228 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this presentation is to show some ideas where swimming kinematics and hydrodynamics were combined to deal with the understanding of swimming propulsion/efficiency phenomena. The study is a complex combination of different methods to tackle the problem of understanding swimming propulsion: 3D kinematics, flow visualization, PIV and CFD. The hand’s CM propulsive path differed between supportive and displacement sculling, finding the same situation in the wake generated. The forward zigzag path and the impulsive wake observed during displacement sculling opened a novel understanding of swimming propulsion


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    The performance of swimmers competing in all events at the First World Short Course Championships and at the XXXVII Winter Spanish Championship were videotaped and analyzed to determine stroke length (SL), stroke rate (SR), average velocity (v) and stroke index (SI); relationships were then taking into account the final time (FT), level, gender, swimming style and event distance. Results revealed significant correlation between SI and FT at both championships in all the butterfly race distances. SI may be used as performance index being significantly greater in male swimmers than female in all the events, independently of their level. The freestyle had the greatest SI followed by the backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke. The general tendency indicates that as the distance of the race increases the SI decreases

    Análisis de las diferencias cuantitativas de la técnica entre los alumnos de una escuela de enseñanza de la natación

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    El estudio se centró en la evaluación cuantitativa de la técnica natatoria de los alumnos de una escuela de natación donde se llevó a cabo un programa de aprendizaje por niveles de ejecución, cuyos alumnos tenían una media de edad de 7 años. Diferentes variables técnicas cuantitativas y antropométricas fueron recogidas, diferenciando entre género y  grupo según nivel de ejecución. Se hizo un análisis cuantitativo de las variables técnicas dependientes: velocidad (V), frecuencia de ciclo (F), y longitud de ciclo (L) de los distintos estilos: crol (C), espalda (E) y batido de crol con tabla (bC) junto con características antropométricas como el peso, la talla y la envergadura según género y  la edad. Los resultados  muestran cómo a estas edades no se obtienen diferencias significativas entre géneros ni entre niveles de ejecución en muchas de las variables. No se observó relación entre los resultados cuantitativos obtenidos y la distribución  cualitativa, según nivel de ejecución, de cada uno de los nadadores

    Anàlisi de les diferències quantitatives de la tècnica entre els alumnes d’una escola d’ensenyament de la natació

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    L’estudi es va centrar en l’avaluació quantitativa de la tècnica natatòria dels alumnes d’una escola de natació on es va portar a terme un programa d’aprenentatge per nivells d’execució, els alumnes de la qual tenien una mitjana d’edat de 7 anys. Van ser recollides diferents variables tècniques quantitatives i antropomètriques, i es va diferenciar entre gènere i grup, segons el nivell d’execució. Es va fer una anàlisi quantitativa de les variables tècniques dependents: velocitat (V), freqüència de cicle (F), i longitud de cicle (L) dels diferents estils: crol (C), esquena(E) i batuda de crol amb planxa (bC) junt amb característiques antropomètriques com el pes, la talla i l’envergadura, segons el gènere i l’edat. Els resultats mostren que en aquestes edats no s’obtenen diferències significatives entre gèneres ni entre nivells d’execució en moltes de les variables. No es va observar relació entre els resultats quantitatius obtinguts i la distribució qualitativa, segons el nivell d’execució, de cada un dels nedadors


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    Some studies were developed trying to determine: how body roll affects the pUlling path and the influence of breathing actions on stroke mechanics. The aim of this study was to determine the differences of arm movement kinematics in different breathing patterns and selected stroke drills in front crawl swimming. Whether breath-holding or breathing, swimmers do not change their amplitude of movement in the stroke depth, width and length. When the swimmer performs the stroke drill of one-arm front crawl with the resting arm extended in front, breathing on the moving side, the stroke depth is reduced due to the lack of body rotation. When a coach prescribes swimming drills he must consider their influence on body rotation and pUlling path. Both can be greatly modified by the no moving arm position and breathing co-ordination

    Association between elite swimmers’ force production and 100 m front crawl inter-lap pacing and kinematics

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    The present study aimed to analyse the associations between force production and 100 m front crawl inter-lap pacing and kinematics. Eleven elite male swimmers performed a 100 m front crawl maximal effort to collect 50 m lap time (T50, s) and velocity (v, m·s−1) for pacing, stroke rate (SR), stroke length (SL) and stroke index (SI) as kinematic variables. A 30 s tethered effort allowed to determine the peak (Fpeak) and mean force (Fmean) as force production variables. The relative change (Δ) between 50 m laps was also calculated for all measures. A paired sample t-test was used to check differences between laps and Pearson correlation coefficients allowed to quantify the associations between force and remaining variables. The T50 increased from the first to the second lap (ΔT50 = 10.61%, p < 0.01, d = 2.68), while v (Δv = −5.92%, p < 0.01, d = 1.53), SR (ΔSR = −6.61%, p < 0.01, d = 0.45) and SI (ΔSI = −4.92%, p = 0.02, d = 0.45) decreased. SL remained unchanged between laps (ΔSL = 1.07%, p = 0.66, d = 0.08). No associations were found between force production and most of Δ, with the only exception being the reasonable good association between Fpeak and Δv (r = 0.62, p = 0.04). Although both pacing and kinematics fall from the first to the second sections of a 100 m front-crawl effort, the swimmers who exhibit higher Fpeak show a more stable front crawl v between both 50 m laps.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), I.PUIDP/05913/202

    OPEN DE CATALUNYA Terrassa (Barcelona) [14 al 17 de enero de 2021]

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    Análisis de la Competición Informe INDIVIDUAL Y COMPARADO OPEN DE CATALUNYA Terrassa (Barcelona) [14 al 17de enero de 2021]Real Federación Española de Natació

    XX Campeonato de España "Open" de Natación Absoluto - Sabadell 2019

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    Análisis de la Competición Informe INDIVIDUAL Y COMPARADO XX Campeonato de España "Open" de Natación Absoluto - Sabadell 2019Real Federación Española de Natació