10 research outputs found


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    This research aims to understand the ways the preparers of sustainability reports in Indonesia embed stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting. This research seeks to understand the perceived role of stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting and examines whether the report preparers decouple their stakeholder engagement disclosures from the actual practices. The neo-institutional theory is used to illuminate the companies’ non-conformity responses to institutional influences. This research utilises mixed methods by deploying questionnaires, sustainability reports and semi-structured interviews. The questionnaire survey was analysed using descriptive statistics. The interviews were conducted face-to-face and analysed using thematic analysis. Content analysis of stakeholder engagement disclosures was also undertaken on the 2007 to 2018 sustainability reports issued by the companies participating in the interviews. The findings of this research reveal that the report preparers attempt to embed stakeholder engagement in the companies’ sustainability reporting in response to coercive, normative and mimetic influences. However, stakeholder engagement is loosely embedded as a result of contextualising the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s conception of stakeholder engagement into Indonesia’s local contexts. Stakeholder engagement is perceived as having important roles in mandatory corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes and materiality assessment to define the report content. External stakeholders are engaged more inclusively in the former whereas internal stakeholders take control of the latter. It is not evident that the report preparers in Indonesia decouple stakeholder engagement disclosures from practices. However, the ways in which the companies practise their stakeholder engagement (means) deviate from the goals of stakeholder engagement suggested by the GRI’s principles for defining the report content (ends), known as the means-ends decoupling. The report preparers in Indonesia accept the GRI’s concept by meeting the suggested indicators, but unintentionally overlook the GRI’s principles that are required to be implemented as a new institution, rather than intentionally avoiding them. The main contribution of this research to the literature is that it provides insights into the need to embed stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting in an integral way, including by translating the GRI’s global conception into local context. This research also provides insights into the presumption that ‘companies report the practice’ of stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting—as suggested by the GRI and the extant literature. Just because the companies report the practice (means) by making reference to the GRI, it does not necessarily follow that the companies have conformed to the goals of stakeholder engagement suggested by the GRI’s principles for defining the report content (ends). Taking into full consideration Indonesia’s politicoeconomic, sociocultural and legal contexts, which can be dissimilar to other local contexts, this research contributes to an understanding of decoupling, especially the means-ends decoupling, which tends to be unintentional in the companies’ non-acquiescent response to institutional influences. The decoupling indicates that the report preparers consider the GRI’s stakeholder engagement indicators as technical prescriptions leading to box-ticking activities, rather than being thoroughly understood and implemented as a new institution. Besides, this research offers a practical contribution in that the companies’ sustainability reporting consultants could shepherd their clients’ stakeholder engagement, guided by the GRI standards (previously called guidelines), to go beyond merely meeting the GRI indicators and producing ‘nice to read’ sustainability reports

    Stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting by Fortune Global 500 companies: a call for embeddedness

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to ascertain whether Fortune Global 500 companies embed stakeholder engagement in their sustainability reporting. Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative and qualitative content analyses were undertaken on 646 sustainability reports written in English over the period from 2015 to 2017. Findings: This research found a low level of stakeholder engagement disclosures and scant evidence that sustainability disclosures were drawn upon stakeholder engagement practices. The findings indicate that stakeholder engagement was loosely embedded in sustainability reporting. Research limitations/implications: Sustainability reports are the sole unit of analysis. Besides, this research is limited to a sample of companies and to a specific period, which limits the generalisation of the research findings. Practical implications: Embedding stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting holds companies accountable to their stakeholders. This is because the companies’ sustainability disclosures acknowledge the stakeholders’ concerns and information about the stakeholder engagement methods deployed to address those concerns. Social implications: Stakeholder engagement promotes accountability by encouraging stakeholders to convey their opinions about corporate sustainability, participate in decision-making processes that impact them, and partake in defining the contents of sustainability reports. Originality/value: This paper provides insights into the need to link sustainability disclosures with stakeholder engagement disclosures, by articulating who the relevant stakeholders are and how they are engaged on the various sustainability topics – rather than conceiving them to be separate and independent disclosures in a sustainability report


