450 research outputs found


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    Knowledge of mechanical properties of agricultural materials is useful in the development of equipment for processing and handling them.Selected mechanical propertiesnamely rupture force, maximum deformation at rupture point, hardness and toughness of cream and light brown varieties of Bambara groundnut (BGN) seeds were determined at four moisture levels (5, 15, 25 and 35% dry basis) under compressive loading alongaxial and longitudinal orientations.Rupture force, deformation, hardness and toughness of BGN seedswere within the ranges 45.58-438.55 N, 0.31-5.71 mm,14.61-448.55 Nmm-1 and0.01-1.02J, respectively. Rupture force, deformation and toughnessof the seeds had interplay of increasing and deceasing trends while hardness decreased consistently as moisture content increased from 5% to 35%.The cream variety withstood higher rupture force and deformed more without failure than the light brown variety within moisture content range of 5-25% along both loading orientations.Bothvarieties demonstrated greater hardness when loaded along the longitudinal orientations than the axially loaded samples. All the investigatedproperties were dependent on moisture content andorientationof loading. Predictive mathematical models forestimating the investigated properties at different moisture contents with reasonable accuracy were also established in this study

    Evaluation of Full Text Search Retrieval System

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    With a number of search engines on the web and each with different indexing and ranking methods and different coverage, finding the one that gives the best results for a query becomes a bit challenging. The main problem however, that existing Search engines have to deal with is how to avoid irrelevant information and to retrieve the relevant ones. This current work presents a new approach for retrieving relevant information on the Web, by adopting breadth-First search algorithm. The implementation result of the retrieval system was analysed using recall and precision model for three departments at Elizade University. By learning from users’ behaviour, the approach can return very high quality search results, with a strongly reduced computing load

    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analyses of Energy and Exergy in Thin Layer Drying of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Slices using Centre Shaft Rotary Tray Cabinet (CSRTC) Dryer

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    This paper presents a simulation of the drying process of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) in a Center Shaft (CS) Rotary Tray Cabinet Dryer using three drying temperatures (50, 60 and 70 °C). ANSYS 14.5 Workbench was used to simulate the dryer model in 2D (2 Dimensional). The detail of the CFD simulation was utilized to investigate the energy and exergy of the dryer. The ANSYS Design Modeler was used to model the 2D representation of the dryer and the meshing was done using ANSYS ICEM. ANSYS Fluent CFD solver was then used to calculate the alternative using the normal turbulence-realizable k-epsilon model in a steady-state system with improved wall temperature treatment. The simulation outcome was used in calculating the dryer's exergy and energy analysis based on the thermal efficiency. It was noted that the simulated temperature from the experiment is greater than that of the experiment. The results indicated that the experimental energy utilization (EU), energy utilization ratio (EUR) and energy efficiency increased from 14.1 to 57.93 J/s, 0.15 to 0.20 and 18.89 to 33.98 percent, while the simulated energy utilization ratio increased from 23.91 to 57.68 J/s, 0.19 to 0.20 and 26.21 to 33.40 percent, respectively, and as the drying air temperature increased from 50 °C to 70 °C. Experimental exergy inflow, outflow, exergy loss and exergy efficiency increased from 4.01 J/s to 6.98 J/s, 1.83 J/s to 1.9 J/s, 3.18 J/s to 5.07 J/s and 21 to 27%, while simulated air temperatures increased from 5.01 J/s to 7.49 J/s, 1.33 J/s to 2.20 J/s, 3.66 J/s to 5.29 J/s and 27 to 29% respectively with respect to the drying air temperature range (50–70 °C). Model equations were derived from the plotted graphs to express the energy and exergy parameters as a function of drying temperature

    Compositional Evaluation of Pulp and Seed of Blood Plum (Haematostaphis barteri), a Wild Tree Found in Taraba State, Nigeria

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    Traditional leafy vegetables represent inexpensive but high quality nutritional sources for the poor segment of the population especially in developing world like Nigeria, where malnutrition is wide spread. Blood plum (Haematostaphis barteri) is an under–utilized leafy vegetable belonging to the Anacardiacea family. A comparative study was carried out on proximate composition and amino acid profile of pulp and seed of H. barteri. The proximate composition values (%) for pulp and seed samples were found to be as follows: Moisture (3.56 and 2.75), ash (2.97 and 3.92), crude fat (17.76 and 29.68), crude protein (21.81 and 29.38), crude fibre (8.44 and 2.40), and carbohydrate (45.48 and 31.88). The calculated fatty acids and metabolizable energy were 14.21 and 23.74%; 1801.05 and 2139.58 kJ/100g, respectively. The high metabolizable energy values showed that the samples have an energy concentration more favourable than cereals, and which compare favourably well with those of legumes. The amino acid profiles revealed that pulp and seed samples of H. barteri contained nutritionally useful quantities of most of the essential amino acids. The total amino acids (TAA), total essential amino acids (TEAA) (with His), total sulphur amino acids (TSAA), and essential aromatic amino acids (EArAA) for the pulp and seed samples were 53.39 and 67.07; 26.49 and 34.28; 1.21 and 2.59; 2.70 and 3.37, respectively. However, supplementation of essential amino acid is required in a dietary formula based on H. barteri (pulp and seed), when comparing the EAAs in this report with the recommended FAO/WHO provisional pattern. The limiting EAAs in the pulp and seed of H. barteri were Leu and Lys, respectively. Keyword: Proximate, amino acids, pulp, seed, Haematostaphis barter


