38 research outputs found

    Cătălina Iliescu-Gheorghiu: a polysystemic model for the comparative analysis of drama from the perspective of descriptive translation studies

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    This review presents a recently published book authored by Cătălina Iliescu Gheorghiu, an academic actively involved in Romanian studies and a translator of Romanian literature. As the title suggests, it is a study that falls under the scope of Descriptive Translation Studies implying the polysystemic model posited by Lambert and Van Gorp for the comparative analysis of drama. The corpus under scrutiny is made up utterances extracted from the play A treia țeapă (The Third Stake) by Marin Sorescu and the corresponding utterances from two of its translations into English. The analytical part is backed up by a solid theoretical framework with its latter section lending the overall structure of the analysis. The categories subject to investigation are (i) preliminary data, (ii) the macro-level structures, (iii) the micro-level structures and (iv) the systemic context. The methodology experimented with drama translation and the findings deriving from it have proved their validity and are valuable input for other similar and possibly more comprising research that can use these findings as hypotheses to be tested further

    Le Centre National de la Cinématographie: articulations du postcommunisme roumain

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    Endorsing the perspective of democratization studies, this article examines the postcommunism itinerary of the institutional infrastructure of Romanian cinematography. Special emphasis is given to the National Center of Cinematography (NCC) as a privileged locus disclosing both the commerce between institutional continuity and change, and the predicaments of cinematography, squeezed between market and state control

    Priorities in pharmacists’ continuous education

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    Catedra Farmacie Socială „Vasile Procopişin”Priorities in pharmacists’ continuous education In actual conditions the efficient educational process by continuing improvement of professional level it is very important. As a result of the questionnaire, some causes of nonattendance of continuous education courses by pharmacists and conditions to motivate them have been revealed. Pharmacists understand the necessity and utility of courses and mention that managers must create some conditions for conformed attendance by the dismission of functional duties. Utility and actuality of continuous education courses hold in Pharmacy Faculty are appreciated by pharmacists with 8.92 and 9.0 respectively. În condiţiile actuale este importantă eficientizarea procesului educaţional prin creşterea continuă a nivelului profesional. În urma intervievării au fost evidenţiate cauzele ale nefrecventării a cursurilor de perfecţionare şi condiţiile care i-ar motiva să le frecventeze. Farmaciştii conştientizează necesitatea şi utilitatea cursurilor şi menţionează că conducerea întreprinderii trebuie să creeze condiţii pentru frecventarea conformă a prin eliberarea pe deplin de obligaţiile funcţionale. Utilitatea şi actualitatea cursurilor de perfecţionare petrecute în cadrul facultăţii de Farmacie este apreciată de către farmacişti cu nota 8,92 şi respectiv 9

    Rolul ecografiei în evaluarea patologiei neuromusculare

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    Ecografia musculară a dobȃndit un loc important ȋn diagnosticul şi managementul diferitelor afecţiuni neuromusculare datorită avantajelor sale (uşor de efectuat, ieftină, neinvazivă, repetabilă, nu necesită expunerea la radiaţii şi poate fi efectuată şi ȋn dinamică). Deşi, nu există studii pe serii mari de pacienţi fiecare afecţiune neuromusculară prezintă modificări specifice la examenul ecografic ce pot fi utile pentru diagnosticul diferenţial. Lucrarea de faţă ȋşi propune să treacă ȋn revistă posibilităţile şi limitările ultrasonografi ei şi valoarea sa ȋn evaluarea patologiei neuromuscular

    Transient hepatic attenuation difference (THAD) or fat sparing? Aberrant right gastric vein (ARGV) determining a pseudolesion at the border of the IInd/IIIrd liver segments. Review of developmental concepts

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    The aberrant right gastric vein (ARGV) is a rare anatomical variation. It can be responsible for unexplained hyperdensities in the hepatic parenchyma on CT scans, also known as third inflow effects. We present two cases sharing similar vascular pattern and slightly different imagistic findings on ultrasound and computer-tomography performed studies. Both ultrasonographies showed a nodular-geographic hypoechoic area within a hyperechogenic fatty liver. Further CT evaluation showed in both cases a hyperattenuating homogenous area clearly visible on all four phases at the border of the IInd/IIIrd hepatic segment, that enhance especially on the portal venous phase, with no slow-fill, wash-out, central scar or rim-like features. The areas were considered to be focal fat sparing areas in diffuse fatty liver or a perfusion disorder due to the presence of an aberrant right gastric vein. The aim of this paper is to discuss the embryological aspects which are the groundwork for this vascular anomaly and to correlate the findings with imagistic aspects. These two ARGV produced pseudolesions, understood as focal fat sparing areas within diffuse fatty livers. These pseudolesions mimic liver tumours, therefore it is important to look for such an aberrant vessel in order to rule out other diagnoses

    Cohesive Devices in Translator Training: A Study Based on a Romanian Translational Learner Corpus

