73 research outputs found

    Tsunami: a movie for the tsunami risk reduction in Italy

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    Italy is a country well known for the seismic and volcanic hazard. As a matter of fact the first seismological and volcanological observations were done in since the Roman times. However, a similarly great hazard, although not well recognized, is posed by the occurrence of tsunami waves along the Italian coastline. This is testified by a rich catalogue and by field evidence of deposits left over by pre- and historical tsunamis, even in places today considered safe. This observation is of great importance since many of the areas affected by tsunamis in the past are today touristic places. The Italian tsunamis can be caused by different sources: 1- off-shore or near coast in-land earthquakes (e.g. 1627, 1783 and 1908 events); 2- very large earthquakes on distant sources in the Mediterranean (e.g. the 365 Crete subduction zone earthquake); 3- submarine volcanic explosion in the Tyrrhenian sea; 4- submarine landslides triggered by earthquakes and volcanic activity (e.g. 2002 Stromboli landslide). The consequence of such a wide spectrum of sources is that an important part of the more than 7000 km long Italian coast line is exposed to the tsunami risk, and thousands of inhabitants (with numbers increasing during summer) live near hazardous coasts. In order to reduce this risk and following the emotional impact of the december 2004 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami, we developed an outreach program consisting in talks given by scientists and in a movie, both exploring the causes of the tsuanami waves, how do they propagate in deep and shallow waters, and what are the effects on the coasts. Hints are also given on the most dangerous Italian coasts (as deduced by scientific studies), and how to behave in the case of a tsunami approaching the coast. These seminars are open to the general publics, but special programs are developed with schools of all grades. In this talk we want to present the movie used during the seminars and scientific expositions, that was realized from a previous 3D version originally developed for science festivals

    Volcanoes: effusions and explosions. Interactive exhibits to understand how volcanoes work

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    The Educational & Outreach Group (EOG) of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica & Vulcanologia created a portable museum to provide educational opportunities in volcanology, volcanic risk and Earth science for students and visitors. The EOG developed this project for the "Festival della Scienza", organized in Genoa, Italy, in October - November, 2007, which was a parade of over 200 events, including scientific and technological exhibitions, workshops, meetings, lectures, books and video presentations. In this museum visitors can successively see many posters and movies and play with interactive exhibits. A little 3D-movie shows the Big Bang, the formation of Solar System and, in particular the formation of the Earth. Many interactive exhibits illustrate why, where and when earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur around the world and allow to introduce the visitor to the plate tectonics theory. A 3D magnetic plate tectonic puzzle can be put down and reconstructed by visitors to understand the Earth’s surface configuration. Then two other 3D Earth models show what drives the plates and the inner Earth structure. An interactive program illustrates where and when earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in accelerated time on maps of various areas around the world. Playing with a block diagram it is possible to produce an earthquake along a 1 meter long strike slip fault in a destroying all the man-made constructions close to it. A little movie introduces to volcanoes’ world. Two small interactive exhibits allow visitors to understand the mechanism for the explosive and the effusive eruptions. Two other exciting interactive exhibits allow visitors to “create” two different eruptions: the explosive and the effusive ones. It is possible to get inside a volcano (a 2 meter high interactive exhibit) to attend an eruption from the magmatic chamber to the Earth surface. A big hall is completed dedicated to Italian volcanoes (Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei, Etna, Stromboli, Vulcano, Colli Albani); some of them are reproduced with 3D models or described by short movies. The museum finishes with the visit of the volcanic survey hall of Stromboli, seeing - in real time - seismic data, three different webcams, geochemical and strain data. The INGV Museum had remarkably successful, reaching more than 7,500 children and adults yet in 13 days, also thanks to 30 volcanologists as very special guides. The Educational & Outreach Group: M. Pignone, A. Tertulliani, M. De Lucia, M. Di Vito, P. Landi, P. Madonia, M. Martini, R. Nave, M. Neri, P. Scarlato, J. Taddeucci, R. Moschillo, S. Tarquini, G. Vilardo, A. Bonforte, L. Calderone, F. Cannavò, W. De Cesare, P. Ficeli, S. Inguaggiato, M. Mattia, G. Puglisi, S. Morici, D. Reitano, D. Richichi, G. Scarpato, B. Angioni, F. Di Laura, S. Palone, D. Riposati

    Bollettino Sismico Italiano 2010

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    This paper describes the status of the Italian National Seismic Network and the main feautures of the Italian seismicity in 2010. In that year the network counted 313 velocimeters and 107 accelerometers. More than 14500 earthquakes were located in Italy and surrounding areas and seas, with an average minimum magnitude of completeness MC = 1.6. Most of that seismicity appears in cluster (a spatio-temporal concentration of seismic events): in 2010 more than 70% of the located Italian earthquakes belongs to about 430 cluster. We selected all the cluster with at least 20 events of any magnitudes, and all the cluster with at least 10 events and at least one event of magnitude 2.5 or greater, and cluster with at least two events and one of magnitude 3.5 or greater, ending up with a list of 48 significant cluster. The Italian Seismic Bulletin contains also seismic events originated by anthropic activities (quarry explosions). Through the analysis of the last 7 years of data from the bulletin, we pinpointed 16 areas with extended extractive activities. Nevertheless the presence of quarries in Italy is so widespread that our list can be considered by no means complete. Extraction areas frequently coincide with regions affected by high seismicity rate. Records due to explosion quakes can show distinguishing characteristics (compressive first onset and a low frequency secondary phase). However, these markers are not present in all the artificial events, and are not sufficient to exclude the totality of the explosions from the bulletin. Nowadays the BSI incorporates, together with true tectonic earthquakes, a significant portion of low magnitude events due to explosions, evaluated about 5% in 2010

