no contexto da Manufatura Orientada a Serviços (MOS) (Service Oriented-Manufacturing) em que estão envolvidas diferentes expectativas do consumidor. Então, o objetivo da pesquisa consistiu em qualificar o comportamento da utilização da capacidade sob a influência da expectativa do consumidor em um contexto de manufatura orientada a serviços. É usada a Dinâmica de Sistemas no processo interpretação e modelagem. Na construção do modelo, em um ponto de vista operacional, foram considerados três subsistemas: mercado, consumo e subsistema MOS. Os fatores específicos referentes ao consumidor no subsistema de consumo se referem a percepção do valor quanto ao preço, tempo de prestação, qualidade e confiabilidade. Nesse sentido, os cenários prospectados indicam que para a condição do problema a atuação no contexto da MOS é capaz de utilizar 100% da capacidade disponível do sistema ao longo de um horizonte de tempo. Porém, a expectativa do consumidor quanto ao tempo de prestação demonstrou um impacto maior no horizonte de tempo de utilização desse nível da capacidade, sendo esse horizonte reduzido em 8,47% em relação ao cenário de referência. A influência da expectativa quanto à qualidade, ao contrário, aumentou esse horizonte de utilização da capacidade em 8,23%, enquanto que a influência quanto confiabilidade o fez em 8,55%. Já a atuação em um mercado com influência da expectativa em relação ao preço ampliou esse horizonte em 19,5%. Por isso, se conclui que o gap de capacidade é anulado pela adoção da MOS, mas a sustentação desse resultado ao longo do tempo está sujeito a orientação do mercado, caracterizado pela expectativa do consumidor. Outra conclusão indica que a adoção da manufatura orientada a serviços é favorável, porém a extensão da oferta de serviços precisa considerar a persistência do problema ao longo do horizonte de tempo. O modelo construído pode ser utilizado por fabricantes da indústria da manufatura tanto para (i) a tomada de decisão para a adoção de serviços, quanto para (ii) a orientação de ações de controle do sistema.Abstract : With reduced demand in a manufacturing industry, the resulting gap between the utilized and the installed capacity is an undesirable condition for the manufacturer because it corresponds to lower revenue in relation to fixed costs. This study addresses this problem by using service-oriented manufacturing (SOM), which involves different consumer expectations, as an alternative service-offering context. The aim of this study was to qualify the capacity utilization behavior under the influence of consumer expectations in a SOM context. To do this, system dynamics was used in the context interpretation and modeling process. From an operational point of view, three subsystems were considered when developing the model: market, consumption and the SOM subsystem. Consumer-related factors in the consumption subsystem include the perception of value for the price, financing options (payment installments), quality and reliability. Prospective scenarios indicated that the performance problem condition in the SOM context could use 100% of the available capacity of the system over a time horizon. However, consumer-financing expectations had a great impact on the time horizon of this capacity level, reducing its horizon by 8.47% compared to the reference scenario. The influence of service quality expectations, on the other hand, increased the horizon by 8.23%, while the influence of reliability was 8.55%. On the other hand, market performance, influenced by price expectations, increased the horizon by 19.5%. It is thus concluded that the capacity gap is canceled by employing SOM, but the sustainability of this result over time is subject to market orientation, which is characterized by consumer expectations. Another conclusion is that although SOM is favorable, the extent of the service offer must consider the persistence of the problem over the time horizon. The model constructed in this study can be used in the manufacturing industry (i) for decision making with respect to services and (ii) to guide system control actions


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    The dynamic behavior of a Product-Service System is influenced by the delays regarding customer decisions and nonlinearities of perceptions. These factors can generate performance restrictions when services are added to products without managerial review, since System Dynamics models that address the Product-Service System do not provide a detailed description of the operational dynamics of services or the relationship of the system with customer perception. Thus, in this article a model is proposed to represent graphically the dynamic behavior of the service aggregation to deliver value. Using the System Dynamics methodology, the results included a conceptual model showing the main dynamic factors, a structural model and its mathematical description. This enables the contribution: the establishment of guidelines for management and product development process. Four guidelines are detailed highlighting the importance of considering the satisfied condition, the ease of the obtainment and consumption of value and the operational and control issues

    Modelo para avaliar o comportamento dinâmico da evolução da comercialização de produtos em um contexto de inovação aberta

