11 research outputs found

    Effect of similar-to-me effect on job satisfaction and organizational trust

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    The present study intended to investigate the effect of managers’ similar-to-me bias on the job satisfaction and organizational trust between public organizations staff. The current study is a descriptive-correlational applied research with quantitative data collection (questionnaire). The results of structural equation modeling analyses conducted for 80 employees of Public organizations in Ardabil, Iran, offered strong support for the proposed model. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant relationship between similar-to-me effect and job satisfaction; furthermore, organizational trust mediated the relationship between similar-to-me effect and job satisfaction. It is worth noting that there was a positive relationship between organizational trust and job satisfaction

    Vpliv posrednega učinka izmenjave med vodjo in timom, samo-učinkovitosti in psihološko opolnomočenje na delovnih rezultate medicinskih sester

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    Background: The main effects of leader-member relationship and the quality of supervisor-subordinate relation­ship are emphasized as main variables that help improve nurses’ job satisfaction and reduce exhaustion. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of the emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and psychological empowerment on psychological exhaustion and job satisfaction of nurses using moderation-mediation effects of leader-member exchange (LMX). Methods: A cross-sectional design was carried out in three public-sector hospitals in north west of Iran during 2016. A total of 138 self-administered questionnaires were used for analysis. The main hypotheses of this study were an­alyzed through applying mediation-moderation analysis using PROCESS model. Results: The results revealed that LMX acted as a mediator between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction through converting its negative effect into positive one. The indirect effect of emotional intelligence on emotional exhaustion through leader-member exchange was strongly negative especially at higher levels of leader-member exchange. Conclusions: High quality relationships between nurses and their superiors could improve their job outcomes. The negative relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional exhausting was more significant when lead­er-member exchange was taken into account. High emotional intelligence in nurses has negative effect on job satis­faction but by mediating role of LMX the effect changed to positive. LMX partially mediated the effect of emotional in­telligence on job satisfaction, except when self-efficacy values were quite large. Psychological empowerment did not significantly moderate the relationship between emotional intelligence, leader-member exchange, and job outcome. Implications for nursing managers: It is recommended to analyze the quality of leader-member exchange in the hospitals before using them for measurement of nurses’ satisfaction and their jobs’ outcomes. Managers should also concentrate more on leader-member exchange and try to improve its quality. Future studies are needed to investi­gate the effects of leader-member exchange quality in longer follow-up periods. Key words: Emotional intelligence, Moderating mediating effect, Leader member Exchange (LMX), PsychologicalOzadje: Glavni učinki odnosa med vodjo in članom ter kakovost odnosa med podrejenim in nadrejenim so glavne spremenljivke, ki pomagajo izboljšati zadovoljstvo in zmanjšati izčrpanost medicinskih sester. Cilj te je študije preu­čiti učinke čustvene inteligence, samoučinkovitosti in psihološkega opolnomočenja na psihično izčrpanost in zado­voljstvo z medicinskimi sestrami s poudarkom na vplivu izmenjave med vodjo in timom Metode: Podatke smo zbrali v treh javnih bolnišnicah na severozahodu Irana v letu 2016. Zbrali smo 138 za analizo uporabnih anketnih vprašalnikov. Glavne hipoteze te študije smo analizirali z uporabo analize mediacije- moderacije po modelu PROCESS Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da je izmenjava med vodji in timom (Leader Member Exchange - LMX) delovala kot posrednik med čustveno inteligenco in zadovoljstvom z delom in spremenila negativen učinek v pozitivnega. Posre­dni učinek čustvene inteligence na čustveno izčrpanost z izmenjavo voditeljem in člani je bil močno negativen, zlasti pri višjih ravneh izmenjave med člani in vodjo.. Zaključki: Študija je pokazala, da lahko kakovostni odnosi med medicinskimi sestrami in nadrejenimi izboljšajo rezultate dela. Negativni odnos med čustveno inteligenco in čustvenim izčrpavanjem je bil izrazitejši, če smo upo­števali izmenjavo med člani tima in vodjo. Visoka čustvena inteligenca pri medicinskih sestrah negativno vpliva na zadovoljstvo z delovnim mestom, vendar se s posredovanjem vloge izmenjave med člani in vodjo vpliv spremenil v pozitivnega. Izmenjava med vodjo in timom je delno posredovala učinek čustvene inteligence na zadovoljstvo z delovnim mestom, razen kadar so bile vrednosti samo-učinkovitosti precej velike. Psihološko opolnomočenje ni bi­stveno vplivala na povezave med čustveno inteligenco, izmenjavo med vodjo in člani in rezultati dela. Implikacije za vodje zdravstvene nege: Priporočamo, da vodje je preučijo kakovost izmenjave med vodji in člani timov v bolnišnicah, preden jih uporabijo za merjenje zadovoljstva medicinskih sester in rezultatov njihovega dela. Menedžerji naj se tudi bolj osredotočijo na izmenjavo med vodji in člani tima in poskušajo izboljšati kakovost v le-te­ga. Nadaljnje študije so potrebne za raziskovanje učinkov različnih učinkov kakovosti izmenjave med člani in vodji v daljših obdobjih spremljanja. Ključne besede: Čustvena inteligenca, Izmenjava med vodji in člani (LMX), Psihološko opolnomočenj


