26 research outputs found

    Extracellular matrix-bound angiopoietin-like 4 inhibits endothelial cell adhesion, migration, and sprouting and alters actin cytoskeleton.

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    International audienceAngiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) is a secreted protein that belongs to the angiopoietin family and is involved in angiogenesis and metabolism regulation. We previously reported the induction of angptl4 by hypoxia in endothelial cells and in human ischemic tissues from peripheral artery disease. We here observed in a mouse model of hindlimb ischemia that the mRNA upregulation in the vessels correlates with the accumulation of the full-length protein in ischemic tissues. We then investigated its functions in endothelial cells. In response to hypoxia, endogenous ANGPTL4 accumulates in the subendothelial extracellular matrix (ECM). Although the secreted protein undergoes proteolysis leading to truncated fragments present in the medium, only full-length ANGPTL4 interacts with the ECM. Competition and direct binding assays indicate that the strong interaction of ANGPTL4 with the ECM is heparin/heparan sulfate proteoglycan dependent. The balance between matrix-associated and soluble forms of ANGPTL4 points to the role of the ECM in the regulation of its bioavailability. The angiogenic function of the ECM-bound full-length protein was investigated using either the form associated with the conditioned ECM from ANGPTL4-transfected HEK293 cells or the purified immobilized protein. We show that matrix-associated and immobilized ANGPTL4 limit the formation of actin stress fibers and focal contacts in the adhering endothelial cells and inhibit their adhesion. Immobilized ANGPTL4 also decreases motility of endothelial cells and inhibits the sprouting and tube formation. Altogether, these findings show that hypoxic endothelial cells accumulate ANGPTL4 in the ECM, which in turn negatively regulates their angiogenic capacities through an autocrine pathway

    Alteration of developmental and pathological retinal angiogenesis in angptl4-deficient mice

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    Proper vessel maturation, remodeling of endothelial junctions, and recruitment of perivascular cells is crucial for establishing and maintaining vessel functions. In proliferative retinopathies, hypoxia-induced angiogenesis is associated with disruption of the vascular barrier, edema, and vision loss. Therefore, identifying factors that regulate vascular maturation is critical to target pathological angiogenesis. Given the conflicting role of angiopoietin-like-4 (ANGPTL4) reported in the current literature using gain of function systems both in vitro and in vivo, the goal of this study was to characterize angiogenesis, focusing on perinatal retinal vascularization and pathological circumstances in angpl4-deficient mice. We report altered organization of endothelial junctions and pericyte coverage, both leading to impaired angiogenesis and increased vascular leakage that were eventually caught up, suggesting a delay in vessel maturation. In a model of oxygen-induced retinopathy, pathological neovascularization, which results from tissue hypoxia, was also strongly inhibited in angptl4-deficient mice. This study therefore shows that ANGPTL4 tunes endothelial cell junction organization and pericyte coverage and controls vascular permeability and angiogenesis, both during development and in pathological conditions

    Angiopoietin-like 4 prevents metastasis through inhibition of vascular permeability and tumor cell motility and invasiveness.

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    Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4), a secreted protein of the angiopoietin-like family, is induced by hypoxia in both tumor and endothelial cells as well as in hypoxic perinecrotic areas of numerous cancers. Here, we investigated whether ANGPTL4 might affect tumor growth as well as metastasis. Metastatic 3LL cells were therefore xenografted into control mice and mice in which ANGPTL4 was expressed by using in vivo DNA electrotransfer. Whereas primary tumors grew at a similar rate in both groups, 3LL cells metastasized less efficiently to the lungs of mice that expressed ANGPTL4. Fewer 3LL emboli were observed in primary tumors, suggesting that intravasation of 3LL cells was inhibited by ANGPTL4. Furthermore, melanoma B16F0 cells injected into the retro-orbital sinus also metastasized less efficiently in mice expressing ANGPTL4. Although B16F0 cells were observed in lung vessels, they rarely invaded the parenchyma, suggesting that ANGPTL4 affects extravasation. In addition, recombinant B16F0 cells that overexpress ANGPTL4 were generated, showing a lower capacity for in vitro migration, invasion, and adhesion than control cells. Expression of ANGPTL4 induced reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton through inhibition of actin stress fiber formation and vinculin localization at focal contacts. Together, these results show that ANGPTL4, through its action on both vascular and tumor compartments, prevents the metastatic process by inhibiting vascular activity as well as tumor cell motility and invasiveness

    Enhanced angiogenesis and increased cardiac perfusion after myocardial infarction in protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B-deficient mice

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    International audienceThe protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) modulates tyrosine kinase receptors, among which is the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 2 (VEGFR2), a key component of angiogenesis. Because PTP1B deficiency in mice improves left ven-tricular (LV) function 2 mo after myocardial infarction (MI), we hypothesized that enhanced angiogenesis early after MI via activated VEGFR2 contributes to this improvement. At 3 d after MI, capillary density was increased at the infarct border of PTP1B ۊ/ۊ mice [ۉ7ێ2% vs. wild-type (WT), P â€«Űâ€Ź 0.05]. This was associated with increased extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 phosphorylation and VEGFR2 activation (i.e., phosphorylated-Src/Src/VEGFR2 and dissocia-tion of endothelial VEGFR2/VE-cadherin), together with higher infiltration of proangiogenic M2 macro-phages within unchanged overall infiltration. In vitro, we showed that PTP1B inhibition or silencing using RNA interference increased VEGF-induced migration and proliferation of mouse heart microvascular endo-thelial cells as well as fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-induced proliferation of rat aortic smooth muscle cells. At 8 d after MI in PTP1B ۊ/ۊ mice, increased LV capillary density (ۉ21ێ3% vs. WT; P<0.05) and an increased number of small diameter arteries (15-50 m) were likely to participate in increased LV perfu-sion assessed by magnetic resonance imaging and improved LV compliance, indicating reduced diastolic dysfunction. In conclusion, PTP1B deficiency reduces MI-induced heart failure promptly after ischemia by enhancing angiogenesis, myocardial perfusion, and di-astolic function S., Richard, V., Ouvrard-Pascaud, A. Enhanced angiogenesis and increased cardiac perfusion after myocardial infarction in protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B-deficient mice. FASEB J. 28, 3351-3361 (2014). www.fasebj.or