67 research outputs found

    English language learners in focus : predictors of English proficiency and academic achievement.

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    Academic achievement of English language learners (ELLs), the fastest growing population in the U.S. schools, deserves greater attention. This non-experimental study investigated the unique contributions-above and beyond other individual difference and school characteristics-of language learning strategies (LLS) to student academic outcomes in a second language (L2). The sample comprised 1,057 ELLs (651 elementary, 275 middle, and 131 high school) attending 38 schools in one urban school district. Descriptive analysis results indicated that ELLs used a large array ofLLS; yet, except for metacognitive strategies, most LLS were reportedly used only at a medium level of frequency. The results also indicated a strong awareness of strategy effectiveness among teachers: A lack of significant correlations between teacher and student LLS ratings, however, suggested that teacher beliefs may not necessarily translate into practice. The results of Structural Equation Modeling analyses identified three positive, instructionally manipulable contributors to ELLs\u27 L2 outcomes: metacognitive strategies, motivation, and native language (L 1) literacy. Whereas metacognitive strategy use appeared to be stable, cognitive strategy use declined as a function of age; memory, social, affective, and compensation strategy use declined as a function of length of residence (LOR). These results confirmed Gardner et al.\u27s (1997) hypothesis holding that with increased L2 proficiency students may feel less need in using LLS and suggested that age and LOR may moderate the relationships between LLS and L2 outcomes. Hierarchical Linear Modeling results indicated that metacognitive strategies, L 1 literacy, and English proficiency significantly contributed to reading achievement. Controlling for other predictors, lack of prior formal schooling had no negative effect on ELLs\u27 achievement; lack of mother formal education was a negative predictor of mathematics and science-but not reading and social studies-scores. Higher school quality indicators predicted higher academic achievement among ELLs. The overall results suggest that ELLs would benefit from: (a) integrated content, language, and metacognitive strategy instruction; (b) classrooms that stimulate motivation; (c) Ll literacy maintenance; (d) additional L2 support; and (e) placement in higher-performing schools. Additional research is needed to explore the potential moderator effects of age and LOR on the relationships between LLS and L2 outcomes

    Supporting Science Learning For English Language Learners

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    This study focused on two fourth-grade science classrooms with English learners (ELs), exploring how teachers supported students’ science and language/literacy learning in different language contexts. Three a priori research-based practices recommended for supporting science learning framed our exploration: (a) negotiation, opportunities for individual and social construction and critique of knowledge; (b) embedded language, opportunities for language and literacy learning as a natural aspect of science; and (c) non-threatening learning environments, opportunities for social apprenticeship and interaction. We provide insights into how science instructional practices supported ELs’ science and language learning. One key implication is that enacting these three principles of practice in students’ first language (Spanish), when less linguistic scaffolding is required, creates more opportunities to focus on disciplinary content and exploration of students’ ideas. The second key implication is that using open-ended questions and extending prompts and questions through exploration-based lessons was an effective way to support and guide ELs (and all students) to rich understandings of key concepts. A third key implication is that although teachers delivered instruction in two different languages, when they enacted these principles, they fostered student engagement and interest in science. Effective implementation of these practices outweighed the language of delivery

    Physical rehabilitation of functional violations and deformations of children foot

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    Purpose : To substantiate a comprehensive methodology for physical rehabilitation of children with functional disorder “hollow foot” in the initial stages of its development. Material : The study involved 58 children aged 8-14 years with the disorder and deformities of the lower extremities. Results : The changes after six months of targeting funds to rehabilitate musculoskeletal structures of the musculoskeletal system of experimental and control groups of children. The technique of rehabilitation, including: implementation of a specially designed set of corrective exercises, wearing special orthopedic individual insoles, foot massage and calf muscles, electro-stimulation effects on the musculoskeletal structure of the foot and lower leg dynamics. Conclusions : “hollow foot” is the least studied morphofunctional disorder; developed technique of physical rehabilitation for positive changes in the condition of the musculoskeletal system in children of the main group, the lack of specific rehabilitation interventions during the initial stages of the “hollow foot” leads to the aggravation of the disorder

    Integrating science and literacy for young English learners : a pilot study.

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    This pilot investigated the promise of positive outcomes in literacy, science, and social behavior on K– 2 English learner (﴾EL)﴿ students after two months of implementation of the Science Inquiry Centered Argumentation Model (﴾ScICAM)﴿—a systematic teaching approach to science learning that integrates literacy instruction and argument-‐based inquiry. The sample included 17 teachers and 31 EL students. Results indicated that teacher practices (﴾proximal outcomes)﴿ aligned well with the ScICAM approach and resulted in increases in EL student learning (﴾distal outcomes)﴿. Teacher increase in the use of inquiry and writing scaffolds and student growth in the ability to express understandings through oral and written modes also suggested that ScICAM practices are supportive of key practices identified by the Next Generation Science Standards (﴾NGSS Lead States, 2013)﴿. These results highlight the merit of pursuing larger, long-‐term projects that collaborate with teachers on developing and implementing ScICAM interventions

    Genetic, biological and economic evaluation of sweet potato accessions in the collection of the Plant Introduction and Acclimatization Department, Udmurt FRC, UB RAS

