70 research outputs found

    Elektroflokulasi limbah minyak

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    Limbah minyak dapat diatasi dan dicegah secara .elektroflokulasi. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan cara mengadsorpsi limbah minyak menggunakan hidroksida besi yang dihasilkan dari proses elektrolisis. Pada penelitian elektroflokulasi terhadap limbah minyak ini menggunakan kawat besi sebagai anoda dan kaleng aluminium sebagai katoda. Elektroflokulasi berlangsung dengan variasi tegangan 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 dan 15 volt selama variasi waktu 0; 2,5; 5; 15; dan 25 menit, sehingga pada proses tersebut dapat diketahui pengaruh massa deposit besi terhadap adsorpsi limbah minyak, waktu elektroflokulasi terhadap limbah minyak, kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum, dan kesetimbangan adsorpsi. Limbah minyak yang digunakan terdiri dari garam dapur, minyak kelapa, dan surfaktan alkil benzil sulfonat. Filtrat sampel elektroflokulasi dianalisa menggunakan metoda gravimetri dan GC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar massa deposit besi dan semakin lama waktu elektroflokulasi mempengaruhi proses penanganan limbah minyak. Nilai kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum dan kesetimbangan adsorpsi berturut-turut adalah 125 gram/gram dan 0,008179. Oily wastewater can be treated and prevented by electroflocculation. This is done by oily waste water using iron hydroxide flocculant. The flocculant were produced by electrolysis process. The reasearch of electroflocculation of oily watewater was used iron wire as anode and aluminium can as katode. Electroflocculation was done by various potential 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 15 volt for 0; 2,5; 5; 15; and 25 minute, the effect of deposit mass of iron and electroflocculaton time, maximum capacity of adsorption and equilibrium of adsorption can be evaluated. Oily wastewater was contain salt, coconut oil, and alkil benzil sulfonat of surfactant. Electroflocculation filtrat was analyzed by gravimetric method and GC-MS. The result of research showed that deposit mass of iron and time of electroflocculation influented oily waswater adsorption. Capacity respectively and equilibrium of adsorptions values were 125 g/g and 0.008179

    PERNIKAHAN WANITA HAMIL PRESPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM (Studi Kasus di KUA Kecamatan Lasem Kabupaten Remabng)

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    From the background of the research, the researcher formulates how the implementation of marriage in the KUA, Lasem District, Rembang Regency, how the factors that cause pregnant women, and how pregnant marriages are carried out from the perspective of Islamic law. The method obtained in this study is the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The primary sources in this study were interviews at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) Lasem District, Rembang Regency and the perpetrators of pregnant women. Secondary sources carried out by researchers were obtained in the form of the Qur'an, Hadith, and books related to this researcher. The result of this study is that the implementation of marriages for pregnant women in KUA, Lasem District, Rembang Regency is the same as the implementation of marriages in general. Factors for pregnant women out of wedlock in Lasem District, Rembang Regency, namely promiscuity in the cafe environment where they work, lack of parental attention. Marriage of pregnant women from the perspective of Islamic law, namely that there are fiqh experts who think it is legal and some are invalid, according to the Compilation of Islamic Law, pregnant women can be married but those who marry are men who get pregnant (Article 53 KHI


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     Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mengungkap tentang fenomena makin sering terjadi praktik dan perilaku kekerasan atau radikalitas seperti penyerangan atau main hakim sendiri di tengah masyarakat. Seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang belum tentu bersalah melakukan suatu kejahatan, menjadi korban radikalitas yang mengerikan. Kondisi ini secara tidak langsung menggungat dunia peradilan di Indonesia, yang dinilai sebagai salah satu faktor penyebabnya.  Dunia peradilan yang masih belum memberikan keadilan pada pencari keadilan telah dianggap gagal menjaga perintah konstititusi oleh masyarakat atau sekelompok orang, sehingga mereka ini  melakukan tindakan berlawanan dengan hukum untuk melampiaskan kekecewaanya.Kata kunci: kekerasan, norrma hukum, keadilan, konstitusi This study aims to reveal the phenomenon of the increasingly frequent occurrence of violent or radical practices and behaviors such as attacks or taking the law into their own hands in society. A person or group of people who are not necessarily guilty of a crime, become a victim of terrible radicalism. This condition indirectly sues the judiciary in Indonesia, which is considered as one of the contributing factors. The judiciary, which still does not provide justice to justice seekers, has been deemed to have failed to keep the constitutional order by the community or a group of people, so they are taking actions against the law to vent their disappointment.Keywords: violence, legal norms, justice, constitutio