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    Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-Iran Form: Psychometric properties and relationships with career satisfaction and entrepreneurial intentions

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    This study examined the psychometric properties of a Persian translation of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS—Iran Form) and its relationships with career satisfaction, business opportunity identification, and entrepreneurial intentions. It was hypothesized that career adaptability relates positively to these three outcomes, even when controlling for demographic and employment characteristics. Data were provided by 204 workers from Iran. Results showed that the overall CAAS score and sub-dimension scores (concern, control, curiosity, and confidence) were highly reliable. Moreover, confirmatory factor analyses indicated that the CAAS—Iran Form measures four distinct dimensions that can be combined into a higher-order career adaptability factor. Findings also demonstrated criterion-related validity of the scale with regard to career satisfaction and entrepreneurial intentions. In contrast, overall career adaptability was not significantly related to opportunity identification, while concern related positively, and control related negatively to opportunity identification. Overall, the CAAS—Iran Form has very good psychometric properties and predicts important career outcomes, suggesting that it can be used for career counseling and future research with Persian-speaking workers

    The Role of Planned Behavior in Predicting Customer Orientation

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    The purpose of this qualitative research was to investigate the role of planned behavior in predicting customer orientation in the Iranian gas industry. The participants were 17 experts from the National Iranian Gas Company who were selected using purposive sampling and based on theoretical saturation. Data were collected using in-depth semi-structured interviews and were analyzed using thematic analysis and MAXQDA software. The results showed that attitude toward behavior (favorable behavior, pleasant behavior, behavior appraisal), subjective norms (peer pressure, family pressure, social pressure), perceived behavioral control (past experience, anticipation of future events, environmental norms), knowledge (up-to-date knowledge, behavior-related knowledge, education), ethical norms (responsibility, ethical principles, resilience), and discipline (organization, order, streamlining) are important components in predicting customer orientation in the gas industry. The results can help managers in the energy sector to improve their customer orientation and performance through planned behavior

    Presenting a model of managerial practical wisdom in hospitals

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    References This qualitative study was conducted to provide a model of managerial practical wisdom in public hospitals in order to define the components affecting managerial practical wisdom, development strategies and its results in hospitals based on interpretive paradigm using Grounded strategy and content analysis technique and based on paradigm model of Corbin and Strauss (2008). To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 hospital managers, professors and experts in the field of health care management. The basic themes of the interviews during the data analysis and coding stage identify the central class, causal, contextual, intervening factors, strategies and consequences of managerial practical wisdom in the form of a paradigm model and finally to create Grounded theory about managerial practical wisdom in these hospitals. Accordingly, the dimensions and components of practical wisdom among the managers of the mentioned hospitals were cognitive abilities and managerial competencies, factors affecting its development including individual factors (personal experiences, personality pattern, and individual values) and organizational factors (spirituality at work, organizational values and organizational will). Moreover, the results of developing this type of wisdom among the mentioned managers can be categorized as individual results (mental and psychological well-being), organizational results (improving service quality, stakeholder satisfaction, organizational dynamism and agility, organizational vitality and organizational citizenship behaviors) and social outcomes (social capital development). These results can be used in the creation and development of quantitative tools for measuring managerial practical wisdom and as a qualitative complement in evaluating the quality of decisions among hospital managers