271 research outputs found

    Menuju Demokrasi Bermakna : Persoalan-Persoalan Perbaikan Representasi Politik di Indonesia

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    Hasil dari survei ulang pada tahun 2007 yang dilakukan oleh Demos memperlihatkan situasi demokrasi di Indonesia masih goyah. Sejumlah instrumen demokrasi mengalami defisit yang ditandai dengan kemerosotan berbagai instrumen dasar (hak sipil politik), sementara kondisi hak sosial ekonomi masih jauh dari memadai. Meskipun banyak pemilu telah berjalan dengan damai, jujur dan adil akan tetapi persoalan representasi belum membaik. Representasi yang seharusnya menghadirkan kepentingan rakyat malah dibajak oleh elit dan kelompoknya. Oleh sebab itu, representasi dinilai buruk atau semu karena tidak menghadirkan kepentingan yang diwakilinya atau berbagai kelompok yang tidak hadir. Di samping persoalan kualitas representasi yang buruk, perangkat lain dari demokrasi yang juga dinilai buruk antara lain akses dan partisipasi masyarakat termasuk kelompok marjinal, partisipasi langsung, dan kebebasan mendirikan partai di tingkat lokal. Sementara aktor alternatif, yaitu para aktor prodemokrasi (prodem) yang mencoba masuk ke berbagai lembaga pengambilan keputusan sekaligus cenderung melakukan populist shortcuts (jalan pintas populis) atau politik-atas-nama tanpa membangun pengorganisasian. Di tengah situasi tersebut, Demos merekomendasikan Blok Politik Demokratik (BPD) sebagai jalan keluar, yaitu sebuah wadah gerakan sosial untuk membangun konsolidasi antar-gerakan masyarakat sipil (LSM dan OR) dengan aktivitas politik yang terorganisir (parpol, parlemen, dan lembaga representasi lainnya) yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki representasi politik, representasi kepentingan dan partisipasi langsung. Setelah lebih dari empat tahun gagasan dan pembentukannya, BPD dinilai penting untuk dilihat kembali. Apakah BPD berhasil dibentuk, bagaimana peluang dan tantangan BPD ditingkat lokal. Apakah BPD berhasil memperbaiki representasi, dapat meningkatkan partisipasi serta menjadi ruang publik tersendiri

    Kondisi Sanitasi Lingkungan Perumahan dan Kontaminasi Escherichia Coli pada Penyajian Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu Lokal

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    Bayi sangat rentan terhadap penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu lokal (MP-ASI lokal). Sampai saat ini belum diketahui keamanan penyajiannya dari kontaminasi mikrobiologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kontaminasi Escherichia coli (E. coli) pada penyajian MP-ASI lokal dan mengamati hubungan antara kondisi sanitasi rumah, seperti Sarana Air Bersih (SAB), tempat mencuci peralatan makan bayi, kondisi Saluran Pembuangan Air Limbah (S PAL), kondisi tempat sampah dan keberadaan hewan berkeliaran di dalam rumah terhadap kontaminasi E. coli pada penyajian. Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang yang mengamati penyajian MP-ASI lokal bagi bayi usia 6-12 bulan pada 138 rumah. Lokasi penelitian pada 21 Dusun di Kabupaten S olok. Analisis dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi gambaran kontaminasi E. coli pada penyajian M P-ASI lokal, kondisi faktor sanitasi rumah tangga, mengetahui hubungan antara faktor sanitasi rumah dengan kontaminasi E. coli dan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan kontaminasi tersebut . Penelitian ini menemukan lebih dari separuh (72,5%) MP-ASI lokal yang disajikan terkont aminasi E. coli. Keberadaan hewan yang berkeliaran di dalam rumah memiliki risiko dua kali lebih besar terkontaminasi E. coli pada penyajian MP-ASI lokal bagi bayi usia 6-12 bulan di rumah tangga.Infant is the most vulnerable groupof safer infectious diseases caused by complementary food. Meanwhile complementary food safety was unknown. The study aimed to know Escheriacoli (E. coli) contamination in serving complementary food and relationship of house sanitation condition as clean water facilities, places for dishes infant food utensils,domestic wastewater facilities condition, garbage facilities condition and the present of domestic animals in houseto E. coli contaminationin serving. Study design was cross sectional, object of observation were 138 household that serving complementary food for 6-12 month old infants. Location of study was in 21 subvilages at Solok District. Data analysis was used to know description of E. coli contamination, household sanitation condition, relationship between household sanitation factor with E. coli contamination and the most significant sanitation factors that have relationship with that contamination. This study found (72.5%) serving complementary food have been contaminated by E. coli. The domestic animals in the house, 2 times more risks to have E. coli contimination in complementary serving