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    ResumoEsta pesquisa é estabelecida no contexto da inovação aberta. Nesse contexto, a abertura do processo de inovação acarreta fatores específicos que podem comprometer seu desempenho. Assim, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa consistiu em evidenciar a influência de dois fatores na taxa de comercialização de produtos ao longo do tempo: (i) a geração de conhecimento externo e (ii) a entrada de novos concorrentes. Esta pesquisa descritiva utiliza a Dinâmica de Sistemas resultando no diagrama de causalidade e no diagrama de fluxo e estoque no tratamento qualitativo e quantitativo. É evidenciado que a geração de conhecimento externo pode influenciar a abertura de novos mercados conduzindo ao aumento de consumidores potenciais e efetivos. A entrada de novos concorrentes influência o sistema pelo valor no mercado e seu reflexo na percepção do consumidor. Isto se expressa em uma taxa de comercialização alongada e um crescimento abreviado de unidades comercializadas

    Elementos integrantes de um sistema produto-serviço como potencial para alcançar um desenvolvimento sustentável: bibliometria e análise de conteúdo

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    The concept of product-service systems (PSS) is presented as an innovative strategy when offering products and services. It aims at for minimizing environmental impacts through sustainable business models. This study aims to identify which potentialities can be explored with regard to the elements of a PSS in a configuration that favor to offer answers on sustainable issues. To do so, the literature was analyzed by a structured process of bibliographic review. Among the results, three aspects are highlighted: (i) the wideness of product concept to add services through PSS life-cycle, (ii) the configuration of infra-structure to support a PSS by establishing the necessary communication relatively to logistics services. Finally, the net of actors should be explored to obtain organizational proposals that contribute to PSS performance.O conceito de sistemas produto-serviço (PSS) é apresentado como uma estratégia inovadora na oferta de produtos e serviços, que busca a minimização dos impactos ambientais por meio de modelos de negócio sustentáveis. Este estudo objetiva identificar quais potencialidades podem ser exploradas nos elementos integrantes de um PSS para uma configuração que favoreça oferecer respostas às questões sustentáveis. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida um levantamento baseado na literatura qualificada, empregando-se no levantamento das informações um processo estruturado de revisão bibliográfica. Dentre os resultados, destacam-se a potencialidade quanto: à abrangência do conceito do produto em agregar serviços ao longo do ciclo de vida e as configurações da infraestrutura de suporte ao PSS com o estabelecimento da comunicação necessária a abordagens relativas a serviços de logística, ou mesmo a logística inerente do empreendimento para a habilitação dos serviços. Finalmente, a rede de atores deve ser explorada a fim de obterem-se arranjos organizacionais que contribuam com o desempenho de um PSS

    A computational assessment of ergonomics in an industrial human-robot collaboration workplace using system dynamics

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    An automotive company in Portugal has a high rate of sick leave due to occupational diseases where it is planned the insertion of an industrial Human-Robotic Collaboration (HRC) system to assist workers’ activities. As this system can result in physical and mental overload, depending on the different Levels of Collaboration (LoC), the aim of this paper is to predict what would be the best working condition between worker and robot. This descriptive research establishes a quantitative approach, since it prospects scenarios generated by computer simulation. It explores the outputs of sick leave rate by inserting an industrial HRC in the production line. The main results consist of the scenarios that graphically describe the evolution of the indicators over time. We conclude that counterintuitive effects can occur on these systems, and a computational simulation is useful to predict working condition scenarios when deciding which human-robot configuration fits better.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UIDB/00319/2020

    Using textile industrial sludge, sewage wastewater, and sewage sludge as inoculum to degrade recalcitrant textile dyes in a co-composting process: an assessment of biodegradation efficiency and compost phytotoxicity

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    International audienceRecalcitrant dyes found in textile wastewater represent a threat for sustainable textile production due to their resistance toconventional treatments. This study assessed an alternative co-composting system for the treatment of recalcitrant textile dyeswhere textile industrial sludge, sewage wastewater, or sewage sludge were used as microbial compost inocula. The biodegradationefficiency of bioreactor trials and compost quality of the co-composting system were assessed by visible spectrophotometryand by a phytotoxicity test. The co-composting system (dry weight (dw) basis) consisted of 200 g of restaurant organic residues +200 g sewage sludge (or 100 mL sewage wastewater, or 200 g textile sludge) + 100 mL of a 10%dye solution (Reactive Red 195,or Synolon Brown, or Orange Remazol, or Yellow Synozol, or Reactive Orange 122, or Reactive Black 5). After 60 days ofcomposting, all dyes were biodegraded according to spectrophotometric data, with efficiency varying from 97.2 to 99.9%.Inoculum efficiency ranking was textile sludge > sewage sludge > sewage wastewater. Regarding compost quality, a phytotoxicitystudy with lettuce showed no toxicity effect. Thus, co-composting can be a low-cost and efficient method for recalcitranttextile dye biodegradation and for managing textile sludge in terms of waste recycling, contributing to environmentalsustainability