28 research outputs found

    Tantangan Parenting dalam Mewujudkan Moderasi Islam Anak

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    The birth of X, Y, Z and Alpha generations cannot be denied, given the rapid development of technology. The formation of the character of Alpha Generation or Gen-A which was born in 2010 is a concern and a challenge for parents in shaping the personality of a civilized and humanitarian child. This article is motivated by a critical review of the conditions of intolerance among religious people. Where the soul of intolerance that arises in a person is due to the absence of a sense of humanity and civilized human elements in themselves. One of the main causes is the influence of misuse of technology which has led to the birth of the Alpha Generation that is enslaved by technology. A person's social life deteriorates so that he does not respect differences. The use of technology well can avoid the anti-tolerant nature and be able to form prospective generations who are civilized and humane in accordance with Islamic values. The provision of technological education for children of old age can not be separated from the role of parents as the first madrasa for children. The habit of children will be difficult to change when from the beginning parents do not do education in the family through parenting education. Parenting education is one of the efforts made by parents in educating, nurturing and teaching children

    Ni-Based Catalysts for the Hydrotreatment of Fast Pyrolysis Oil

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    Catalytic hydrotreatment is an attractive technology to convert fast pyrolysis oil to stabilized oil products for co processing in conventional crude oil refinery units. We report here the use of novel bimetallic NiCu- and NiPd-based (Picula) catalysts characterized by a high Ni content (29-58 wt %) and prepared using a sol gel method with SiO2, La2O3, kaolin, ZrO2, and combinations thereof as the support, for the catalytic hydrotreatment of fast pyrolysis oil. The experiments were performed in a batch autoclave (1 h at 150 degrees C, 3 h at 350 degrees C, and 200 bar initial pressure at 350 degrees C). The catalyst with the highest nickel loading (58 wt % Ni) promoted with Pd (0.7 wt %) was the most active, yielding oil products with improved properties compared to the crude pyrolysis oil (lower oxygen content, higher solubility in hydrocarbons, and less tendency for coke formation). For all Picula catalysts, except the ZrO2-based catalysts, methane formation was considerably lower than for Ru/C, the benchmark catalyst in catalytic hydrotreatment of fast pyrolysis oil. To anticipate possible catalyst deactivation at very long times on stream, catalyst regeneration studies were performed using thermogravimetric analysis. Analyses of the regenerated catalysts (X-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and Brunauer Emmett Teller surface area) showed the occurrence of active metal agglomeration.</p

    Mono-, bi-, and tri-metallic Ni-based catalysts for the catalytic hydrotreatment of pyrolysis liquids

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    Catalytic hydrotreatment is a promising technology to convert pyrolysis liquids into intermediates with improved properties. Here, we report a catalyst screening study on the catalytic hydrotreatment of pyrolysis liquids using bi- and tri-metallic nickel-based catalysts in a batch autoclave (initial hydrogen pressure of 140 bar, 350 A degrees C, 4 h). The catalysts are characterized by a high nickel metal loading (41 to 57 wt%), promoted by Cu, Pd, Mo, and/or combination thereof, in a SiO2, SiO2-ZrO2, or SiO2-Al2O3 matrix. The hydrotreatment results were compared with a benchmark Ru/C catalyst. The results revealed that the monometallic Ni catalyst is the least active and that particularly the use of Mo as the promoter is favored when considering activity and product properties. For Mo promotion, a product oil with improved properties viz. the highest H/C molar ratio and the lowest coking tendency was obtained. A drawback when using Mo as the promoter is the relatively high methane yield, which is close to that for Ru/C. H-1, C-13-NMR, heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC), and two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) of the product oils reveal that representative component classes of the sugar fraction of pyrolysis liquids like carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones and carbohydrates) are converted to a large extent. The pyrolytic lignin fraction is less reactive, though some degree of hydrocracking is observed

    Hydrocarbon Liquid Production via Catalytic Hydroprocessing of Phenolic Oils Fractionated from Fast Pyrolysis of Red Oak and Corn Stover