    Hubungan Karakteristik Penjamah Makanan Dengan Kontaminasi Escherichia Coli Pada Penyajian Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu Lokal Pada Empat Nagari Di Kabupaten Solok Tahun 2012

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    Penelitian ini mengamati hubungan karakteristik penjamah makanan terhadap kontaminasi Escherichia coli (E. coli) pada penyajian MP-ASI lokal pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan di 4 Nagari Kabupaten Solok Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Desain yang digunakan adalah potong lintang. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap 138 rumah tangga yang menyajikan MP-ASI lokal bagi bayi usia 6-12 bulan. Pemeriksaan kontaminasi E. coli dilakukan terhadap MP-ASI lokal yang disajikan dan tangan penjamah makanan, menggunakan metode konvensional dengan menghitung MPN kuman melalui uji persumtif dan conformatif. Ditemukan kontaminasi E. coli pada MP-ASI lokal sebesar 72,5% dan tangan penjamah makanan sebesar 57,9%. Faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan kontaminasi E. coli pada penyajian MP-ASI lokal adalah kontaminasi tangan penjamah makanan dan cara mengeringkan telapak tangan menggunakan kain lap. Tangan penjamah makanan yang terkontaminasi E. coli, 3 kali lebih berisiko terhadap kontaminasi E. coli pada penyajian MP-ASI lokal dibandingkan tangan yang tidak terkontaminasi E. coli. Mengeringkan tangan menggunakan kain lap, 0,3 kali lebih berisiko dibandingkan mengeringkan tangan tidak menggunakan kain lap. Perlu dilakukan sosialisasi dan perbaikan cara mencuci tangan yang benar terhadap penjamah makanan dan anggota keluarga bayi. Selain itu juga perlu disosialisasikan upaya untuk menjaga kebersihan lap tangan di rumah tangga, dengan cara mencuci lap tangan setiap hari untuk meminimalisir risiko kontaminasi E. coli pada kain lap

    Time Evolution of the Wettability of Supported Graphene under Ambient Air Exposure.

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    The wettability of graphene is both fundamental and crucial for interfacing in most applications, but a detailed understanding of its time evolution remains elusive. Here we systematically investigate the wettability of metal-supported, chemical vapor deposited graphene films as a function of ambient air exposure time using water and various other test liquids with widely different surface tensions. The wettability of graphene is not constant, but varies with substrate interactions and air exposure time. The substrate interactions affect the initial graphene wettability, where, for instance, water contact angles of ∼85 and ∼61° were measured for Ni and Cu supported graphene, respectively, after just minutes of air exposure. Analysis of the surface free energy components indicates that the substrate interactions strongly influence the Lewis acid-base component of supported graphene, which is considerably weaker for Ni supported graphene than for Cu supported graphene, suggesting that the classical van der Waals interaction theory alone is insufficient to describe the wettability of graphene. For prolonged air exposure, the effect of physisorption of airborne contaminants becomes increasingly dominant, resulting in an increase of water contact angle that follows a universal linear-logarithmic relationship with exposure time, until saturating at a maximum value of 92-98°. The adsorbed contaminants render all supported graphene samples increasingly nonpolar, although their total surface free energy decreases only by 10-16% to about 37-41 mJ/m2. Our finding shows that failure to account for the air exposure time may lead to widely different wettability values and contradicting arguments about the wetting transparency of graphene.We acknowledge funding from EPSRC (Grant No. EP/K016636/1, GRAPHTED) and ERC (Grant No. 279342, InsituNANO). P.R. Kidambi acknowledges the Lindemann Trust Fellowship. R.S. Weatherup acknowledges a Research Fellowship from St. John’s College, Cambridge and a EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship under grant ARTIST (no. 656870) from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the American Chemical Society via https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b1049

