667 research outputs found

    Open questions: Tackling Darwin's "instincts": the genetic basis of behavioral evolution.

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    All of us have marveled at the remarkable diversity of animal behaviors in nature.None of us has much idea of how these have evolved

    Promotion to Innovation, Understanding and Transfer of Technology Through Hubs Projects Promoted by the National Secretariat of Higher Education

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    This article allows us to expose the promotion of innovation, entrepreneurship and technology transfer and the importance of a society demanding new things, as a result of which there is an increasingly demanding need for satisfaction for those who consume them and make the generation of new products, goods or services are mostly in demand. This research work aims to externalize the national situation of ecosystems of innovation, generation of knowledge and commercialization of the same for its use in the post of the development and consolidation of the HUB project. In this article, an exploratory research was carried out for the selection of relevant diagnostic information on these issues at the global and regional level, and a deductive study of situations already established to situations that are emerging in our country as novel fields of opportunity in difficult situations. There are disparities in the results of the HUBs at the national level, due to the difficulties that this project has generated in trying to adapt to their local realities, despite this, they have been able to generate operating regulations that support the efforts of this project and also the status regarding the activities in which each one is. Keywords: innovation, entrepreneurship, technology transfer, HUBS. Resumen Este artículo permite exponer el fomento a la innovación, el emprendimiento y la transferencia de tecnología y la importancia de una sociedad demandante de cosas nuevas, producto de ello se genera una necesidad de satisfacción cada vez más exigente de quienes las consumen y hacen que la generación de nuevos productos, bienes o servicios sean mayormente demandados. Este trabajo de investigación pretende exteriorizar la situación nacional de ecosistemas de innovación, generación de conocimiento y comercialización del mismo para su aprovechamiento en post del desarrollo y consolidación del proyecto HUB. En este artículo se realizó una investigación exploratoria para la selección de información relevante del diagnóstico de éstas temáticas a nivel mundial y regional, y un estudio deductivo de situaciones ya establecidas a situaciones que están surgiendo en nuestro país como campos novedosos de oportunidad en situaciones difíciles. Existen disparidad de resultados de los HUB´s a nivel nacional, debido a las dificultades que este proyecto ha generado al tratar de adaptarse a sus realidades locales, a pesar de ello, se han logrado generar una normativa de funcionamiento que de soporte a las gestiones de este proyecto y también el estado respecto de las actividades en las que se encuentran cada uno. Palabras clave: innovación, emprendimiento, transferencia de tecnología, HUBS

    Open Innovation Experiences Developed in the Hub Center Project for the Solution of High Impact Problems of the Central Region of the Country

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    This article allows us to externalize the experiences mainly of the challenges of open innovation developed in the cities of Riobamba, Latacunga and Ambato, understood these cities as the HUB's area of influence, in addition, to refer to the current situation as organizations that promote solutions to these problems existing ones that have been confronted taking innovation as the main instrument to provide solutions. The main objective of this review article is to refer to the open innovation experiences that the HUB Center has carried out at the time of its management, specified in the development of the document. The development of this work was done through the exploration of information from authors who have already treated these issues with another perspective and with other ways of doing things, with enough experience in their field, also the deductive study method allows to go from a general context to a specific one, and according to the requirements that this research estimates. The HUB Center is a networked space with 8 Higher Education Institutions plus the Ecuadorian Corporation for Research Development and the Academy that are members of this network, through these institutions and with the articulation of the HUB, local development is promoted from the academy to the productive and social sectors supported by the central government and the local governments of each province. Keywords: HUB Center, open innovation, high impact problems, higher education institutions, zone 3, innovation challenges. Resumen Este articulo permite exteriorizar las experiencias principalmente de los retos de innovación abierta desarrollados en las ciudades de Riobamba, Latacunga y Ambato, entendidas estas ciudades como la zona de influencia del HUB, además, referir la situación actual en cuanto organizaciones que promuevan soluciones a esas problemáticas existentes que se han afrontado tomando a la innovación como principal instrumento para dar soluciones. El objetivo principal de este artículo de revisión es referir las experiencias de innovación abierta que el HUB Centro ha realizado en el tiempo de su gestión, especificadas en el desarrollo del documento. El desarrollo de este trabajo se lo realizo mediante la exploración de información de autores que ya han tratado estos temas con otra perspectiva y con otras formas de hacer las cosas, con una experiencia basta en su campo, asimismo el método de estudio deductivo permite ir de un contexto general a uno concreto, y de acuerdo con los requerimientos que esta investigación estima. El HUB Centro es un espacio que funciona en red con 8 Instituciones de Educación Superior más la Corporación Ecuatoriana para el Desarrollo de la Investigación y la Academia que son miembros de esta red, mediante estas instituciones y con la articulación del HUB se promueven el desarrollo local desde la academia hacia los sectores productivos y sociales apoyados por el gobierno central y los gobiernos locales de cada provincia. Palabras clave: HUB Centro, innovación abierta, problemas de alto impacto, instituciones de educación superior, zona 3, retos de innovación

