21 research outputs found

    Fetal hemoglobin induction in azacytidine responders enlightens methylation patterns related to blast clearance in higher-risk MDS and CMML

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    Background: As new treatment options for patients with higher-risk myelodysplastic syndromes are emerging, identification of prognostic markers for hypomethylating agent (HMA) treatment and understanding mechanisms of their delayed and short-term responses are essential. Early fetal hemoglobin (HbF) induction has been suggested as a prognostic indicator for decitabine-treated patients. Although epigenetic mechanisms are assumed, responding patients’ epigenomes have not been thoroughly examined. We aimed to clarify HbF kinetics and prognostic value for azacytidine treated patients, as well as the epigenetic landscape that might influence HbF re-expression and its clinical relevance. Results: Serial HbF measurements by high-performance liquid chromatography (n = 20) showed induction of HbF only among responders (p = 0.030). Moreover, HbF increase immediately after the first azacytidine cycle demonstrated prognostic value for progression-free survival (PFS) (p = 0.032, HR = 0.19, CI 0.24–1.63). Changes in methylation patterns were revealed with methylated DNA genome-wide sequencing analysis (n = 7) for FOG-1, RCOR-1, ZBTB7A and genes of the NuRD-complex components. Targeted pyrosequencing methodology (n = 28) revealed a strong inverse correlation between the degree of γ-globin gene (HBG2) promoter methylation and baseline HbF levels (p = 0.003, rs = − 0.663). A potential epigenetic mechanism of HbF re-expression in azacytidine responders was enlightened by targeted methylation analysis, through hypomethylation of site -53 of HBG2 promoter (p = 0.039, rs = − 0.504), which corresponds to MBD2-NuRD binding site, and to hypermethylation of the CpG326 island of ZBTB7A (p = 0.05, rs = 0.482), a known HbF repressor. These changes were associated to blast cell clearance (pHBG2 = 0.011, rs = 0.480/pZBTB7A = 0.026, rs = 0.427) and showed prognostic value for PFS (pZBTB7A = 0.037, HR = 1.14, CI 0.34–3.8). Conclusions: Early HbF induction is featured as an accessible prognostic indicator for HMA treatment and the proposed potential epigenetic mechanism of HbF re-expression in azacytidine responders includes hypomethylation of the γ-globin gene promoter region and hypermethylation of the CpG326 island of ZBTB7A. The association of these methylation patterns with blast clearance and their prognostic value for PFS paves the way to discuss in-depth azacytidine epigenetic mechanism of action. Graphical abstract: (Figure presented.)</p

    A somatic mutation in the thyrotropin receptor gene in a patient with an autonomous nodule within a multinodular goiter

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    ABSTRACT Thyrotropin (TSH) is the prime regulator of thyroid cell growth and function and acts through the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) located on the surface membrane of thyrocytes. Somatic heterozygous mutations that cause TSHR activation in the absence of TSH have been found in toxic adenomas and in hot nodules of multinodular goiters. Clinically and histologically heterogeneous nodules can share common gain-of-function mutations. Mutation prevalence varies greatly and is inversely related to iodine intake of the population. We report a Greek patient presenting with subclinical hyperthyroidism due to a fast-growing autonomous hyperplastic nodule in a long-standing multinodular goiter. Direct DNA sequencing showed that the hot nodule harbored a somatic heterozygous activating TSHR mutation: substitution of glutamine for leucine in the third transmembrane helix. This mutation (L512Q) was recently described in two solitary toxic adenomas. This report expands the spectrum of mutations shared by dissimilar hot nodules, supporting a common mechanism for nonautoimmune thyroid autonomy. The identification of the L512Q substitution demonstrates that gainof-function TSHR mutations are encountered in Greece, although iodine deficiency has been significantly corrected over the last three decades

    Contingent Synergistic Interactions between Non-Coding RNAs and DNA-Modifying Enzymes in Myelodysplastic Syndromes

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a heterogeneous group of clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorders with maturation and differentiation defects exhibiting morphological dysplasia in one or more hematopoietic cell lineages. They are associated with peripheral blood cytopenias and by increased risk for progression into acute myelogenous leukemia. Among their multifactorial pathogenesis, age-related epigenetic instability and the error-rate DNA methylation maintenance have been recognized as critical factors for both the initial steps of their pathogenesis and for disease progression. Although lower-risk MDS is associated with an inflammatory bone marrow microenvironment, higher-risk disease is delineated by immunosuppression and clonal expansion. &ldquo;Epigenetics&rdquo; is a multidimensional level of gene regulation that determines the specific gene networks expressed in tissues under physiological conditions and guides appropriate chromatin rearrangements upon influence of environmental stimulation. Regulation of this level consists of biochemical modifications in amino acid residues of the histone proteins&rsquo; N-terminal tails and their concomitant effects on chromatin structure, DNA methylation patterns in CpG dinucleotides and the tissue-specific non-coding RNAs repertoire, which are directed against various gene targets. The role of epigenetic modifications is widely recognized as pivotal both in gene expression control and differential molecular response to drug therapies in humans. Insights to the potential of synergistic cooperations of epigenetic mechanisms provide new avenues for treatment development to comfort human diseases with a known epigenetic shift, such as MDS. Hypomethylating agents (HMAs), such as epigenetic modulating drugs, have been widely used in the past years as first line treatment for elderly higher-risk MDS patients; however, just half of them respond to therapy and are benefited. Rational outcome predictors following epigenetic therapy in MDS and biomarkers associated with disease relapse are of high importance to improve our efforts in developing patient-tailored clinical approaches