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    Phenolic oils were produced from fast pyrolysis of two different biomass feedstocks, red oak and corn stover, and evaluated in hydroprocessing tests for production of liquid hydrocarbon products. The phenolic oils were produced with a bio-oil fractionating process in combination with a simple water wash of the heavy ends from the fractionating process. Phenolic oils derived from the pyrolysis of red oak and corn stover were recovered with yields (wet biomass basis) of 28.7 and 14.9 wt %, respectively, and 54.3% and 60.0% on a carbon basis. Both precious metal catalysts and sulfided base metal catalyst were evaluated for hydrotreating the phenolic oils, as an extrapolation from whole bio-oil hydrotreatment. They were effective in removing heteroatoms with carbon yields as high as 81% (unadjusted for the 90% carbon balance). There was substantial heteroatom removal with residual O of only 0.4% to 5%, while N and S were reduced to less than 0.05%. Use of the precious metal catalysts resulted in more saturated products less completely hydrotreated compared to the sulfided base metal catalyst, which was operated at higher temperature. The liquid product was 42–52% gasoline range molecules and about 43% diesel range molecules. Particulate matter in the phenolic oils complicated operation of the reactors, causing plugging in the fixed-beds especially for the corn stover phenolic oil. This difficulty contrasts with the catalyst bed fouling and plugging, which is typically seen with hydrotreatment of whole bio-oil. This problem was substantially alleviated by filtering the phenolic oils before hydrotreating. More thorough washing of the phenolic oils during their preparation from the heavy ends of bio-oil or online filtration of pyrolysis vapors to remove particulate matter before condensation of the bio-oil fractions is recommended.Reprinted with permission from ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2015, 3 (5), pp 892–902. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.</p

    Etanolisi Olein Sawit Dengan Katalis Potassium Hidroksida

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    Biodiesel merupakab sumber energy alternatif yang ramah lingkungan dan dapt diperbarui, hasil reaksi transesterifikasi atau alkoholisis. Etanol digunakan sebagai bahan baku reaksi transesterifikasi. Minyak nabati yang digunakan adalah olein kelapa sawit. Etanolisis dilangsungkan dalam reaktor batch berpengaduk dengan memvariasikan temperatur  (40 0C dan 60 0C), perbandingan molar etanol terhadap minyak (3:1 dan 9:1), dan konsentrasi katalis KOH (0,5% b/b minyak dan 1,5% b/b minyak). Pengaruh setiap parameter terhadap konversi dianalisis  dengan rancangan percobaan factorial 23 dengan center point. Konversi reaksi dihitung berdasarkan analisis kadar gliserol total dan bebas menurut metode AOCS Ca 14-56. Variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap konversi adalah jumlah etanol yang diumpankan. Analisis varian menunjukkan adanya interaksi antar masing-masing parameter. Konversi maksimum sebesar 96,82% tercapai saat 60 0C, rasio molar 3:1, dan konsentrasi KOH 1,5% b/b minyak. Densitas etil ester yang dihasilkan dari percobaan adalah 0,852-0,894 gr/cm3 serta viskositas kinematik sebesar 1,64-5,09 mm2/s. Kata kunci : biodiesel, etanolisis, konversi, transesterifikas

    Stabilization of biomass-derived pyrolysis oils

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    BACKGROUND: Biomass is the only renewable feedstock containing carbon, and therefore the only alternative to fossil-derived crude oil derivatives. However, the main problems concerning the application of biomass for biofuels and bio-based chemicals are related to transport and handling, the limited scale of the conversion process and the competition with the food industry. To overcome such problems, an integral processing route for the conversion of (non-feed) biomass (residues) to transportation fuels is proposed. It includes a pretreatment process by fast pyrolysis, followed by upgrading to produce a crude-oil-like product, and finally co-refining in traditional refineries. RESULTS: This paper contributes to the understanding of pyrolysis oil upgrading. The processes include a thermal treatment step and/or direct hydroprocessing. At temperatures up to 250 degrees C (in the presence of H(2) and catalyst) parallel reactions take place including re-polymerization (water production), decarboxylation (limited CO(2) production) and hydrotreating. Water is produced in small quantities (approx. 10% extra), likely caused by repolymerization. This repolymerization takes place faster (order of minutes) than the hydrotreating reactions (order of tens of minutes, hours). CONCLUSIONS: In hydroprocessing of bio-oils, a pathway is followed by which pyrolysis oils are further polymerized if H(2) and/or catalyst is absent, eventually to char components, or, with H(2)/catalyst, to stabilized components that can be further upgraded. Results of the experiments suggest that specifically the cellulose-derived fraction of the oil needs to be transformed first, preferably into alcohols in a 'mild hydrogenation' step. This subsequently allows further dehydration and hydrogenation. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industr

    Characterization of hydrotreated fast pyrolysis liquids

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    This paper focuses on analytical methods to determine the composition of hydrotreated fast pyrolysis liquids. With this information, it is possible to gain insights in the chemical transformations taking place during catalytic hydrotreatment (hydrogenation and/or hydrodeoxygenation, HDO) of pyrolysis liquids. Three different samples, produced at different hydrotreatment severity levels (defined by temperature and residence time) using Ru/C as the catalyst, were analyzed in detail. The composition of the products was determined by solvent fractionation followed by detailed analysis of the various fractions by gas cheromatography/mass selective detector (GC/MSD), capillary electrophoresis (CE), and NMR (1H NMR, 13C NMR, and 31P NMR). The decrease in the carbohydrate fraction was easily followed by the Brix method after solvent fractionation.