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    Metoclopramide is a drug that has been used in the dose of 10 mg iv for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) prophylaxis for many years and has been reported to be ineffective at this dose. That a higher dose of this drug, when used in combination with 8 mg dexamethasone, is more effective when compared with 8 mg dexamethasone only is worth validating and this study was designed to do. The aim is to compare the effectiveness of adding 50 mg metoclopramide (in two divided doses) to 8 mg intravenous dose of dexamethasone versus 8 mg dexamethasone only as a prophylactic anti-emetic in gynaecological surgery under spinal anaesthesia at University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin

    A viscosity iterative technique for equilibrium and fixed point problems in a Hadamard space

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    [EN] The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a viscosity-type proximal point algorithm, comprising of a nonexpansive mapping and a finite sum of resolvent operators associated with monotone bifunctions. A strong convergence of the proposed algorithm to a common solution of a finite family of equilibrium problems and fixed point problem for a nonexpansive mapping is established in a Hadamard space. We further applied our results to solve some optimization problems in Hadamard spaces.Izuchukwu, C.; Aremu, KO.; Mebawondu, AA.; Mewomo, OT. (2019). A viscosity iterative technique for equilibrium and fixed point problems in a Hadamard space. Applied General Topology. 20(1):193-210. https://doi.org/10.4995/agt.2019.10635SWORD193210201K. O. Aremu, C. Izuchukwu, G. C. Ugwunnadi and O. T. Mewomo, On the proximal point algorithm and demimetric mappings in CAT(0) spaces, Demonstr. Math. 51 (2018), 277-294. https://doi.org/10.1515/dema-2018-0022M. Bacák, The proximal point algorithm in metric spaces, Israel J. Math. 194 (2013), 689-701. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11856-012-0091-3M. Bacák and S. Riech, The asymptotic behavior of a class of nonlinear semigroups in Hadamard spaces, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 16 (2014), 189-202. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11784-014-0202-3I. D. Berg and I. G. Nikolaev, Quasilinearization and curvature of Alexandrov spaces, Geom. Dedicata 133 (2008), 195-218. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10711-008-9243-3M. Bianchi and S. Schaible, Generalized monotone bifunctions and equilibrium problems, J. Optim Theory Appl. 90 (1996), 31-43. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02192244Bridson and A. Haefliger, Metric spaces of nonpositive curvature, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1999.F. Bruhat and J. Tits, Groupes réductifs sur un corp local, I. Donneés Radicielles Valuées, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques 41 (1972). https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02715544P. Chaoha and A. 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    Dentogenic nasal septal abscess

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    Rural area is the most vulnerable sector of the economy in terms of food insecurity , unemployment and poverty . However entrepreneurship has provided solution to some extent to the problem of rural area. Since agriculture is the main source of livelihood of the rural community, sustaining entrepreneurship is an emerging problem among the agricultural communities as they seek key answers to sustainable agricultural development in rural communities. This paper seeks to identify the challenges the farmers entrepreneurship faced and how they can be motivated to overcome them in Nigeria. The finding revealed major challenges to rural development to be: high illiteracy level , lack of human capacity development, lack of continuity of government programme, lack of unity and cooperative efforts and high level of corruption and crime . Therefore, this paper conclude that in order to ensure a sustainable entrepreneurship and rural development , there is a need to have effective human capital development , engagement of principle of continuity of successive government, a viable cooperative system in the rural area and engagement of corruption free leadership system. Therefore this paper recommend the China model of development of rural area. The Agricultural programs adopted in China's rural development include decentralization of agricultural production, green revolution, commodity-based production, and agricultural market liberalization. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Sustainable , Rural ,Development, Agriculture

    Climate Change Issues in Nigeria: A Call For A Sustainable Policy in Agricultural Sector

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    Climate change has been reported to have been caused by human activities and its impacts on global economy and the citizen is devastating in nature. This paper aims to identify various ways through which farmers in the rural community contribute to climate change. This study intends to contribute to environmental sustainability and farmers’ adoption of cleaner agricultural production practices. This research adopted descriptive survey design type. The methodology includes the use of four stage sampling procedure to select 120 farmers from the study area. Interviewed schedule was used to collect data from the respondents, while the data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that majority (92.4%) engaged in bush burning, 96.7% were involved in deforestation,59 % engaged in soil nutrient depletion activitieswhile 92.4% engaged in drainage construction. All these activities contribute to global warming. Therefore, it is recommended that awareness campaign about the cause of climate change should be organized for the farmers in the zone,while policy should be formulated to encourage farmers to use climate smart agriculture in their production process in order to establish environmental sustainability. Key words: Climate change. Bush burning, Deforestation, Sustainability, Farmers activities Global warmin

    Effects of Climate Change on the Health of Rural Farming Households in Oyun Local Government Area, of Kwara State Nigeria

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    This study examined the impacts of climate change on the health of rural family households in Kwara State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 120 farmers for the study. The data collected through structured questionnaires and interview schedules was analyzed using mean, percentages, and Chi-Square. The findings revealed that the common effect of climate change on health is heat stress (M =4.1), malaria (M=3.76), depression (M=3.43), hunger (M=3.37), and death (M=2.88). Moreover, the coping strategies to ameliorate the effect of climate change were good medical care (16.7%), personal hygiene (25.0%), proper sanitation (13.3%), planting of trees to replace felled trees (16.7%), and prayer to God (6.7%). The major constraints to adaptation were lack of information and credit. Respondents’ age (x2= 10.50. ) and educational status (x2= 14.97) were positively significant factors determining the adaptation strategies' choice. The study, therefore, recommends that free health care facilities should be given to farmers while extension services should help in increasing the awareness campaign on the best method to cope with the effects of climate change. Keywords: Climate change coping strategies, health, farmer
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