257 research outputs found

    On the Achievable Rates of Pairwise Multiway Relay Channels

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    In this paper, we study the effect of users' transmission ordering on the common rate and sum rate of pairwise multiway relay channels (MWRCs) with functional-decode-forward strategy. To this end, we first develop a graphical model for the data transmission in a pairwise MWRC. Using this model, we then find the optimal orderings that achieve the maximum common rate and sum rate of the system. The achieved maximum common and sum rate are also found. Moreover, we show that the performance gap between optimal orderings and a random ordering vanishes when SNR increases. Computer simulations are presented for better illustration of the results.Comment: Extended version of "On the Achievable Rates of Pairwise Multiway Relay Channels" accepted for ISIT 201

    Time Reversal Invariance in Quantum Mechanics

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    Symmetries have a crucial role in today’s physics. In this thesis, we are mostly concerned with time reversal invariance (T-symmetry). A physical system is time reversal invariant if its underlying laws are not sensitive to the direction of time. There are various accounts of time reversal transformation resulting in different views on whether or not a given theory in physics is time reversal invariant. With a focus on quantum mechanics, I describe the standard account of time reversal and compare it with my alternative account, arguing why it deserves serious attention. Then, I review three known ways to T-violation in quantum mechanics, and explain two unique experiments made to detect it in the neutral K and B mesons

    Assessment The Agricultural Student's Attitudes Towards Organic Farming (Case of Iran)

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    A surveying research was conducted to study and recognize the knowledge and attitude of students toward organic farming at three universities of Iran in 2010. Our consumption patterns and environmental behaviors are rooted in long lived practices and habits. Social norms and values are among the factors that determine what we buy or what we think about organic products. As they are largely unconscious it is difficult to change them. Students are the agriculturist of tomorrow; therefore policies aimed at developing organic farming should address the needs of this group. To discover agriculturist's knowledge organic farming, a survey among 100 agricultural students was conducted. Questionnaire was used to examine students’ knowledge regarding organic farming. Finding is shown that agriculturist's awareness towards organic farming are low, especially in Pests management and Organic product standards aspect. The result of factor analysis showed that nine factors named as concepts, Nutrient safety and security, Organic farming economic, Organic farming extension, Social issue, fertility, Pests management, Environment safety, Organic product standard explained 73.71% of total variance that the first factor accounts for 11.98% of the variance, the second 10.954%, the third 9.191%, the fourth 8.505%, the fifth 8.426%, the sixth 7.536%, the seventh 7.015%, the eighth 5.746% and the ninth 4.364%. In conclusion, to enhance student knowledge about organic farming, it is important that curriculum develops for familiar student with organic farming practices and concepts such as: ecological equilibrium, agro ecosystem sustainability, new technology and indigenous knowledge, nutrition value, human safety, favorite yield production, soil structure improvement, erosion reduces and etc

    Tunability of terahertz random lasers with temperature based on superconducting materials

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    We theoretically demonstrate the tunabiltiy of terahertz random lasers composed of high temperature superconductorYBCO and ruby layers as active medium. The considered system is a one-dimensional disordered medium made of ruby grain and YBCO. Finite-difference time domain method is used to calculate the emission spectrum and spatial distribution of electric field at different temperatures. Our numerical results reveal that the superconductor based random lasers exhibit large temperature tunability in the terahertz domain. The emission spectrum is significantly temperature dependent, the number of lasing modes and their intensities increase with decreasing temperature. Also, we make some discussion to explain the reason for the observed tunability and the effect of temperature variation on the spatial distribution of the electric field in the disordered active medium

    Realização do mundo da vida fenomenológico na presença do sujeito e sua relação intersubjetiva

