584 research outputs found

    Intersection Rules and Open Branes

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    A general rule determining how extremal branes can intersect in a configuration with zero binding energy is presented. It is derived in a model independent way and without explicit use of supersymmetry, solving a set of classical equations of motion. When specializing to M and type II theories, it is shown that some intersection rules can be consistently interpreted as boundary rules for open branes ending on other branes.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, uses crckapb.sty. To appear in the proceedings of the Cargese '97 summer schoo

    Little Theories in Six and Seven Dimensions

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    We discuss theories with 16 and 8 supercharges in 6 and 7 dimensions. These theories are defined as world-volume theories of 5- and 6-branes of type II and M theories, in the limit in which bulk modes decouple. We analyze in detail the spectrum of BPS extended objects of these theories, and show that the 6 dimensional ones can be interpreted as little (non-critical) string theories. The little 5-branes of the 6 dimensional theories with 16 supercharges are used to find new string theories with 8 supercharges, which have additional group structure. We describe the web of dualities relating all these theories. We show that the theories with 16 supercharges can be used for a Matrix description of M-theory on T^6 in the general case, and that they also reproduce Matrix theory on T^5 and T^4 in some particular limit.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, no figures; references adde

    On the Exotic Phases of M-theory

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    We study aspects of the new phases of M-theory recently conjectured using generalised dualities such as timelike T-duality. Our focus is on brane solutions. We derive the intersection rules in a general framework and then specialise to the new phases of M-theory. We discuss under which conditions a configuration with several branes leads to a regular extremal black hole under compactification. We point out that the entropy seems not to be constant when the radius of the physical timelike direction is varied. This could be interpreted as a non-conservation of the entropy (and the mass) under at least some of the new dualities.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX file, no figure

    Superstring Theory on AdS_3 x G/H and Boundary N=3 Superconformal Symmetry

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    Superstrings propagating on backgrounds of the form AdS_3 x G/H are studied using the coset CFT approach. We focus on seven dimensional cosets which have a semiclassical limit, and which give rise to N=3 superconformal symmetry in the dual CFT. This is realized for the two cases AdS_3 x SU(3)/U(1) and AdS_3 x SO(5)/SO(3), for which we present an explicit construction. We also provide sufficient conditions on a CFT background to enable a similar construction, and comment on the geometrical interpretation of our results.Comment: 22 pages, harvmac; added reference

    Instantons and Toric Quiver Gauge Theories

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    We show how to construct the general action coupling (multi)instantons to gauge theories arising from branes probing arbitrary toric singularities. We give a general set of rules for how to construct such an action given the knowledge of the superpotential for the gauge theory. The main idea is to obtain the action by higgsing a theory whose instanton dynamics is known, namely an orbifold of N=4 super Yang-Mills. We find that the couplings of the fermionic zero-modes with the holomorphic fields are dictated by the structure of the superpotential describing the toric singularity. We present explicit examples such as the Suspended Pinch Point, the Conifold and the first three del Pezzo's. We perform various checks on these results by further higgsing to smaller orbifolds and present some applications, including both gauge theory and stringy instantons.Comment: 42 pages, footnote 2 added, references upgrade

    Superstrings on AdS_3 and Symmetric Products

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    Some properties of N=2 superstrings on AdS_3 x N are studied. Their spectrum has the same pattern as 2-d CFTs in the moduli space of symmetric products M^p/S_p, where p is associated with the number of long fundamental strings required to construct the AdS_3 background, and M is the spacetime CFT corresponding to short string excitations of a single long string. Worldsheet operators associated with w long strings correspond to twisted sectors of M^p/S_p.Comment: 43 pages, harvma

    Are there Goldstone bosons in d≤z+1{d\leq z+1} ?

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    We study the viability of spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetries in theories with Lifshitz scaling, according to the number of space-time dimensions dd and the dynamical scaling zz. Then, the answer to the question in the title is no (quantum field theoretically) and yes (holographically). With field theory tools, we show that symmetry breaking is indeed prevented by large quantum fluctuations when d≤z+1d\leq z+1, as expected from scaling arguments. With holographic tools, on the other hand, we find nothing that prevents the existence of a vacuum expectation value. This difference is made possible by the large NN limit of holography. An important subtlety in this last framework is that in order to get a proper description of a conserved current, renormalization of the temporal mode of the bulk vector requires an alternative quantization. We also comment on the implications of turning on temperature.Comment: 18 pages. v2: a few clarifying comments added, matches published versio

    Massless fermionic bound states and the gauge/gravity correspondence

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    We study the equations of motion of fermions in type IIB supergravity in the context of the gauge/gravity correspondence. The main motivation is the search for normalizable fermionic zero modes in such backgrounds, to be interpreted as composite massless fermions in the dual theory. We specialize to backgrounds characterized by a constant dilaton and a self-dual three-form. In the specific case of the Klebanov--Strassler solution we construct explicitly the fermionic superpartner of the Goldstone mode associated with the broken baryonic symmetry. The fermionic equations could also be used to search for goldstinos in theories that break supersymmetry dynamically.Comment: 25 pages. V2: ref. added; V3: ref. adde

    Symmetry breaking in holographic theories with Lifshitz scaling

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    We study holographically Lifshitz-scaling theories with broken symmetries. In order to do this, we set up a bulk action with a complex scalar and a massless vector on a background which consists in a Lifshitz metric and a massive vector. We first study separately the complex scalar and the massless vector, finding a similar pattern in the two-point functions that we can compute analytically. By coupling the probe complex scalar to the background massive vector we can construct probe actions that are more general than the usual Klein--Gordon action. Some of these actions have Galilean boost symmetry. Finally, in the presence of a symmetry breaking scalar profile in the bulk, we reproduce the expected Ward identities of a Lifshitz-scaling theory with a broken global continuous symmetry. In the spontaneous case, the latter imply the presence of a gapless mode, the Goldstone boson, which will have dispersion relations dictated by the Lifshitz scaling.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures. v2: a few clarifying comments added, matches published versio

    Why not a di-NUT? or Gravitational duality and rotating solutions

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    We study how gravitational duality acts on rotating solutions, using the Kerr-NUT black hole as an example. After properly reconsidering how to take into account both electric (i.e. mass-like) and magnetic (i.e. NUT-like) sources in the equations of general relativity, we propose a set of definitions for the dual Lorentz charges. We then show that the Kerr-NUT solution has non-trivial such charges. Further, we clarify in which respect Kerr's source can be seen as a mass M with a dipole of NUT charges.Comment: 20 pages. v2: minor clarifications in section 4, version to appear in PR
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