    Bollettino Sismico Italiano 2011

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    Questo lavoro illustra lo stato della Rete Sismica Nazionale Italiana (RSNI) e le principali caratteristiche della sismicità in Italia nell’anno 2011. In tale anno, tramite i dati raccolti dalla RSNI, sono stati localizzati 16499 eventi registrati da 359 stazioni appartenenti sia all’INGV, sia ad altre reti locali e regionali connesse in tempo reale al Centro Nazionale Terremoti (CNT) di Roma. La magnitudo minima di completezza del Bollettino Sismico Italiano (BSI) è ML 1.5. La magnitudo massima è stata registrata per un evento localizzato nella pianura padano veneta (ML 4.8). Nella sismicità italiana del 2011 sono state individuate 46 sequenze sismiche rilevanti; tra esse riveste particolare interesse la sequenza nel Montefeltro: iniziata a fine maggio e durata diversi mesi, essa comprende due eventi di magnitudo ML 4.0. La sequenza del Pollino, iniziata nel 2009 e proseguita a più riprese fino al 25 ottobre 2012 con un evento di magnitudo MW 5.2, presenta a inizio 2011 un aumento della sismicità che è culminato con l’evento maggiore di quell’anno (ML 3.6). L’analisi del BSI ha inoltre permesso di individuare una nuova area caratterizzata da eventi di origine antropica (esplosioni in cava) che si aggiunge alle 16 già rilevate negli anni precedenti. In questo lavoro vengono analizzati anche i segnali prodotti da frane di crollo, molto diffuse nel nostro paese lungo gli archi montani alpini e appenninici

    Rilievo macrosismico del terremoto del 15 dicembre 2009 nella Valle del Tevere e considerazioni sull'applicazione della scala EMS98

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    In questo lavoro vengono presentati e discussi i risultati del rilievo macrosismico effettuato in termini di European Macroseismic Scale 1998 del terremoto del 15 dicembre 2009. L’evento, di Ml 4.2, ha colpito la Valle del Tevere tra le province di Terni e Perugia, ed ha avuto una intensità EMS pari al 7 grado. Il rilievo è servito anche come test sull’uso della scala EMS98, non ancora utilizzata sistematicamente per i terremoti italiani, attraverso un’indagine di dettaglio nelle quattro località più danneggiate. Il tentativo di una applicazione rigorosa della scala ha fatto emergere alcune problematiche metodologiche, di fronte alle quali sono state fatte delle scelte in linea con le Linee Guida della scala. In particolare l’adozione del grado intero ci sembra l’alternativa più robusta per contrastare la abusata tentazione di usare la scala macrosismica come una misura continua dello scuotimento. This paper shows the results of the macroseismic survey of the December 15, 2009 earthquake, performed according to the EuropeanMacroseismic Scale 1998. The event (Ml 4.2), hit the Tiber Valley, between the Terni and Perugia provinces has been evaluated of intensity 7. As the EMS98 is not yet systematically used for Italian earthquakes, we tested it by means of a detailed survey in the most damaged localities. The several methodological questions arisen led us to make some choices according to the Guidelines of the EMS98, in the intensity assessment. Particularly effective is, in our opinion, the choice to preserve the integer character of the scale, and not use intermediate formulations of the intensity degree.

    Bollettino Sismico Italiano 2009

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    Questo lavoro illustra lo stato della Rete Sismica Nazionale Italiana e descrive la sismicità italiana nell’anno 2009. Vengono evidenziate le principali sequenze sismiche occorse durante l’anno, con particolare riguardo alla sequenza sismica dell’aquilano-reatino. Nel 2009 la Rete Sismica Nazionale dell’INGV ha registrato circa 26000 terremoti avvenuti sul territorio nazionale e nelle aree limitrofe, che sono stati analizzati e localizzati dal gruppo di analisti sismologi che si occupano della redazione del Bollettino Sismico Italiano (BSI). La magnitudo minima di completezza Mc del BSI 2009, ovvero la soglia di magnitudo minima media calcolata su tutto il territorio nazionale, è risultata pari a ML 1.6 (il dato del BSI 2008 si attestava sul valore di ML 2.1). Il numero di stazioni sismiche attive (Rete Nazionale e reti locali) nel corso del 2009 è stato di 305 (279 nel 2008). Viene fornita infine una stima del numero e della magnitudo di eventi di origine antropica (esplosioni) presenti nel BSI 2009. This paper describes the status of the Italian National Seismic Network and the Italian seismicity in year 2009. We outline the main seismic sequences that occurred during the year, with particular emphasis on the L’Aquila-Rieti seismic period. The INGV National Seismic Network recorded about 26000 earthquakes in Italy and neighboring areas during 2009, which were analyzed and localized by the seismology group of analysts involved in the publication of the Italian Seismic Bulletin (BSI). The minimum magnitude of completeness Mc of the BSI 2009 is ML 1.6 (ML 2.1 in the BSI 2008). The number of active seismic stations during 2009 was 305 (279 in 2008). We provide an estimate of the number and magnitude of anthropic events (quarry-blasts) included in the BSI 2009

