9 research outputs found

    Dysfunctional TRPM8 signalling in the vascular response to environmental cold in ageing.

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    Ageing is associated with increased vulnerability to environmental cold exposure. Previously, we identified the role of the cold-sensitive transient receptor potential (TRP) A1, M8 receptors as vascular cold sensors in mouse skin. We hypothesised that this dynamic cold-sensor system may become dysfunctional in ageing. We show that behavioural and vascular responses to skin local environmental cooling are impaired with even moderate ageing, with reduced TRPM8 gene/protein expression especially. Pharmacological blockade of the residual TRPA1/TRPM8 component substantially diminished the response in aged, compared with young mice. This implies the reliance of the already reduced cold-induced vascular response in ageing mice on remaining TRP receptor activity. Moreover, sympathetic-induced vasoconstriction was reduced with downregulation of the α2c adrenoceptor expression in ageing. The cold-induced vascular response is important for sensing cold and retaining body heat and health. These findings reveal that cold sensors, essential for this neurovascular pathway, decline as ageing onsets

    Influence of Cold-TRP Receptors on Cold-Influenced Behaviour

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    The transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, TRPA1 and TRPM8, are thermo-receptors that detect cold and cool temperatures and play pivotal roles in mediating the cold-induced vascular response. In this study, we investigated the role of TRPA1 and TRPM8 in the thermoregulatory behavioural responses to environmental cold exposure by measuring core body temperature and locomotor activity using a telemetry device that was surgically implanted in mice. The core body temperature of mice that were cooled at 4 °C over 3 h was increased and this was accompanied by an increase in UCP-1 and TRPM8 level as detected by Western blot. We then established an effective route, by which the TRP antagonists could be administered orally with palatable food. This avoids the physical restraint of mice, which is crucial as that could influence the behavioural results. Using selective pharmacological antagonists A967079 and AMTB for TRPA1 and TRPM8 receptors, respectively, we show that TRPM8, but not TRPA1, plays a direct role in thermoregulation response to whole body cold exposure in the mouse. Additionally, we provide evidence of increased TRPM8 levels after cold exposure which could be a protective response to increase core body temperature to counter cold

    Overexpression of Circulating Soluble Nogo-B Improves Diabetic Kidney Disease by Protecting the Vasculature

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    Damage to the vasculature is the primary mechanism driving chronic diabetic microvascular complications such as diabetic nephropathy, which manifests as albuminuria. Therefore, treatments that protect the diabetic vasculature have significant therapeutic potential. Soluble neurite outgrowth inhibitor-B (sNogo-B) is a circulating N-terminus isoform of full-length Nogo-B, which plays a key role in vascular remodeling following injury. However, there is currently no information on the role of sNogo-B in the context of diabetic nephropathy. We demonstrate that overexpression of sNogo-B in the circulation ameliorates diabetic kidney disease by reducing albuminuria, hyperfiltration, and abnormal angiogenesis and protecting glomerular capillary structure. Systemic sNogo-B overexpression in diabetic mice also associates with dampening vascular endothelial growth factor-A signaling and reducing endothelial nitric oxide synthase, AKT, and GSK3β phosphorylation. Furthermore, sNogo-B prevented the impairment of tube formation, which occurred when human endothelial cells were exposed to sera from patients with diabetic kidney disease. Collectively, these studies provide the first evidence that sNogo-B protects the vasculature in diabetes and may represent a novel therapeutic target for diabetic vascular complications

    Enhancing Techniques for Determining Inflammatory Edema Formation and Neutrophil Accumulation in Murine Skin

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    Inflammatory edema formation and polymorphonuclear leukocyte (neutrophil) accumulation are common components of cutaneous vascular inflammation, and their assessment is a powerful investigative and drug development tool but typically requires independent cohorts of animals to assess each. We have established the use of a mathematical formula to estimate the ellipsoidal-shaped volume of the edematous wheal or bleb after intradermal injections of substances in mice pretreated intravenously with Evans blue dye (which binds to plasma albumin) to act as an edema marker. Whereas previous extraction of Evans blue dye with formamide is suitable for all strains of mice, we report this quicker and more reliable assessment of edema volume in situ. This therefore allows neutrophil accumulation to be assessed from the same mouse using the myeloperoxidase assay. Importantly, we examined the influence of Evans blue dye on the spectrometry readout at the wavelength at which myeloperoxidase activity is measured. The results indicate that it is feasible to quantify edema formation and neutrophil accumulation in the same mouse skin site. Thus, we show techniques that can assess edema formation and neutrophil accumulation at the same site in the same mouse, allowing paired measurements and reducing the total use of mice by 50%