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    Kegiatan non-akademis dapat menjadi penyeimbang kegiatan akademis sehingga tercipta harmoni di dalam pribadi dan sosial remaja. Kabupaten Gianyar memiliki potensi kegiatan non-akademis berupa 15 cabang olahraga aktif dan 104 kesenian yang dilestarikan pada tahun 2016. Jumlah remaja Kabupaten Gianyar usia 10-22 tahun sebanyak 19,41% atau 96.973 jiwa pada tahun 2016. Tujuan dari Gelanggang Remaja di Gianyar adalah untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan kebudayaan, menyehatkan remaja, menciptakan komunitas non-akademis, mempertahankan dan meningkatkan keberagaman kegiatan sosial dan ekonomi. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah dengan mengumpulkan data, melakukan analisa terhadap kegiatan yang akan diwadahi berdasarkan teori dan data lapangan. Adapun fasilitas yang akan disediakan adalah fasilitas lapangan olahraga serbaguna, kesenian, ilmiah, kerohanian, rekreasi, sosialisasi, fasilitas penunjang dan pengelola. Lokasi yang terpilih untuk Gelanggang Remaja adalah di kabupaten Gianyar, Kecamatan Blahbatuh karena memiliki kepadatan penduduk yang cukup tinggi, topografi relatif datar, terletak dekat dengan kecamatan Gianyar, Sukawati dan Ubud. Tapak terpilih terletak di jalan By Pass Dharma Giri karena memiliki sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung, pelayanan umum yang baik, potensi pengembangan tapak yang baik, transportasi umum yang memadai, kelancaran lalu lintas yang baik. Konsep dasar yang dipergunakan adalah energik (bersemangat), komunikatif (mudah dipahami) dan kreatif (memiliki nilai lebih). Tema yang dipergunakan adalah Neo-vernacular yaitu penerapan bentuk-bentuk modern yang berakar pada elemen-elemen fisik dan non-fisik arsitektur tradisional


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi Tobin’s Q sebagai proksi market power brokerage house yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan cara melakukan pemodelan ekonometrika sampai memperoleh model yang BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimators) berdasarkan data cross-sectional tahun 2007, 2008, 2009, dan data panel untuk melihat konsistensinya. Model yang BLUE ternyata tidak konsisten untuk setiap data tersebut tetapi terdapat sejumlah temuan menarik, antara lain investor individual berkontribusi lebih besar terhadap market power brokerage house, risiko finansial yang dihadapi brokerage house ternyata menyebabkan penurunan market power, dan market power brokerage house ternyata semakin menurun seiring dengan bertambahnya total aset yang dikelola manajer investasi.   Kata kunci : BLUE, brokerage house, Tobin’s


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    The research aims to investigate variables affecting Tobin’s Q which represents the value of public  companies listed on LQ45 Index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange by developing a  BLUE(Best Linear UnbiasedEstimators) econometric model for cross-sectional data of 2007, 2008, and 2009 as well as panel data. The models vary across different data but there are important findings to note. Public companies listed  on LQ45 Index have experienced overliquidity problem during the period of observation leading to a decline in firm’s value. In addition, those public companies have low financial risk so they have chance to  increase their debts especially long-term debts


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    This paper aims to investigate independent variables affecting loanaggressiveness of rural banks proxied by the growth of loan through aneconometric modeling. We initially identified 13 variables affecting the ratio butwe then dropped a number of independent variables insignificantly affecting thedependent variabel. Conducting 13 modelling, the last econometric model is aBLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimators) model implying that the model has noclassical assumptions problems at all. The BLUE model suggests thatindependent variables affecting loan aggressiveness of rural banks are thegrowth of third-party deposits and Return on Assets (ROA)


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    This paper aims to investigate independent variables affecting profitabilityof cooperatives in Buleleng, Bali proxied by a ratio of earnings and total assetsthrough an econometric modeling. We initially identified 18 variables affectingthe ratio but we then dropped a number of independent variables insignificantlyaffecting the ratio. Conducting 15 modelling, the last econometric model is aBLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimators) model implying that the model has noclassical assumptions problems at all. The BLUE model suggests thatindependent variables affecting profitability of cooperatives in Buleleng, Bali arecurrent assets, debt to total assets, age, and the number of member ofcooperatives

    Analyzing the Success of BRISPOT: Utilizing Human, Organization, and Technology-Fit Factors (HOT-FIT)

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    Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) constitute the primary market share for Bank BRI, underscoring their significance within the company profile. The annual target for micro-businesses aims to fortify and sustain BRI's position as the market leader for micro-businesses in Indonesia. Recognizing the intensifying competition in the micro-business sector, BRI has developed BRISPOT, a digital-based application with a one-stop service concept. This enables Loan Officers to seamlessly conduct credit processes end-to-end, anytime, and anywhere. This research was conducted at the Bank BRI Denpasar Regional Office. The study population consisted of all micromarketers/mantri, totaling 1,550 individuals. Probability sampling techniques, specifically proportionate random sampling, were employed in this research, and a sample size of 205 was determined, aligning with Hair et al.'s guidelines. The data collection method utilized a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale. The data analysis technique employed in this research is SEM-PLS (Partial Least Squares). The results of this research indicate that organizational structure, organizational environment, system quality, information quality, service quality, and self-efficacy positively influence user satisfaction. Furthermore, user satisfaction has a positive impact on net benefits. Keywords: User Satisfaction, Net Benefit, HOT-Fit, BRISPOT, Micro Credit DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/15-2-02 Publication date: January 31st 202