69 research outputs found

    Sebuah Perspektif Baru Humas

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    Teknologi internet telah mengubah pola komunikasi Public Relations sebelumnya yang masih konvensional, seperti komunikasi dari atas ke bawah, bawah ke atas, horisontal, atau pola komunikasi massa yang dilakukan. Semua itu telah mereka tinggalkan dengan pola yang lebih aktual setelah lahirnya Internet. Internet dan intranet ini membawa pola di era informasi dalam bentuk jaringan teknologi yang memungkinkan setiap orang mengakses ke mana saja untuk mememnuhi kebutuhannya. Bagi organisasi atau Perusahaan yang mengadopsi Internet akan mengalami perkembangan pesat di tengah-tengah masyarakat informasi yang semakin heterogen dan dapat meraup khalayak atau pasar sasaran yang lebih besar jumlahnya. Melalui internet pula annual report (laporan tahunan) yang dibuat divisi PR, Perusahaan dapat memasukkannya ke dalam situs Web Perusahaan atau Perusahaan jasa PR di internet

    Survival Analysis of Hemodialysis Patients

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    Survival analysis as a collection of statistical procedures for analyzing the data that its outcome variable was the time to occurrence of an event. Kaplan-Meier method is a type of survival analysis technique, this method is often called the Product Limit Method. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) became one of the public health problem throughout the world, including Indonesia. The number of hemodialysis patients has increased every year and have an impact on increasing the number of death in General Hospital Ibnu Sina Gresik. This study was determine the survival of hemodialysis patients using Kaplan-Meier analysis techniques. Non-reactive research with a retrospective cohort using the calculations right censoring. 155 population were taken randomly and sample size of 111. Data were collected using a checklist. The estimated survival time of female, adult age, further education, patients work, patients without insurance, patients with normal nutritional status, patients with a history of disease, patient with hypertention and patient with diabetic had a better survival time. The insurance status, nutritional status, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus were significant difference to the survival time (p-value <0.05). It was necessary special treatment for CKD patients through giving information, education to families and patients to maintain healthy lifestyle

    Evaluasi Pelayanan dan Administrasi Polri dalam Pengurusan Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Masyarakat di Kantor Samsat Pekanbaru Kota

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    Progress of an area affected by the administrative system. The smooth administration of the area led to the smooth achievement of the goals and progress of the region itself. Service is at the core of the administration which requires the administrator to implement it properly in the organization of a region, particularly in the tax service office SAMSAT. Good service and the right will provide excellent results for the operation of the administration in the area. the importance of service and administration are given in Pekanbaru City SAMSAT office to the public by members of the National Police and assisted by local revenue offices. In these activities involve more local Revenue Office in terms of employment in particular SAMSAT payment, administration and tax services into a long procedure for the public to make payments where there are processes related to the police who should be separated in the submission to the public. Duties and obligations of the National Police in serving the community in which that has been listed in uu No. 02 of 2002.The purpose of this study to determine the evaluation of administrative services and police members in the management of public motor vehicle tax in Pekanbaru City SAMSAT office, in addition to inhibiting factors Knowing the evaluation of administrative services and police members in the motor vehicle tax administration office SAMSAT Pekanbaru City In research The author uses descriptive qualitative research method that gives an overview of the situation and analyze the data based on the field survey. In the study, which became the subject is SAMSAT Office of Police in the city of Pekanbaru, while the object of research is the evaluation of the police in providing services to its citizens. In this study there is a framework as a reference in developing a problem for researchers, service flow based on the principle of service according SutopoThe results of this study indicate that implementation of existing services need to be improved in terms of both performance and completeness of infrastructure and facilities in service delivery. So what is expected by society in Pekanbaru city will be realized. One of the issues that may need attention are eliminating intermediaries or brokers who relieved assigned services in the area of call centers services are very detrimental to society Pekanbaru. This causes loss of time and processing of different appliedKeyword : Evaluation, Administration, Service

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap dengan Perilaku Pencegahan Penularan Tuberkulosis Paru pada Keluarga

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    Lung Tuberculosis (Lung TBC) is a infection disease that need family's role is very important to its prevention. The objective of this research is to analyze the relation between knowledge level and attitude with prevention behavior of to the spreading of lung tuberculosis (lung TBC) in the family in Work Region Public Health Center in North region of Kediri Town The design used in this research was correlational. The samples were 25 respondents and taken by Simple random Sampling. The independent variable the relation between knowledge level and attitude and the dependent variable was behavior. Data were collected by questionnaire, then analyzed using Double Regression Test with the meaning level a so Ho was accepted, thus there is no relation between attitude and behavior. The conclusion of this research is that there is no relation between knowledge level and attitute with prevention behaviour of to the spreading of lung tuberculosis (lung TBC) in the family in Work Region Public Health Center in North region of Kediri Tow

    Perancangan Projection Mapping Rumah Wafat W.R. Supratman

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    Begitu banyak bangunan cagar budaya penuh nilai sejarah di kota Surabaya. Tidak sedikit pula cagar budaya yang terlupakan oleh masyarakat, salah satunya Rumah Wafat W.R. Supratman, pencipta lagu Indonesia Raya. Seperti yang dikatakan Adi Panuntun tentang bangunan bersejarah bahwa bukan salah apa yang disajikan, namun salah cara penyajian. Hal ini menggerakkan penulis untuk merancang sebuah video mapping tentang W.R. Supratman di rumah wafat W.R. Supratman. Diharapkan dengan adanya perancangan projection mapping ini mampu menarik atensi dan menumbuhkan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap cagar budaya Rumah Wafat W.R. Supratman

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengiris Bawang Merah Tipe Vertikal

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    Bawang goreng merupakan salah satu bentuk olahan dari bawang merah yang dalam proses pembuatannya melalui tahap pengirisan. Tahap pengirisan dalam pembuatan bawang goreng di USAha industri kecil masih dilakukan secara manual. Pengirisan bawang merah secara manual memiliki kelemahan seperti memerlukan banyak waktu dan tenaga kerja. Untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi dari penggunaan waktu dan tenaga kerja dalam proses pengirisan bawang merah, dirancanglah mesin pengiris bawang merah tipe vertikal. Pengujian kinerja mesin pengiris bawang merah tipe vertikal diperoleh kapasitas alat 56,21 kg/jam dengan kecepatan pengirisan 162 RPM, efisiensi pengirisan 89%, rendemen 89 %, persentase kerusakan hasil 11%, kehilangan hasil rata-rata 0,11 kg, laju pengumpanan 63,50 kg/jam, dan tebal rata-rata pengirisan 0,21 mm. Analisa ekonomi mesin pengiris bawang merah didapat biaya pembuatan mesin pengiris bawang merah Rp 2.574.200,-, harga jual Rp 3.346.200,-, biaya tetap Rp 843.242,4,-/tahun, biaya tidak tetap Rp 10.550,39,- /jam, biaya pokok Rp 539,05 Kg, Break Event Point (BEP) 1.038,09,- kg/jam, B/C ratio Rp 1,3,-
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