7 research outputs found

    Utjecaj uputa za fokus pažnje na ekonomičnost trčanja pri submaksimalnim brzinama

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of external and internal focus of attention instructions on running economy at a submaximal velocity. Twenty-four male physical education students ran on a treadmill at a velocity of 9.6 kmĀ·hr-1 in two 10-minute counterbalanced conditions: external focus (watching a video of running from the runnerā€™s perspective), and internal focus (focusing on the movement of their legs). The external focus of attention provided visual feedback of the running velocity to the participants and was shown during the internal focus condition as well. No differences in physiological responses, running economy, or rating of perceived exertion were found between the two conditions. Based on the data of the current study, it was concluded that attentional focus does not affect running economy or physiological responses when running at submaximal velocities.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati koliko instrukcije za (vanjski i unutarnji) fokus pažnje utječu na ekonomičnost trčanja pri submaksimalnim brzinama. Dvadeset i četiri studenta (muÅ”karca) kineziologije trčala su po deset minuta na pokretnoj traci pri brzini od 9,6 km/h provodeći dva različita eksperimentalna protokola usmjeravanja pažnje: vanjski fokus (gledanje videa snimljenoga iz perspektive trkača) i unutarnji fokus (pažnja na kretnje vlastitih nogu). Vanjski fokus pažnje omogućio je ispitanicima vizualnu povratnu informaciju o brzini trčanja, a video snimka je prikazana i u uvjetima unutarnjeg fokusa pažnje. Nisu zabilježene značajne razlike u fizioloÅ”kim odgovorima, ekonomičnosti trčanja ili subjektivnoj procjeni opterećenja između dva eksperimentalna protokola. Na temelju podataka istraživanja zaključeno je da fokus pažnje ne utječe na ekonomičnost trčanja ni fizioloÅ”ke reakcije prilikom trčanja submaksimalnim brzinama

    The effects of external and internal focus of attention on physiological responses during running

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of external focus of attention and internal focus of attention instructions on physiological responses in experienced adolescent basketball players (n = 17; mean age = 15.1Ā±0.6 years). After a 10-min warm-up at a running velocity equal to 60% of the heart rate reserve, participants ran on a treadmill under two 10-min conditions: (a) internal focus instructions ā€“ focusing on the legs and running motion, and (b) external focus instructions ā€“ focusing on a film of a basketball game that did not provide visual feedback on running speed. It was found that oxygen consumption and respiratory exchange ratio did not significantly differ among the three conditions. It was concluded that an external focus of attention that does not provide additional visual feedback pertinent to the task of running (e.g., a film clip from the runner's perspective that shows advancing in a virtual environment) does not affect physiological measures or improve running economy