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    Transcendental consciousness is the principle of principles based on which philosophization of great philosophers such as Descartes and Husserl has been founded. With an inquiry into the intentional structure of this transcendental consciousness, Husserl accepts it just like the fundamental principle of philosophization and calls himself another New Cartesian. Descartes’ first principle is the thinking ego which, according to Husserl, has noemata in its thought. It should be noted that the fundamental element of his philosophization, i.e. "transcendental ego", is the same thing in an intersubjective relation to which all matters, including life-world and everything therein, are constituted. It is the same thing that happens with deep mining of the thoughts in the mind of the thinking ego and lived experience of consciousness fluid life. From the joining of monad-like egos, the first form of objectivity, i.e. intersubjective nature, arises. Here, my perception of the other and world and even other ego’s perception of me and my world are seen in the same way by identical necessity; that is, everyone in his own position considers another ego in its own position to be similar to himself. This means that their life-world is easily exchanged with each other. Ego as the transcendental and concrete ego experiences and knows other egos inside itself with certainty and hence, my life-world will be identical with his. Overall, Husserl was influenced by Descartes in presenting his own philosophical views. So, this paper aims to investigate and analyze Cartesian meditations in his philosophical approaches. The research method is descriptive-analytical.La conciencia trascendental es el principio de principios basado en el cual se ha fundado la filosofía de grandes filósofos como Descartes y Husserl. Con una investigación sobre la estructura intencional de esta conciencia trascendental, Husserl la acepta como el principio fundamental de la filosofización y se llama a sí mismo otro Nuevo cartesiano. El primer principio de Descartes es el yo pensante que, según Husserl, tiene noemata en su pensamiento. Debe notarse que el elemento fundamental de su filosofización, es decir, el "ego trascendental", es lo mismo en una relación intersubjetiva a la que están constituidas todas las materias, incluido el mundo de la vida y todo lo que está en ellas. Es lo mismo que sucede con la minería profunda de los pensamientos en la mente del ego pensante y la experiencia vivida de la vida fluida de la conciencia. A partir de la unión de egos de tipo mónada, surge la primera forma de objetividad, es decir, la naturaleza intersubjetiva. Aquí, mi percepción del otro y del mundo e incluso la percepción del otro ego sobre mí y mi mundo se ven de la misma manera por idéntica necesidad; es decir, todos en su propia posición consideran que otro ego en su propia posición es similar a él. Esto significa que su mundo de la vida se intercambia fácilmente entre sí. El ego como el ego trascendental y concreto experimenta y conoce otros egos en su interior con certeza y, por lo tanto, mi mundo de vida será idéntico al suyo. En general, Husserl fue influenciado por Descartes al presentar sus propios puntos de vista filosóficos. Por lo tanto, este artículo tiene como objetivo investigar y analizar las meditaciones cartesianas en sus enfoques filosóficos. El método de investigación es descriptivo-analítico.A consciência transcendental é o princípio de princípios baseado no qual a filosofização de grandes filósofos como Descartes e Husserl foi fundada. Com uma investigação sobre a estrutura intencional dessa consciência transcendental, Husserl a aceita exatamente como o princípio fundamental da filosofização e chama a si mesmo de outro novo cartesiano. O primeiro princípio de Descartes é o ego pensante que, segundo Husserl, tem noemata em seu pensamento. Deve-se notar que o elemento fundamental de sua filosofização, ou seja, "ego transcendental", é a mesma coisa em uma relação intersubjetiva à qual todas as matérias, incluindo o mundo da vida e tudo o que nele existe, são constituídas. É a mesma coisa que acontece com a mineração profunda dos pensamentos na mente do ego pensante e na experiência vivida da vida fluida da consciência. A partir da união de egos semelhantes a mônadas, surge a primeira forma de objetividade, ou seja, a natureza intersubjetiva. Aqui, minha percepção do outro e a percepção do mundo e até mesmo do ego de mim e do meu mundo são vistas da mesma maneira por necessidade idêntica; isto é, todos em sua própria posição consideram que outro ego em sua própria posição é semelhante a ele mesmo. Isso significa que seu mundo da vida é facilmente trocado entre si. O ego como o ego transcendental e concreto experimenta e conhece outros egos dentro de si com certeza e, portanto, meu mundo da vida será idêntico ao dele. No geral, Husserl foi influenciado por Descartes ao apresentar seus próprios pontos de vista filosóficos. Assim, este artigo tem como objetivo investigar e analisar as meditações cartesianas em suas abordagens filosóficas. O método de pesquisa é descritivo-analítico

    Response of Root Properties to Tripartite Symbiosis between Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), Rhizobia and Mycorrhiza Under Dry Organic Farming Conditions