    Chemical vapour deposition of freestanding sub-60 nm graphene gyroids

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    The direct chemical vapour deposition of freestanding graphene gyroids with controlled sub-60 nm unit cell sizes is demonstrated. Three-dimensional (3D) nickel templates were fabricated through electrodeposition into a selectively voided triblock terpolymer. The high temperature instability of sub-micron unit cell structures was effectively addressed through the early introduction of the carbon precursor, which stabilizes the metallized gyroidal templates. The as-grown graphene gyroids are self-supporting and can be transferred onto a variety of substrates. Furthermore, they represent the smallest free standing periodic graphene 3D structures yet produced with a pore size of tens of nm, as analysed by electron microscopy and optical spectroscopy. We discuss generality of our methodology for the synthesis of other types of nanoscale, 3D graphene assemblies, and the transferability of this approach to other 2D materials

    Engineering high charge transfer n-doping of graphene electrodes and its application to organic electronics.

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    Using thermally evaporated cesium carbonate (Cs2CO3) in an organic matrix, we present a novel strategy for efficient n-doping of monolayer graphene and a ∼90% reduction in its sheet resistance to ∼250 Ohm sq(-1). Photoemission spectroscopy confirms the presence of a large interface dipole of ∼0.9 eV between graphene and the Cs2CO3/organic matrix. This leads to a strong charge transfer based doping of graphene with a Fermi level shift of ∼1.0 eV. Using this approach we demonstrate efficient, standard industrial manufacturing process compatible graphene-based inverted organic light emitting diodes on glass and flexible substrates with efficiencies comparable to those of state-of-the-art ITO based devices.Funding via EU FP7 programme Grafol (Grant No. 285275) and EPSRC programme GRAPHTED (Grant No. EP/K016636/1) is acknowledged. P.R.K. acknowledges the Lindemann Trust Fellowship. J.A.A.-W. acknowledges a Research Fellowship from Churchill College, Cambridge. A.C.V. acknowledges the Conacyt Cambridge Scholarship and Roberto Rocca Fellowship.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Royal Society of Chemistry via http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C5NR03246

    Parameter Space of Atomic Layer Deposition of Ultrathin Oxides on Graphene.

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    Atomic layer deposition (ALD) of ultrathin aluminum oxide (AlOx) films was systematically studied on supported chemical vapor deposition (CVD) graphene. We show that by extending the precursor residence time, using either a multiple-pulse sequence or a soaking period, ultrathin continuous AlOx films can be achieved directly on graphene using standard H2O and trimethylaluminum (TMA) precursors even at a high deposition temperature of 200 °C, without the use of surfactants or other additional graphene surface modifications. To obtain conformal nucleation, a precursor residence time of >2s is needed, which is not prohibitively long but sufficient to account for the slow adsorption kinetics of the graphene surface. In contrast, a shorter residence time results in heterogeneous nucleation that is preferential to defect/selective sites on the graphene. These findings demonstrate that careful control of the ALD parameter space is imperative in governing the nucleation behavior of AlOx on CVD graphene. We consider our results to have model system character for rational two-dimensional (2D)/non-2D material process integration, relevant also to the interfacing and device integration of the many other emerging 2D materials.We acknowledge funding from the EPSRC (Grant EP/ K016636/1, GRAPHTED) and ERC (Grant 279342, InsituNANO). J.A.A.-W. acknowledges a Research Fellowship from Churchill College, Cambridge, U.K
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