2,241 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of noncommutative quantum Kerr black holes

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    Thermodynamic formalism for rotating black holes, characterized by noncommutative and quantum corrections, is constructed. From a fundamental thermodynamic relation, equations of state and thermodynamic response functions are explicitly given and the effect of noncommutativity and quantum correction is discussed. It is shown that the well known divergence exhibited in specific heat is not removed by any of these corrections. However, regions of thermodynamic stability are affected by noncommutativity, increasing the available states for which some thermodynamic stability conditions are satisfied.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Quantum Phase Transitions detected by a local probe using Time Correlations and Violations of Leggett-Garg Inequalities

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    In the present paper we introduce a way of identifying quantum phase transitions of many-body systems by means of local time correlations and Leggett-Garg inequalities. This procedure allows to experimentally determine the quantum critical points not only of finite-order transitions but also those of infinite order, as the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition that is not always easy to detect with current methods. By means of simple analytical arguments for a general spin-1/21 / 2 Hamiltonian, and matrix product simulations of one-dimensional XXZX X Z and anisotropic XYX Y models, we argue that finite-order quantum phase transitions can be determined by singularities of the time correlations or their derivatives at criticality. The same features are exhibited by corresponding Leggett-Garg functions, which noticeably indicate violation of the Leggett-Garg inequalities for early times and all the Hamiltonian parameters considered. In addition, we find that the infinite-order transition of the XXZX X Z model at the isotropic point can be revealed by the maximal violation of the Leggett-Garg inequalities. We thus show that quantum phase transitions can be identified by purely local measurements, and that many-body systems constitute important candidates to observe experimentally the violation of Leggett-Garg inequalities.Comment: Minor changes, 11 pages, 11 figures. Final version published in Phys. Rev.

    Motif-based communities in complex networks

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    Community definitions usually focus on edges, inside and between the communities. However, the high density of edges within a community determines correlations between nodes going beyond nearest-neighbours, and which are indicated by the presence of motifs. We show how motifs can be used to define general classes of nodes, including communities, by extending the mathematical expression of Newman-Girvan modularity. We construct then a general framework and apply it to some synthetic and real networks

    Dynamics of Entanglement and the Schmidt Gap in a Driven Light-Matter System

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    The ability to modify light-matter coupling in time (e.g. using external pulses) opens up the exciting possibility of generating and probing new aspects of quantum correlations in many-body light-matter systems. Here we study the impact of such a pulsed coupling on the light-matter entanglement in the Dicke model as well as the respective subsystem quantum dynamics. Our dynamical many-body analysis exploits the natural partition between the radiation and matter degrees of freedom, allowing us to explore time-dependent intra-subsystem quantum correlations by means of squeezing parameters, and the inter-subsystem Schmidt gap for different pulse duration (i.e. ramping velocity) regimes -- from the near adiabatic to the sudden quench limits. Our results reveal that both types of quantities indicate the emergence of the superradiant phase when crossing the quantum critical point. In addition, at the end of the pulse light and matter remain entangled even though they become uncoupled, which could be exploited to generate entangled states in non-interacting systems.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics B, special issue Correlations in light-matter interaction

    Optimal map of the modular structure of complex networks

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    Modular structure is pervasive in many complex networks of interactions observed in natural, social and technological sciences. Its study sheds light on the relation between the structure and function of complex systems. Generally speaking, modules are islands of highly connected nodes separated by a relatively small number of links. Every module can have contributions of links from any node in the network. The challenge is to disentangle these contributions to understand how the modular structure is built. The main problem is that the analysis of a certain partition into modules involves, in principle, as many data as number of modules times number of nodes. To confront this challenge, here we first define the contribution matrix, the mathematical object containing all the information about the partition of interest, and after, we use a Truncated Singular Value Decomposition to extract the best representation of this matrix in a plane. The analysis of this projection allow us to scrutinize the skeleton of the modular structure, revealing the structure of individual modules and their interrelations.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Prioritized Repairing and Consistent Query Answering in Relational Databases

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    A consistent query answer in an inconsistent database is an answer obtained in every (minimal) repair. The repairs are obtained by resolving all conflicts in all possible ways. Often, however, the user is able to provide a preference on how conflicts should be resolved. We investigate here the framework of preferred consistent query answers, in which user preferences are used to narrow down the set of repairs to a set of preferred repairs. We axiomatize desirable properties of preferred repairs. We present three different families of preferred repairs and study their mutual relationships. Finally, we investigate the complexity of preferred repairing and computing preferred consistent query answers.Comment: Accepted to the special SUM'08 issue of AMA

    Synchronization in a ring of pulsating oscillators with bidirectional couplings

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    We study the dynamical behavior of an ensemble of oscillators interacting through short range bidirectional pulses. The geometry is 1D with periodic boundary conditions. Our interest is twofold. To explore the conditions required to reach fully synchronization and to invewstigate the time needed to get such state. We present both theoretical and numerical results.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Int. J. Bifurc. and Chao