187 research outputs found

    Tema-Tema Fantasi Dalam Komunikasi Kelompok Muslim-Tionghoa

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    The objective of this study was to analysis themes of fantasy in the Muslim-Chinesecommunications groups in the city of Makassar. The method used for the analysis method Bormann(1985) borrow on how to do a fantasy theme analysis. Bormann suggests that researchers shouldbegin with gathering evidence related to the manifestation of the content of communicationmessages as stated below: by collecting evidence related to the manifest content of the communication.“Manifest content of the message is at the core of the evidence needed to conduct theanalysis includes a fantasy theme” patterns of characterizations, of dramatic situation and actions,and of setting”. Research results are the themes of fantasy-Chinese Muslim groups, including:Virtue Prayer, the theme of Islamic Anti-Violence fantasy, and fantasy themes Nature ofGod's knowledge. Fantasy themes can help members of the Muslim-Chinese interpret socialinteraction and create a reality in the group and share the theme fanatasi-Chinese Muslim groupscarried out to establish, maintain, and create empathic communication. The goal is to increasethe commitment to the use of symbols so that they can empathize and have an identity that setsit apart from other groups, for example, using a symbolic gesture to equalize the group membersthought through what he thinks, says and does. The pattern of shared fantasy themes that arecommunicated between the members in developing a common interpretation of their experiencewith the interpretation of joint use of symbolic cues

    Communication Network Model for the Fast Reaction Team Program (Trc) “Saribattang” Children in Makassar City

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    The communication network helps provide the direction and policies of the Quick Response Team (TRC) Program "Saribattang" focus on addressing Social Welfare Problems (PMKS), especially street children, beggars, and sprawl. Rapid Response Team (TRC) "Saribattang" was formed in order to conduct patrol of Social Welfare Persons (PMKS) of Makassar City Social Service. So in the end, reduce PMKS in Makassar City. The research problem is how the operational characteristics and actions, evaluation and sustainability of Saribattang Quick Reaction Team Program for street children and communication network model for sustainability of Saribattang Rapid Response Team Program for street children development in Makassar City. The objectives and targets to be achieved are to understand and describe the characteristics of operational acts and determine the communication activities of street children in the communication network for evaluation and sustainability of the Saribattang Quick Reaction Team Program in the development of street children in Makassar and to find, describe and analyze the model of communication network network) for sustainability of street children development program in Makassar City. For the achievement of objectives and targets are used research methods Mixed-Method research (mixed method research). Methods for obtaining different but complementary data to understand the communication networks formed within the group of street children. The results showed that the non operational street children in Makassar is a complex social problem phenomenon. This phenomenon occurs in the community due to disruption of social functions, said to be disturbed because the child should be in a home situation, school or play environment in which there are interactions that support the child's development, whether physical, motor, social, psychological and moral. Such conditions can not be met by street children. They are required to work on the streets, the operational act they do it refers to the search for extra money, help parents and asked the family. Consideration of policies and strategies of "Innovation Desensitization" (acts of innovation through the development of communication and information) on the target group or individual street children through the communication network leader utilization approach among them. The role of opinion leaders to solve various problems of street children in their group communication networks. Especially in support of Fast Response Team (TRC) “Saribattang” in coaching street children in Makassar City. Establish interpersonal communication approach in integrated communication network. Aiming at the Social Service through Quick Response Team (TRC) Saribattang and street children in Makassar together open themselves in evaluating the successful implementation of programs directly. Model of communication network formation in order to facilitate information dissemination process or program of Quick Reaction Team (TRC) Saribattang in coaching street children in Makassar City. The program does not focus on street children alone but also on the family and other significance of the street children themselves

    The Influence of Reward on Turnover Intention with the Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable (A Study on Group I and II Employee at Djatiroto Sugar Factory)

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    Turnover Intention is an early signal of potential employee turnover within the company. Attempts to detect a turnover intention is important to do because qualified human resources need to be maintained for the sake of the company’s progress. This study aims to determine the condition of reward variables, organizational commitment, and Turnover Intention, as well as the influence of reward variables and commitment to Turnover Intention on the employees of Djatioroto Sugar Factory in Lumajang. By using proportional random sampling method, respondents in this study were 217 people from 472 employees of Group I and II Djatioroto Sugar Factory, Lumajang. Using path analysis, the results showed that there was a significant direct effect of rewards on turnover intention, rewards to organizational commitment, and organizational commitment to turnover intention. In addition, there is an indirect influence of rewards on turnover intention, with organizational commitment as an intervening variable.   Keywords: Reward, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perilaku kecurangan akademik dalam proses perkuliahan pada mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Pontianak. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan konsep fraud triangle. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa jurusan Akuntansi program studi DIII dan DIV. Pengumpulan data dilakukan terlebih dahulu melalui wawancara dengan beberapa orang mahasiswa tingkat akhir sebagai pra-penelitian, dan dilakukan penyebaran kuesioner secara proportional random sampling terhadap mahasiswa Akuntansi sebagai penelitian lanjutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data deskriptif kombinasi. Dilakukan pra-penelitian dengan menggunakan teknik kualitatif dengan skala kecil dan dilanjutkan pada penelitian skala yang lebih besar pada mahasiswa dengan menggunakan teknik kuantitatif. Data yang diperoleh dalam pra-penelitian yaitu wawancara dan data dokumentasi berupa hasil dari kuesioner yang disebarkan pada mahasiswa dalam penelitian skala yang lebih besar. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu kecurangan akademik sebagai variabel terikat, tekanan akademik, kesempatan dan rasionalisasi sebagai variabel bebas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan secara parsial perilaku kecurangan akademik mahasiswa jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Pontianak dipengaruhi oleh faktor tekanan akademik dan adanya kesempatan. Sedangkan faktor rasionalisasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku kecurangan akademik. Dalam konsep fraud triangle yang terdiri dari tekanan, kesempatan dan rasionalisasi secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap kecurangan akademik mahasiswa Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

    Pengaruh Kedisiplinan, Lingkungan Kerja dan Budaya Kerja terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Pengajar

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    : The Effects of Discipline, Work Environment and Work Culture on Lecturer Performance. This study aims to analyze the influence of work discipline, work environment and work culture on the performance of teachers. The population of this study was all lectures of Yaspenlub Demak. The results of this study indicate that the discipline does not affect the performance of the work, the work environment has no effect on performance, work culture has a positive effect on the performance of teachers, and jointly work discipline, work environment and work culture positive effect on the performance of teachers

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Organisasi dan Kompensasi terhadap Semangat Kerja Karyawan

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    : The influence of Organization Communication and Compensation on Employee Morale. This study aims to analyze the influence and impact of organizational communication and compensation on employee morale. This study uses a quantitative approach and employ a multiple linear regression approach to analyze the data. The data is taken from employees of PT. Vermindo Utama Semarang. The results show that organization communication has a positive effect on the employee morale. Another finding is the compensation has a positive effect on employee morale
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