351 research outputs found

    Informationally complete measurements and groups representation

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    Informationally complete measurements on a quantum system allow to estimate the expectation value of any arbitrary operator by just averaging functions of the experimental outcomes. We show that such kind of measurements can be achieved through positive-operator valued measures (POVM's) related to unitary irreducible representations of a group on the Hilbert space of the system. With the help of frame theory we provide a constructive way to evaluate the data-processing function for arbitrary operators.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, IOP style. Some new references adde

    Analisi delle dinamiche di infortunio come strumento per la programmazione di interventi di prevenzione in agricoltura

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    Pi\uf9 di 4.000 eventi infortunistici, archiviati nel database regionale dalle ASL della Regione Lombardia, sono stati elaborati al fine di individuare le principali dinamiche di infortunio in agricoltura. Il monitoraggio annuale degli infortuni e l\u2019analisi dell\u2019evoluzione delle dinamiche di accadimento consentono una programmazione mirata degli interventi di prevenzione e risultano nello stesso tempo un utile strumento di verifica dell\u2019efficacia delle misure di sicurezza intraprese

    Identifying physical hazard for intensive pig and cattle breeding operators and defining prevention measures

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight the main objectives and achievements of the project "Identifying chemical, physical and biological hazards for intensive pig and cattle breeding operators and defining prevention measures", carried out by the Lombardy Region with the aim of enhancing the effects of the programme \u201cpreventive interventions in agriculture\u201d. The project has therefore strongly affected preventive policies at local and regional levels. Since primary production is "a complex system", a systematically integrated approach has been necessarily adopted, therefore different bodies and levels of government have been involved in the project in order to devise a regional integrated agricultural policy. The characteristic of the regional plan and its implementation at local level is to pursue integrated objectives in many fields: \u2022 information (registers of accidents and occupational hazards, analysis of the prevention at farm level and its evolution); \u2022 measures (definition of priorities and information campaigns); \u2022 training (production and dissemination of educational materials and manuals, setting up of communication strategies with all those involved, systematic training for public officials); \u2022 development (devising of guidelines, promotion and validation of crop and/or sector exposure/risk profiles, promotion of farm management systems taking into account prevention measures). This research project was perfectly in tune with the broader context of activities, providing essential information and contributing to the drafting of the guidelines on hygiene and safety in rural buildings "(BURL of 10/02/2006, 3 \ub0 suppl. Overtime) and to the promotion of farm management systems taking into account prevention measures. The project activities have analysed all preliminary aspects necessary to describe the production, and provide a framework to define risk factors and to identify a representative sample of the main breeding and production techniques in order to assess, even by quantitative measures, chemical, physical, biological risk factors. In particular, and to be concise, this work quantifies the main physical hazards (lighting, microclimate, noise) with detailed measurements and explains the main prevention measures put forward for intensive dairy cattle and pig farming

    Approaching the Heisenberg limit with two mode squeezed states

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    Two mode squeezed states can be used to achieve Heisenberg limit scaling in interferometry: a phase shift of δϕ2.76/\delta \phi \approx 2.76 / can be resolved. The proposed scheme relies on balanced homodyne detection and can be implemented with current technology. The most important experimental imperfections are studied and their impact quantified.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Environmental and biological monitoring for the identification of main exposure determinants in vineyard mancozeb applicators

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    Grapevine is a vulnerable crop to several fungal diseases often requiring the use of ethylenebisdithiocarbamate (EBDC) fungicides, such as mancozeb. This fungicide has been reported to have goitrogenic, endocrine disrupting, and possibly immunotoxic effects. The aim of this study was to assess workers' exposure in two scenarios of mancozeb application and analyse the main determinants of exposure in order to better understand their mechanism of influence. Environmental monitoring was performed using a modified Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) "patch" methodology and by hand-wash collection, while mancozeb's metabolite, ethylenethiourea (ETU), was measured in 24-h preexposure and postexposure urine samples. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was used for determination of mancozeb and ETU in different kinds of samples. Closed tractor use resulted in 40 times lower potential exposure compared with open tractor. Coveralls reduced skin exposure 4 and 10 times in case of open and closed tractors, respectively. Gloves used during application resulted in 10 times lower hand exposure in open but increased exposure in closed tractors. This study has demonstrated that exposure to mancozeb is low if safe occupational hygiene procedures are adopted. ETU is confirmed as suitable biological marker of occupational exposure to mancozeb, but the absence of biological exposure limits significantly reduces the possibility to interpret biological monitoring results in occupationally exposed workers