    HLA Polymorphisms and Food Allergy Predisposition

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    Food allergy (FA) is a growing health problem that affects similar to 8% of the children worldwide. Although the prevalence of FA is increasing, the underlying genetic mechanisms responsible for the onset of this immune disorder are not yet clarified. Genetic factors seem to play a leading role in the development of FA, though interaction with environmental factors cannot be excluded. The broader network of genetic loci mediating the risk of this complex disorder remains to be identified. The human leucocyte antigen (HLA) has been associated with various immune disorders, including FA. This review aims to unravel the potential associations between HLA gene functions and the manifestation and outcome of FA disorders. Exploring new aspects of FA development with the perspective to improve our understanding of the multifaceted etiology and the complex biological mechanisms involved in FA is essential

    LRF Promotes Indirectly Advantageous Chromatin Conformation via BGLT3-lncRNA Expression and Switch from Fetal to Adult Hemoglobin

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    The hemoglobin switch from fetal (HbF) to adult (HbA) has been studied intensively as an essential model for gene expression regulation, but also as a beneficial therapeutic approach for &beta;-hemoglobinopathies, towards the objective of reactivating HbF. The transcription factor LRF (Leukemia/lymphoma-related), encoded from the ZBTB7A gene has been implicated in fetal hemoglobin silencing, though has a wide range of functions that have not been fully clarified. We thus established the LRF/ZBTB7A-overexpressing and ZBTB7A-knockdown K562 (human erythroleukemia cell line) clones to assess fetal vs. adult hemoglobin production pre- and post-induction. Transgenic K562 clones were further developed and studied under the influence of epigenetic chromatin regulators, such as DNA methyl transferase 3 (DNMT3) and Histone Deacetylase 1 (HDAC1), to evaluate LRF&rsquo;s potential disturbance upon the aberrant epigenetic background and provide valuable information of the preferable epigenetic frame, in which LRF unfolds its action on the &beta;-type globin&rsquo;s expression. The ChIP-seq analysis demonstrated that LRF binds to &gamma;-globin genes (HBG2/1) and apparently associates BCL11A for their silencing, but also during erythropoiesis induction, LRF binds the BGLT3 gene, promoting BGLT3-lncRNA production through the &gamma;-&delta; intergenic region of &beta;-type globin&rsquo;s locus, triggering the transcriptional events from &gamma;- to &beta;-globin switch. Our findings are supported by an up-to-date looping model, which highlights chromatin alterations during erythropoiesis at late stages of gestation, to establish an &ldquo;open&rdquo; chromatin conformation across the &gamma;-&delta; intergenic region and accomplish &beta;-globin expression and hemoglobin switch

    Non-Viral Episomal Vector Mediates Efficient Gene Transfer of the β-Globin Gene into K562 and Human Haematopoietic Progenitor Cells

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    β-Thalassemia is a subgroup of inherited blood disorders associated with mild to severe anemia with few and limited conventional therapy options. Lately, lentiviral vector-based gene therapy has been successfully applied for disease treatment. However, the current development of non-viral episomal vectors (EV), non-integrating and non-coding for viral proteins, may be helpful in generating valid alternatives to viral vectors. We constructed a non-viral, episomal vector pEPβ-globin for the physiological β-globin gene based on two human chromosomal elements: the scaffold or matrix attachment region (S/MAR), allowing for long nuclear retention and non-integration and the β-globin replication initiation region (IR), allowing for enhancement of replication and establishment. After nucleofections into K562 cells with a transfection efficiency of 24.62 ± 7.7%, the vector induces stable transfection and is detected in long-term cultures as a non-integrating, circular episome expressing the β-globin gene efficiently. Transfections into CD34+ cells demonstrate an average efficiency of 15.57 ± 11.64%. In the colony-forming cell assay, fluorescent colonies are 92.21%, which is comparable to those transfected with vector pEP-IR at 92.68%. Additionally, fluorescent colonies produce β-globin mRNA at a physiologically 3-fold higher level than the corresponding non-transfected cells. Vector pEPβ-globin provides the basis for the development of therapeutic EV for gene therapy of β-thalassemias