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    Di negara atau bangsa manapun di muka bumi, bisa dipastikan pernah diuji dengan bencana alam. Indonesia merupakan salah stau Negara yang sering menghadapi masalah bencana alam. Keragaman atau kebinekaan manusia  Indonesia merupakan  realitas kekayaan tersendiri bangsa ini, sehingga ketika terjadi bencana alam, bisa disebut kalau subyek yang menjadi korban juga beragam. Kondisi demikian seharusnya menuntut setiap subyek kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara untuk menjalankan kewajiban kemanusiaannya tanpa membedakan asal-usul etnis, agama, budaya, politik dan lain sebagainya. Semua warga masyarakat mempunyai kewajiban untuk memanusiakan semuanya.Kata kunci: kemanusiaan, hak, Islam, bencana alam                          In any country or nation on earth, we can be sure that we have been tested with natural disasters. Indonesia is one of the countries that often face natural disasters. The diversity or diversity of Indonesian people is the reality of the nation's own wealth, so that when natural disasters occur, it can be said that the subjects who are victims also vary. Such conditions should demand every subject of community and state life to carry out their humanitarian obligations without distinguishing the origin of ethnicity, religion, culture, politics and so forth. All citizens have an obligation to humanize all of them.Keywords: humanity, rights, Islam, natural disaster

    The Implementation of Doctrine of Diversity as an Attempt to Prevent Terrorism in College

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    Terrorism is identified as an extraordinary crime. The specialty of terrorism is caused by the success of cadre recruitment pattern or the seedling process in order to run the organization. There will be always new young cadres who are able to be invited to join the organization. A proverb saying “whatever broken will grow back, whatever lost will be replaced” is the justification that terrorism has become a prohibited organization which obtains the appreciation and “approval” from half of the society. This condition cannot be tolerated to develop. There should be a continuing attempt from several aspects in order to intercept or prevent it, especially from college. One of the attempts which might be undertaken by Muslims is to apply the doctrine or jurisprudence of diversity. This doctrine has the substance which is able to provide effects towards the construction of adherents of religion understanding to not get lost in the path of terrorism. Keywords: doctrine of diversity, terrorism, Islam, college DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/86-15 Publication date:June 30th 2019


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     Korupsi merupakan salah satu ”penyakit” serius yang menimpa atau menguji ketahanan bangsa Indonesia. Di wilayah manapun dan di unit-unit kelembagaan yang berhubungan dengan tata kelola keuangan negara, baik dari pusat maupun daerah, korupsi nyaris selalu mengikutinya. Seolah dimana ada uang negara, disitulah korupsi muncul. Akibat kondisi ini, semua subyek bangsa, khususnya yang merasa punya kewajiban moral untuk berupaya melakukan penanggulangan atau pencegahan. Perempuan merupakan subyek bangsa terdidik yang ikut punya kewajiban demikian, sehingga logis jika ada penguatan pendidikan etik Islam tentang anti korupsi.Kata Kunci: korupsi, perempuan, penguatan, pendidikan, etikaCorruption is one of the serious "diseases" that befall or test the resilience of the Indonesian nation. In any area and in institutional units related to state financial management, both from the central and regional levels, corruption almost always follows. As if where there is state money, that's where corruption appears. As a result of this condition, all subjects of the nation, especially those who feel they have a moral obligation to try to take action or prevent it. Women are the subject of an educated nation who also have such obligations, so it is logical if there is a strengthening of Islamic ethical education on anti-corruption.Keywords: corruption, women, strengthening, education, ethic


