1 research outputs found

    A case report of multiple organ involvement to hydatid cyst in a pregnant woman

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    Background and aims: Hydatid cyst disease is not considered as a common disease in humans, but because of the dangerous nature and its deployment in sensitive organs and problems related to treatment is seen as a major problem in many countries. Hydatid cyst disease with multiple organ involvement is rarely in Iran. Most cysts were mainly localized and do not symptoms more than involved organ. Some cases are random diagnosed by diagnostic Sonography during pregnancy or trauma. Case report: A 33-year-old pregnant woman with a history of a family trauma referred to Marand general hospital in 2015. Tomographic scan in her abdominal showed a large, well-defined heterogeneous mass. In ultrasonic examination, a multi-cystic mass with a large diameter of 84×64×86 mm with a volume of approximately 230 ml on the right side of the abdomen and immediately above right ovary was seen that it was an indicator of hydatid cyst. In upper right lobe of liver cystic mass with 32×39 mm diameters multilocular shape with multiple small cystic images were visible inside. The patient was candidate for open-abdomen surgery. Eight cystic mass was found in segments 3 and 4 and between the second and fourth segments and segment 7. Conclusion: Four cysts in liver and 2 cysts in pelvic, one cyst in the left ovary and one cyst in mesentery were observed. One of the cysts with severe adhesions underwent for cholecystectomy surgery. The patient was discharged from the hospital in good condition