4 research outputs found

    Aproximaciones a la determinaci贸n de la tasa de ganancia

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    El presente documento pretende sistematizar determinadas experiencias que han surgido como consecuencia de las respuestas requeridas por trabajadores sindicalizados en un conjunto de ramas de actividad de Argentina, en el marco de la negociaci贸n colectiva salarial. Las ramas de actividad sobre las que se hicieron este tipo de ensayos fueron: molienda de oleaginosos, servicios telef贸nicos, industria del acero, entre otros. En funci贸n de ello, el objetivo estuvo dirigido a la determinaci贸n de la tasa de ganancia a nivel de empresa y de rama, como instrumento para la discusi贸n salarial. Para ello se parti贸 de la informaci贸n publicada y/o producida por las empresas, sobre la cual se practicaron modificaciones metodol贸gicas a partir de modelos din谩micos de an谩lisis, basados en el marco conceptual de la teor铆a del valor-trabajo. Como consecuencia de ello, se hizo necesaria una revisi贸n de los criterios de registraci贸n de utilizaci贸n corriente, la comparaci贸n de normas de procedimientos entre diferentes pa铆ses y la consideraci贸n de los mecanismos de valuaci贸n de activos, as铆 como tambi茅n de los efectos del uso de t茅cnicas de ajuste expositivas por variaci贸n de precios. El prop贸sito impl铆cito en este documento es el de aportar ideas para la determinaci贸n de la tasa de ganancia, identificando los l铆mites que tal pretensi贸n posee.Facultad de Ciencias Econ贸mica

    El Mercosur frente al alca: complementaci贸n o confrontaci贸n

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    n.d.Fil: Laredo, Iris M- Facultad Ciencias Econ贸micas y Estad铆stica - Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Argentin

    Performance and ultrasound measurements of beef cattle fed diets based on whole corn or oats grains

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    This study intended to contrast dietary effects of whole grain oats versus corn included in rations with moderate roughage content on animal performance, beef ultrasound measurements, rumen and blood parameters. Ten Aberdeen Angus steers (203 kg) in individual pens were fed twice daily on either whole oats (OD) or corn (CD) based diets. Measurements were: DM intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), feed to gain ratio (F/G); back fat (BF) and rib eye area (RA); blood parameters. Four cannulated steers were used to study rumen pH, NH3-N and grain degradability. Rations dietary components were 55% grain, 30.1% barley straw, and 10.6% whole soybeans. Despite calculated higher ME supply (P = 0.0887) no differences were found for DMI, ADG, or F/G. Metabolizable protein intake (19.4%) was larger and degradable protein intake (43.3%) smaller for CD compared with OD (P < 0.01). The growth rate (cm虏 d-1) for RA was 40% grater for OD, but larger BF deposition (P = 0.0787) was found for CD. Blood Mg was higher for OD (p = 0.0564), nevertheless other blood parameters remained unaffected. Rumen pH and NH3-N were not influenced by diet, variations were only observed within time periods. Rumen pH decreased linearly from 7.05 to 6.13 and 7.11 to 6.37 for OD and CD respectively (P < 0.05). Minimum NH3-N concentrations (mg dL-1) were reached 12 and 18 h after morning meal for OD (7.10) and CD (5.82) respectively. Rumen degradation was larger for oats than corn. Whole oats rather than corn fed up to 55% of total DM seems to improve protein deposition, without significant changes in animal performance, rumen environment or blood parameters

    Performance and ultrasound measurements of beef cattle fed diets based on whole corn or oats grains

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    This study intended to contrast dietary effects of whole grain oats versus corn included in rations with moderate roughage content on animal performance, beef ultrasound measurements, rumen and blood parameters. Ten Aberdeen Angus steers (203 kg) in individual pens were fed twice daily on either whole oats (OD) or corn (CD) based diets. Measurements were: DM intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), feed to gain ratio (F/G); back fat (BF) and rib eye area (RA); blood parameters. Four cannulated steers were used to study rumen pH, NH3-N and grain degradability. Rations dietary components were 55% grain, 30.1% barley straw, and 10.6% whole soybeans. Despite calculated higher ME supply (P = 0.0887) no differences were found for DMI, ADG, or F/G. Metabolizable protein intake (19.4%) was larger and degradable protein intake (43.3%) smaller for CD compared with OD (P < 0.01). The growth rate (cm2 d-1) for RA was 40% grater for OD, but larger BF deposition (P = 0.0787) was found for CD. Blood Mg was higher for OD (p = 0.0564), nevertheless other blood parameters remained unaffected. Rumen pH and NH3-N were not influenced by diet, variations were only observed within time periods. Rumen pH decreased linearly from 7.05 to 6.13 and 7.11 to 6.37 for OD and CD respectively (P < 0.05). Minimum NH3-N concentrations (mg dL-1) were reached 12 and 18 h after morning meal for OD (7.10) and CD (5.82) respectively. Rumen degradation was larger for oats than corn. Whole oats rather than corn fed up to 55% of total DM seems to improve protein deposition, without significant changes in animal performance, rumen environment or blood parameters