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    Les liens formels sont naturellement associés à la cohésion, qui est l’une des principales caractéristiques du discours. La cohésion a été largement discutée dans la littérature, en particulier en termes de mécanismes générateurs, mais aussi en termes d’équivalence dans la traduction. Comme dans le cas de tout type de discours, la valeur communicative des textes traduits est renforcée par leur texture cohésive. Toutefois, on a accordé moins d’attention à la traduction de liens formels comprenant des fonctions supplémentaires. Cette étude examine certains dispositifs de la cohésion dans les traductions des étudiants avec une attention particulière à la traductibilité de l’ellipse, la substitution et la référence, lorsqu’elles sont enrichies par des valeurs stylistiques, rhétoriques et sociolectales. L’étude est basée sur un corpus d’apprentissage de la traduction constitué des traductions d’un court récit de l’anglais vers le roumain, effectuées par des étudiants roumains diplômés. La méthodologie pour évaluer et analyser le corpus d’apprentissage est à la fois quantitative et qualitative, et emploie la simplification, l’explicitation et la neutralisation. Les conclusions comprennent des aperçus sur certaines zones problématiques dans les traductions des stagiaires, ainsi que des observations relatives aux aspects contrastifs de dispositifs de la cohésion entre l’anglais et le roumain. Une méthodologie d’enseignement est ensuite tirée des conclusions dans une tentative d’offrir une approche plus compréhensible de la pédagogie de la traduction de la cohésion avec une charge stylistique.Formal links are naturally associated with cohesion as one of the main features of discourse. Cohesion has been extensively discussed in the literature especially in terms of the mechanisms generating it, but also in terms of its equivalence in translation. As with any type of discourse, the communicative value of translated texts is enhanced by their cohesive texture. Less attention has been granted to the translation of formal links carrying additional functions though. This study examines some cohesive devices in student translations with a special focus on the translatability of ellipsis, substitution and reference when they are enriched with stylistic, sociolectal and rhetorical values. The study is based on a translational learner corpus consisting of Romanian graduate students’ translations of a short story from English into Romanian. The methodology for assessing and analyzing the learner corpus is of both quantitative and qualitative nature and employs simplification, explicitation and neutralization. The conclusions comprise insights into some problematic areas in the trainees’ translations, as well as observations related to contrastive aspects of cohesive devices between English and Romanian. A teaching methodology is subsequently derived from the findings in an attempt to offer a more comprehensive approach to the pedagogy of translating cohesive devices with stylistic load.Las conexiones formales están naturalmente asociadas a la cohesión como un rasgo principal del discurso. La cohesión ha sido largamente debatida en la literatura, especialmente en cuanto a los mecanismos que la generan, pero igualmente en cuanto a sus equivalencias en la traducción. Como ocurre con cualquier tipo de discurso, el valor comunicativo de los textos traducidos es resaltado por su carácter cohesivo. Sin embargo, se ha prestado menos atención a la traducción de conexiones formales dotadas de funciones adicionales. El presente estudio analiza algunos recursos de cohesión en las traducciones de estudiantes, con especial atención a la traducibilidad de la elipsis, la sustitución y la referencia cuando aparecen enriquecidas por valores estilísticos, sociolectales y retóricos. Este estudio se basa en un corpus de aprendices de la traducción que consta de traducciones de un cuento, del inglés al rumano, realizadas por estudiantes licenciados rumanos. La metodología para evaluar y analizar el corpus de aprendices es tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa y utiliza simplificación, explicitación y neutralización. La conclusión proporciona conocimiento sobre algunas áreas problemáticas de las traducciones de los aprendices, así como observaciones relacionadas con los aspectos contrastivos de los recursos de cohesión entre el inglés y el rumano. Una metodología didáctica se desprende a raíz de estos hallazgos, en un intento de ofrecer un enfoque más comprensivo de la pedagogía de la traducción de los recursos de cohesión con valor estilístico

    Changes in Bone Mineral Parameters after Sleeve Gastrectomy Relationship with Ghrelin and Plasma Adipokin Levels

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    Lexical Emphasis in the Literary Dialogue: A Translational Perspective

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    Emphasis is largely associated with the expression of emotional involvement in speech acts in general. In the fictional dialogue, the relevance of emphasis is multiplied due to several considerations. Firstly, the emphatic utterances impact the emotional content of the text and affect its style and reception. Secondly, it is the compromises and the careful linguistic and stylistic choices that authors have to make in order to effectively render the emphasis typical of speech in the written mode. Thirdly, if a work of literature is translated, the emphasis that the dialogue displays is to be equally forceful in its target language version. With these considerations in view, the study sets out to examine the possibility of obtaining a similarly emphatic content of an English source text in translational Romanian by means of lexical items. To this end, a relevant number of emphatic dialogic instances have been depicted for analysis from John Fowles’s novel Mantissa and from its translation into Romanian. The objectives of this study are to identify the level of equivalence in the two versions of the novel and to shed a comparative light on the lexical means that lead to the realization of emphasis in English and Romanian

    The Translation of Ellipsis as Identity Marker in the Literary Dialogue

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    Apart from the ellipsis occurring in discourse as a fairly common cohesive device, the literary dialogue oftentimes uses ellipsis as a stylistic or rhetorical device or as a means of endowing characters with idiolectal or sociolectal features. This paper examines such instances of ellipsis which contribute to the construction of the literary heroes’ identity through their speech, while providing them with features distinguishing them from the other characters either in terms of social identity or emotional state. The study is based on examples depicted from the dialogue of a number of literary works written in English and selected so as to exhibit a variety of functions which ellipsis acquires to complete some heroes’ identity or state of mind. Considering the importance of the information embedded in such ellipses, a contrastive approach to translation is obvious. The analysis focuses on the translation of ellipsis from English into Romanian and scrutinizes the situations when structural differences between English and Romanian prevent formal equivalence, which triggers an important loss of information in translation. The findings lead to conclusions relative to translation solutions that can be adopted to compensate for the scarcity of structural similarities between the two languages in contact in translation