    The Effect of Channel Errors in the Differential Pulse-Code-Modulation Transmission of Sampled Imagery

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    This Paper Presents an Analysis, Simulation, and Discussion of the Effects of Communication Errors on Four-Bit Differential Pulse-Code Modulation (DPCM) Sampled Imagery. Simulations Are Presented that Describe the Effects of Inserting Periodic PCM Updates in Order to Correct Communication Errors in the DPCM Transmission of Photographic Scenes that Have Been Scanned and Sampled at the Nyquist Rate. Copyright © 1971 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

    Side Information in Coded Aperture Compressive Spectral Imaging

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    Coded aperture compressive spectral imagers sense a three-dimensional cube by using two-dimensional projections of the coded and spectrally dispersed source. These imagers systems often rely on FPA detectors, SLMs, micromirror devices (DMDs), and dispersive elements. The use of the DMDs to implement the coded apertures facilitates the capture of multiple projections, each admitting a different coded aperture pattern. The DMD allows not only to collect the sufficient number of measurements for spectrally rich scenes or very detailed spatial scenes but to design the spatial structure of the coded apertures to maximize the information content on the compressive measurements. Although sparsity is the only signal characteristic usually assumed for reconstruction in compressing sensing, other forms of prior information such as side information have been included as a way to improve the quality of the reconstructions. This paper presents the coded aperture design in a compressive spectral imager with side information in the form of RGB images of the scene. The use of RGB images as side information of the compressive sensing architecture has two main advantages: the RGB is not only used to improve the reconstruction quality but to optimally design the coded apertures for the sensing process. The coded aperture design is based on the RGB scene and thus the coded aperture structure exploits key features such as scene edges. Real reconstructions of noisy compressed measurements demonstrate the benefit of the designed coded apertures in addition to the improvement in the reconstruction quality obtained by the use of side information

    Evaluation of Biomimetic and Alloy-based Materials for Orthopedic Applications

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    The basic principle of tissue engineering is the combination of appropriate cells with biomaterials under conditions that promote and lead to tissue formation. A tissue engineering scaffold is a material that supports cells for their growth, proliferation, and differentiation in the absence of native extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM was originally thought to provide primarily a mechanical support for the cells, but through receptors on the surface of cells, the ECM takes part in promoting cell adhesion, migration, growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. Ideally, a tissue engineered scaffold should mimic both the form and function of native ECM. Additionally, like any other biomaterial for implantation, a tissue engineered scaffold should be biocompatible and not initiate tissue reactions or immune responses. This work focuses on the evaluation of the biocompatibility of novel alloy-based materials for orthopedic applications. In addition, in the context of bone regeneration, it examines the influence of select native ECM constituents on mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) osteogenic differentiation in 3-D contexts. On the other hand, given the crucial role of vasculogenesis in cell nutrition in the scaffolds, ECM mimics found to support osteogenesis were further evaluated for endothelial cell adhesion and migration. For the hydrogel systems presented in this manuscript, poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) networks were selected as the base scaffold due to the broad tunability of their mechanical properties and their previous use in bone regeneration applications. In addition, pure PEGDA hydrogels do not intrinsically promote cell adhesion. Thus, cell interactions with PEGDA gels are initially isolated to the interactions supported by the proteins tethered to the scaffold. This work attempts to contribute to the development of novel materials that provide biocompatibility and enhanced versatility in orthopedic applications. Moreover, in the context of bone regeneration, the use of selective ECM biomolecules in hybrid hydrogel scaffolds will aid in the understanding of MSC osteogenic responses to specific ECM constituents. Additionally, incorporation of ECM mimics that support both osteogenesis and vasculogenesis will provide a more controlled platform which will serve as a foundation for the fabrication of more efficient vascularized bone constructs

    Extensive local adaptation within the chemosensory system following Drosophila melanogaster's global expansion.

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    How organisms adapt to new environments is of fundamental biological interest, but poorly understood at the genetic level. Chemosensory systems provide attractive models to address this problem, because they lie between external environmental signals and internal physiological responses. To investigate how selection has shaped the well-characterized chemosensory system of Drosophila melanogaster, we have analysed genome-wide data from five diverse populations. By couching population genomic analyses of chemosensory protein families within parallel analyses of other large families, we demonstrate that chemosensory proteins are not outliers for adaptive divergence between species. However, chemosensory families often display the strongest genome-wide signals of recent selection within D. melanogaster. We show that recent adaptation has operated almost exclusively on standing variation, and that patterns of adaptive mutations predict diverse effects on protein function. Finally, we provide evidence that chemosensory proteins have experienced relaxed constraint, and argue that this has been important for their rapid adaptation over short timescales