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    An important area of crop development is the introduction of new vegetable plants, one of which is the sweet potato Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. The aim of our research was genetic, biological and economic assessment of sweet potato accessions held in the collection of the Plant Introduction and Acclimatization Dept., Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of the RAS (UdmFRC UB RAS).Within this experiment, DNA polymorphism of 16 accessions of I. batatas was tested using ISSR markers. All accessions were found to represent different genotypes; the VM 17 accession obtained as a result of a bud mutation differed significantly from the original accession in its genotype.Evaluation of 16 accessions of sweet potato cultivars was carried out in a small-plot field experiment. The results of biological and economic assessment witnessed to the prospects of sweet potato cultivation within the territory of the Udmurt Republic for marketable tuber production. The productivity of the accessions was 140–2700 g of tubers per plant. According to their productivity, the accessions were divided into clusters: the low-productivity group (up to 500 g), with ‘Betty’, Fioletovy, ‘Beauregard’, ‘Covington’ and Bezhevy; medium-productivity group (500–1000 g), with ‘Jewel’, Fioletovy Sochi, Brazilsky, Afgansky, Vinnitsky rozovy, Lyubitelsky and ‘Bayou Bell’; and high-productivity group (more than 1000 g), with Pobeda 100, ВM 17, Druzhkovsky and Bely NBS. On the basis of the evaluation, 11 sweet potato accessions were recommended for cultivation in the Middle Urals: Afgansky, ‘Bayou Bell’, Bely NBS, ВM 17, Brazilsky, Druzhkovsky, Fioletovy Sochi, ‘Jewel’, Lyubitelsky, Pobeda 100, and Vinnitsky rozovy

    FOXA1 is a determinant of drug resistance in breast cancer cells

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    Purpose Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in women. Five subtypes of breast cancer differ in their genetic expression profiles and carry different prognostic values, with no treatments available for some types, such as triple-negative, due to the absence of genetic signatures that could otherwise be targeted by molecular therapies. Although endocrine treatments are largely successful for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive cancers, a significant proportion of patients with metastatic tumors fail to respond and acquire resistance to therapy. FOXA1 overexpression mediates endocrine therapy resistance in ER-positive breast cancer, although the regulation of chemotherapy response by FOXA1 has not been addressed previously. FOXA1, together with EP300 and RUNX1, regulates the expression of E-cadherin, and is expressed in luminal, but absent in triple-negative and basal-like breast cancers. We have previously determined that EP300 regulates drug resistance and tumor initiation capabilities in breast cancer cells. Methods Here we describe the generation of breast cancer cell models in which FOXA1 expression has been modulated either by expression of hairpins targeting FOXA1 mRNA or overexpression plasmids. Results Upon FOXA1 knockdown in luminal MCF-7 and T47D cells, we found an increase in doxorubicin and paclitaxel sensitivity as well as a decrease in anchorage independence. Conversely, upregulation of FOXA1 in basal-like MDA-MB-231 cells led to an increase in drug resistance and anchorage independence. Conclusion Together, these data suggest that FOXA1 plays a role in making tumors more aggressive

    Успешное хирургическое лечение сердечной эмболии костным цементом после вертебропластики тела L2 позвонка

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    Percutaneous Vertebroplasty (PVP) is the minimally invasive radiological procedure consisting in the transdermal injection of bone cement into the damaged vertebral body. PVP performing has a high risk of complications including vascular embolism which has value from 3.5 to 30 %. There is an example of cardioembolism with bone cement as a result of PVP complication after surgical treatment of a patient with a spinal cord injury after ancar accident and the successful extraction of this embolus is given in this clinical case.The authors describe the approaches to this problem, including the diagnosis of the condition and treatment options.Перкутанная вертебропластика (ПВП) — минимально инвазивная радиологическая процедура, заключающаяся в чрескожном введении костного цемента в поврежденное тело позвонка. При выполнении ПВП имеется высокий риск осложнений, в том числе сосудистой эмболии, которая составляет от 3,5 до 30 %. В данном клиническом случае приведен пример кардиоэмболии костным цементом как следствие осложнения ПВП после хирургического лечения пациентки получившей травму позвоночника во время ДТП и успешное извлечение этого эмбола. Авторы описывают подходы к данной проблеме, включая диагностику состояния и варианты лечения

    Defining of Correlation of Functional Foot Disorder Among Children of Preschool Age with Functional Disorders and Anatomic Changes of a Foot

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    У статті розглянуто кількісне співвідношення функціональних змін опорно-рухового апарату в дітей дошкільного віку з функціональними розладами та анатомічними змінами стопи. За результатами обсте-ження новонабраних дітей спеціалізованого дитячого закладу з порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату виявле-но найбільшу кількість випадків таких порушень, як візуальне опущення подовжнього та поперечного склепінь, вальгусна постановка стопи та зменшення площі опори стопи. Проведені дослідження опорно-рухового апарату дітей підтверджують наявність взаємозалежних розладів, наприклад у дітей з укороченням кінцівки понад 0,5 см ми фіксували ознаки статичного сколіозу. The article examines correlation of functional changes of locomotor apparatus among children of preschool with functional disorders and anatomic changes of a foot. According to the results of examination of children of a specialized children’s establishment with locomotor apparatus disorder we have discovered a lot of cases of such disorders as visual ptosis of longitudinal and transverse arches, strephexopodia and decreasing of bearing area of a foot. Our analysis of locomotor apparatus of children proves the existence of interconnected disorders, for example we have diagnosed the signs of static scoliosis among children with shortening of a limb for more than 0,5 cm