9 research outputs found

    Qualidade da água de nascentes com diferentes usos do solo na bacia hidrográfica do córrego rico, São Paulo, Brasil Water quality of springs with different land uses in córrego rico watershed, São Paulo, Brazil

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    Com o objetivo de verificar a influência de remanescentes de vegetação ciliar e da ação antrópica na qualidade da água, estudaram-se quatro nascentes, sendo duas com a presença de vegetação natural remanescente e duas com predominância de atividades agrícolas. Essas nascentes fazem parte da bacia hidrográfica do Córrego Rico, estando localizadas nos municípios de Taquaritinga e de Guariba - SP, em duas classes de solo: Argissolo e Latossolo, respectivamente. Definiram-se pontos de coleta da água nas nascentes e ao longo dos cursos d'água (entre 0 a 50 m da nascente), em dois períodos (chuvoso e seco). Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: cor, pH, temperatura, turbidez, alcalinidade, dureza total, dureza em magnésio, dureza em cálcio, fósforo, nitrogênio e demanda bioquímica de oxigênio. De maneira geral, ocorreu agrupamento por nascentes e também por períodos, confirmando que os períodos de amostragem, assim como as características e diferentes usos do solo influenciam na qualidade da água das microbacias. As variáveis cor, turbidez, alcalinidade e nitrogênio total foram as que apresentaram maior importância relativa nas variáveis canônicas.<br>With the objective of verify the remainders influence of ciliary vegetation and of the human action on the water quality, four springs were studied, with two springs on presence of remaining natural vegetation and two springs with agricultural activities predominance. These springs are part of Córrego Rico watershed, being located in the municipal districts of Taquaritinga and Guariba, São Paulo State, Brazil, in two classes of soil: argisoil and latosoil, respectively. Points of collection of water were defined on the spring and along the water flow (among 0 to 50 m of the spring), in two periods (rainy and dry). The following variables were analyzed: color, pH, temperature, turbidity, alkalinity, total hardness, magnesium hardness, calcium hardness, phosphorus, nitrogen and DBO. It was concluded that, in a general way, a separation for springs and also for periods was observed, confirming that the sampling periods as well as the characteristics and different uses of the soil influence the water quality of the watersheds. Color, turbidity, alkalinity, and total nitrogen are the variables that presented the better relative importance in the canonic variables

    Influência da precipitação na qualidade da água do Rio Purus Impacts of precipitation on the water quality of the Purus River

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    Os impactos da precipitação na qualidade da água ao longo do rio Purus, localizado no estado do Amazonas, foi investigado por meio de dados de precipitação, estimada por satélites, e informações sobre a temperatura da água, condutividade, pH, turbidez, oxigênio dissolvido e sólidos suspensos totais, adquiridas em quatro diferentes áreas ao longo do rio. Os resultados mostraram correlação negativa entre precipitação e turbidez e positiva entre precipitação e temperatura, condutividade, oxigênio dissolvido, sólidos suspensos totais e pH. O uso do solo, juntamente com o regime de precipitação, parecem ser os fatores principais que determinam a qualidade da água nos pontos de amostragem.<br>The impacts of precipitation on the water quality along the Purus River, located in the Brazilian State of the Amazonas, was investigated using data of precipitation estimated by satellite and information about water temperature, conductivity, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and total suspended solids. The data were acquired in four different areas along the river. The results showed negative correlation between precipitation and turbidity. They also showed positive correlation between precipitation and temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids and pH. The land use together with the rainfall regime seems to be the main sources of impact on the water quality around the sampling places

    Precipitação efetiva em fragmento secundário da Mata Atlântica Net precipitation in a forest fragment of Mata Atlantica

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    O presente trabalho foi conduzido na Estação Experimental de Treinamento e Educação Ambiental Mata do Paraíso, localizada no município de Viçosa, MG, e teve como objetivo avaliar a precipitação efetiva de um trecho mais recente de regeneração da mata natural secundária, no período compreendido entre setembro de 2002 e maio de 2003. Para isso, demarcaram-se três parcelas dentro da Mata do Paraíso, onde foram registradas 30 coletas da precipitação, em aberto e interna, e de escoamento pelo tronco, durante o período de 05/09/2002 a 07/05/2003, constituídas de um ou mais eventos de chuva. O estudo revelou precipitação efetiva de 849,6 mm, precipitação interna de 831,7 mm, escoamento pelo tronco de 17,9 mm e perda por interceptação de 189,9 mm, o que correspondeu, respectivamente, a 81,7%, 80,0%, 1,7% e 18,3% da precipitação em aberto, que foi igual a 1.039,5 mm.<br>This study was carried out in the Mata do Paraiso Experimental Training and Educational Station located in Viçosa, Minas Gerais state with the objective of estimating the net precipitation along a segment of a recently regenerated native semideciduous secondary forest, from September 2002 to May 2003. Throughfall and stemflow measurements were registered in three plots. During the study period of 5/9/02 through 7/5/03, 30 rainfall events have been monitored. Results showed values of net precipitation of 849,6 mm, throughfall of 831,7 mm, stemflow of 17,9 mm and loss interception of 189,9 mm corresponding respectively to 81,7%, 80,0%, 1,7% and 18,3% of gross precipitation value which totaled 1039,5 mm for the study period

    Phanerogamic flora and phytogeography of the Cloud Dwarf Forests of Ibitipoca State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Abstract: This study was developed in Ibitipoca State Park (ISP), a mountainous massif that stands out in the Serra da Mantiqueira, in the Southeastern Region of Brazil. The vegetation is represented by a phytophysiognomic mosaic where areas of campos rupestres interspersed with cloud dwarf forests predominate, at altitudes of 1100 to 1700 m.s.m. The cloud dwarf forests exist in narrow altitude belts on the mountain peaks, immersed in a layer of clouds. They form a peculiar landscape high in the mountains by the short stature of the arboreal elements and richness of lichens and bryophytes, which develop under constant condensation of humidity, low temperatures, and frequent winds. The objective of the present work was to determine the floristic composition and phytogeography of the cloud dwarf forests of ISP. Twelve monthly campaigns were conducted to collect botanical material during the years 2014 and 2015. The collected material was deposited in the collection of the CESJ Herbarium. A total of 372 species, 209 genera, and 73 families of phanerogams were found. The richest families were Orchidaceae (84 spp.), Asteraceae (39 spp.), and Melastomataceae (21 spp). The genera with the greatest wealth were Leandra (09 spp.), Epidendrum (09 spp.), Pleurothallis (09 spp.), Mikania (07 spp.), and Miconia (07 spp). The arboreal habit was predominant with 103 species (27.7%), followed by 83 shrubs (22.3%), 82 epiphytic herbs (22%), 80 terrestrial herbs (21.5%), and 23 lianas (6.5%). The floristic composition presents elements typical of altitude vegetation, including species of campos rupestres and high epiphytes richness, especially of the families Orchidaceae and Bromeliaceae. The genera with tropical distribution represent 86.5%, whereas the temperate elements represent 13.5% of the total. The cloud dwarf forests presented similarity, at the family and gender levels, with the upper montane forests of the Andes, besides phytogeographic characteristics that allow to associate them to a transition environment between the campos rupestres and the upper montane forests of the Southeast Region of Brazil