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     According to the 1slamic law, the principle of divorce is preceded by certain causes of the husband of the wife  , this is in accordance with the opinion of imam  Hanafi  in his book usul   fiqih, that is, 1slamic law always follows its gods whether there are gods or gods. So what   if there is a god  , then the action isdemanded so that in accordance with  whatis desired, then if according to the rules of divorce can be punished.  Divorce is a fact that occurs between married cuples, due to differences in principles  that can not be united again through the way of life. Each retains its own will and desire.  Without trying to budge for the achievement of family  intergrity.  Unwillingness and inability to acknowledge the shortcomings of oneslf and  or others a trivial problem to become large so that it ends in divorce Keywords: divorce economic reasons and violenc


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    Customary inheritance law is a crystallization of people's lives born from their philosophy of life which they consider to be correct and in accordance with the construction of their lives. The author in this study uses a type of literature review research using a descriptive approach, because this research only examines and analyzes regulations, the Religious Courts are one of the law enforcement agencies and institutions for justice seekers for citizens who are Muslim, in running the Religious Courts system it is not only use Islamic Inheritance Law in the settlements of inheritance cases, but the Religious Courts and judges as executors need to explore, follow and understand the legal values and sense of justice that live in the community (article 5 paragraph 1 of Law No. 48 of 2009) so that can be used as a source of law in determining the judge's decision. In the settlement of cases at the judicial level, not only written regulations are the legal basis, but in the case of indigenous peoples, they must make unwritten law or customary law the legal basis for making decisions so that the sense of justice that lives in society can be carried out.   keywords, existence, customary inheritance, U


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    Harta bersama diatur dalam undang-undang sesuai dengan Pasal 37 Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974. Apabila terjadi perselisihan antara suami istri mengenai harta bersama, penyelesaiannya dilakukan di Pengadilan Agama sesuai dengan Pasal 88 Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Dalam putusan Pengadilan Agama tentang gugatan harta bersama terkadang ditolak karena alat buktinya tidak otentik. hal ini tertuang dalam perkara Putusan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Pasuruan 1150 /Pdt.G/2020/PA. Lulus. Maka peneliti merumuskan permasalahan yaitu: 1) syarat pengajuan gugatan harta bersama pada Pengadilan Agama Pasuruan dalam Putusan No.1150/Pdt.G/2020/PA.Pas dan 2) Dasar putusan hakim untuk menolak gugatan harta bersama dalam Putusan Nomor 1150/Pdt.G/2020/PA.Pas. Metode penelitian “Analisis Putusan Hakim Dalam Penolakan Gugatan Harta Bersama Pada Pengadilan Agama Pasuruan (Studi Perkara Nomor 1150/Pdt.G/2020/PA. Pas) menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, pendekatan pengumpulan data berupa kata-kata, gambar.Data diperoleh dari dokumentasi putusan Pengadilan Agama Pasuruan Nomor 1150/Pdt.G/2020/PA. Passes dan wawancara dengan hakim yang menangani kasus dan yang tidak. Kata kunci : harta bersama, pengadilan agama, putusan haki


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    Marriage is a matter that has wide implications in the legal relationship between husband and wife. With the marriage, a bond that contains rights and obligations arises. This paper chooses the type of qualitative research, the method used by the author is to see directly the phenomena in the field, summarize the data obtained, and arrange them according to research needs. Focus on objects with clear indicators and variables. Researchers use primary data that is generated directly from the field, observations and interviews with informants while normative library data or written rules are used as secondary data. Findings Their psychological impact on limiting their association with the people around them and their parents during a serial marriage was tested. When at school there is a report card taking, the mother must have taken it because the father does not have guardianship rights for the child. Some children also take social deviant actions such as taking part in illegal motorcycle races just for fun and an outlet because at home, their parents lack love. So they do things that are fun for themselves, don't see what they do as positive or negative