    Exchange Gate on the Qudit Space and Fock Space

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    We construct the exchange gate with small elementary gates on the space of qudits, which consist of three controlled shift gates and three "reverse" gates. This is a natural extension of the qubit case. We also consider a similar subject on the Fock space, but in this case we meet with some different situation. However we can construct the exchange gate by making use of generalized coherent operator based on the Lie algebra su(2) which is a well--known method in Quantum Optics. We moreover make a brief comment on "imperfect clone".Comment: Latex File, 12 pages. I could solve the problems in Sec. 3 in the preceding manuscript, so many corrections including the title were mad

    Sorveglianza sanitaria in agricoltura : l\u2019esperienza del Centro Internazionale per la Salute Rurale dell\u2019Azienda Ospedaliera San Paolo di Milano

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    OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SURVEILLANCE IN AGRICULTURE: THE EXPERIENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR RURAL HEALTH. The results of the activities of occupational health surveillance in agriculture carried out by the International Centre for Rural Health since 2008 are described.The activities involve 800 workers employed in 260 farms in the Region of Lombardy (Italy). The types of farms reflect the vocation toward agricultural sector of the Po Valley and the most representative tasks are related to animal care and use of agricultural machinery. Based on the specific risks, workers are provided with preventive and periodic examinations, and complementary laboratory and instrumental evaluations (hearing and respiratory functions, electrocardiography), related to the different risk factors present in the enterprises. The occupational health priorities identified are, for the time being, noise-induced hearing loss and insufficient immunization against tetanus

    Binary optical communication in single-mode and entangled quantum noisy channels

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    We address binary optical communication in single-mode and entangled quantum noisy channels. For single-mode we present a systematic comparison between direct photodetection and homodyne detection in realistic conditions, i.e. taking into account the noise that occurs both during the propagation and the detection of the signals. We then consider entangled channels based on twin-beam state of radiation, and show that with realistic heterodyne detection the error probability at fixed channel energy is reduced in comparison to the single-mode cases for a large range of values of quantum efficiency and noise parameters

    Real-life experience with ceftolozane/tazobactam in Canada: results from the CLEAR (Canadian LEadership on Antimicrobial Real-life usage) registry.

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    Objectives Ceftolozane/tazobactam is a cephalosporin/β-lactamase inhibitor combination with activity against Gram-negative bacilli. We report the use of ceftolozane/tazobactam in Canada using a national registry. Methods The CLEAR registry uses REDCapTM (Research Electronic Data Capture) (online survey, https://is.gd/CLEAR_ceftolozanetazobactam) to capture details associated with clinical use of ceftolozane/tazobactam. Results Data from 51 patients treated in 2020 with ceftolozane/tazobactam are available. Infections treated included hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (37.3% of patients), ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (15.7%), bone/joint infection (11.8%), complicated intra-abdominal infection (7.8%) and complicated skin and skin structure infection (7.8%). 17.6% of patients had bacteremia and 47.1% were in intensive care. Ceftolozane/tazobactam was primarily used as directed therapy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections (92.2% of patients). Ceftolozane/tazobactam was used because of resistance to (86.3%), failure of (11.7%), or adverse effects from (2.0%) previously prescribed antimicrobials. Ceftolozane/tazobactam susceptibility testing was performed on isolates from 88.2% of patients. Ceftolozane/tazobactam was used in combination with another antimicrobial active versus Gram-negative bacilli in 39.2% of patients (aminoglycosides [15.7%], fluoroquinolones [7.8%] and colistin/polymyxin B [7.8%]). The dosage regimen was customized in all patients based on their creatinine clearance. Treatment duration was primarily >10 days (60.8% of patients) with microbiological success in 60.5% and clinical success in 64.4% of patients. 7.8% of patients had adverse effects not requiring drug discontinuation. Conclusions In Canada, ceftolozane/tazobactam is used as directed therapy to treat a variety of severe infections caused MDR P. aeruginosa. It is commonly used in combination with other antimicrobials with relatively high microbiological/clinical cure rates, and an excellent safety profile