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    It is generally considered that root turnover is a major contributor to organic matter and mineral nutrient cycles in organic managed agroecosystems. Approach: This study designed to investigate whether microbial activity could affect on root properties of lucerne in an organically managed field under dry weather conditions. The trial was laid out as a factorial experiment in the fields of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna-Austria at Raasdorf in 2007. The experimental factors of Sinorhizobium meliloti and arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) including Glomus etunicatum, G. intraradices and G. claroideum and irrigation levels were tested. Results: Results showed that increasing water deficit affected root dry weigh, specific root mass and root length significantly at 1% level and co-inoculation of rhizobium and mycorrhiza with irrigation could increase all root parameters. Data’s of variance analysis for mycorrhizal colonization showed that main effect of using mycorrhiza had significant effects on root parameters at 5% and 1% probability level in first and second harvest, respectively. Results of mean comparisons by Duncan’s multiple range test showed that mycorrhizal colonization was higher in the inoculated treatments by rhizobium , mycorrhiza and irrigated plots in both harvests. Double interaction of mycorrhiza and irrigation was higher in both harvests (37.05% and 65.73%, respectively). Conclusion: Hence, it can be suggested that the tripartite symbiosis of S. meliloti, AM and lucerne can improve the performance of lucerne in organic farming and under dry conditions. Such traits could be incorporated into breeding programs to improve drought tolerance especially in organic fields

    Shedding Light on Hearing in Coma: Investigating the Applicability of Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy for Assessing Auditory Function and Aiding Prognosis in Patients with Acute Disorders of Consciousness

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    There is a critical need for a bedside neuroimaging tool to aid in the prediction of functional recovery outcomes for patients with acute disorders of consciousness (DoC) in the early days following severe brain injury. Current neurobehavioral examinations and prognosis tools have limitations in predicting good outcomes, leading to potential mistreatment or premature withdrawal of life support. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a viable candidate for such purposes due to its portability and cost-effectiveness. Auditory processing, viewed as a multi-level and multifaceted brain function, could provide a sensitive and specific marker of residual cognitive function in unresponsive patients. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of fNIRS for hierarchical assessment of auditory function and evaluate its applicability for predicting recovery outcomes in acute DoC. The capability of fNIRS for such an application was demonstrated by validating it against fMRI in a healthy population and cross-validating it in an entirely unresponsive patient with cognitive-motor dissociation. An innovative fNIRS-focused method was developed to quantify patients’ auditory function, and a data-driven method was explored to improve the sensitivity and specificity of auditory scores. Using these analytical tools, a direct association was found between auditory function and recovery outcome in a small patient cohort. Based on the study’s findings, the crucial role of methodological considerations in the use of fNIRS was discussed, and specific modifications in the stimulus and optical montage designs were suggested to enhance the method’s reliability

    A social work study on violence against women

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    Violence against women has been one of the most controversial issues in modern societies. During the past few decades, there have been tremendous efforts on providing supports for women against any kind of family violence and dispute. The proposed study of this paper attempts to investigate women's position on domestic violence. We design a questionnaire and distribute among 880 people who are randomly chosen from a population of 441782 residences who live in city of Esfahan, Iran. The result of our survey confirms that Iranian women experienced different types of violence in their lives. The study also suggests some guidelines based on an adaptation of advices in other countries in an attempt to reduce the rates of crime, significantly

    Suitability of drought tolerance indices for selecting alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes under organic farming in Austria

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    In eastern Austria, alfalfa is usually grown as a rainfed crop in crop rotations in organic farming systems, where year-to-year rainfall fluctuations cause different levels of drought stress. To identify the suitability of different alfalfa genotypes and drought tolerance indices, 18 contrasting alfalfa genotypes were evaluated under irrigated and rainfed conditions at the research station of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria, during 2006-08. The first study year (2006) was considered as the establishment year. Five drought tolerance selection indices were estimated based on shoot dry matter, total biomass yield and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) data. The correlation between irrigated and rainfed performances increased (from r=-0.17 to 0.56) with decreasing stress intensity from the first to the second year. Genotypes Sitel, Plato ZS, Vlasta and NS-Banat were the best genotypes based on their performance under both conditions. Drought tolerance selection indices TOL and SSI showed high correlations (r = 0.32 to 0.81) only with rainfed performance, and SSI was the index that best identified genotypes with high yield potential under rainfed conditions. Indices STI and GMP were the ones that best identified genotypes with high performance under both conditions