    Beneficial Effects of Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) in an In Vitro Model of Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy

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    Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD) is a bilateral, hereditary syndrome characterized by progressive irreversible injury in the corneal endothelium; it is the most frequent cause for corneal transplantation worldwide. Oxidative stress induces the apoptosis of corneal endothelial cells (CECs), and has a crucial function in FECD pathogenesis. The stimulation of the adenosine A2A receptor (A2Ar) inhibits oxidative stress, reduces inflammation and modulates apoptosis. Poly-deoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) is a registered drug that acts through adenosine A2Ar. Thus, the goal of this study was to assess the effect of PDRN in an in vitro FECD model. Human Corneal Endothelial Cells (IHCE) were challenged with H2O2 (200 µM) alone or in combination with PDRN (100 µg/mL), PDRN plus ZM241385 (1 µM) as an A2Ar antagonist, and CGS21680 (1 µM) as a well-known A2Ar agonist. H2O2 reduced the cells’ viability and increased the expression of the pro-inflammatory markers NF-κB, IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α; by contrast, it decreased the expression of the anti-inflammatory IL-10. Moreover, the pro-apoptotic genes Bax, Caspase-3 and Caspase-8 were concurrently upregulated with a decrease of Bcl-2 expression. PDRN and CGS21680 reverted the negative effects of H2O2. Co-incubation with ZM241385 abolished the effects of PDRN, indicating that A2Ar is involved in the mode of action of PDRN. These data suggest that PDRN defends IHCE cells against H2O2-induced damage, potentially as a result of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic properties, suggesting that PDRN could be used as an FECD therapy

    An application of EMS98 in a medium-sized city: The case of L’Aquila (Central Italy) after the April 6, 2009 Mw 6.3 earthquake

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    This paper describes the damage survey in the city of L’Aquila after the 6 April 2009 earthquake. The earthquake, whose magnitude and intensity reached Mw=6.3 and Imax=9–10 MCS, struck the Abruzzi region of Central Italy producing severe damage in L’Aquila and in many villages along theMiddle Aterno River valley. After the event, a building- to-building survey was performed in L’Aquila downtown aiming to collect data in order to perform a strict evaluation of the damage. The survey was carried out under the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS98) to evaluate the local macroseismic intensity. This damage survey represents the most complex application of the EMS98 in Italy since it became effective. More than 1,700 buildings (99% of the building stock) were taken into account during the survey at L’Aquila downtown, highlighting the difficult application of the macroseismic scale in a large urban context. The EMS98 revealed itself to be the best tool to perform such kind of analysis in urban settings. The complete survey displayed evidence of peculiar features in the damage distribution. Results revealed that the highest rate of collapses occurred within a delimited area of the historical centre and along the SW border of the fluvial terrace on which the city is settled. Intensity assessed for L’Aquila downtown was 8–9 EMS.Published67-801.11. TTC - Osservazioni e monitoraggio macrosismico del territorio nazionaleJCR Journalrestricte

    11 maggio 2011: il terremoto previsto e l’Open Day all’INGV

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    Fin dal 2010, un terremoto devastante era stato previsto per l’11 maggio 2011 a Roma. La previsione era stata erroneamente attribuita a Raffaele Bendandi, uno studioso autodidatta di scienze naturali, originario di Faenza e vissuto fra il 1893 e il 1979. Nei mesi precedenti, l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) aveva ricevuto un notevole numero di richieste d’informazioni non solo da parte dei residenti a Roma, ma anche da parte di turisti e pendolari. Con l’approssimarsi del mese di maggio, cresceva l’attenzione della popolazione e dei media. L’INGV ha quindi deciso di organizzare un Open Day presso la propria sede di Roma per consentire al pubblico di approfondire la conoscenza del terremoto come fenomeno naturale e di avere informazioni sulla sismicità e pericolosità sismica italiana. L’Open Day è stato preceduto da una conferenza stampa, con lo scopo di presentare l’iniziativa e di avviare una discussione scientifica con i giornalisti sulla previsione dei terremoti e sul rischio sismico in Italia. Più di 30 giornalisti di quotidiani nazionali e locali, tv, agenzie di stampa e testate web hanno partecipato alla conferenza stampa e centinaia di articoli sono apparsi nei giorni successivi, pubblicizzando l’Open Day dell’11 maggio. L’INGV ha aperto la propria sede al pubblico per tutto il giorno e ha organizzato incontri con i ricercatori, visite guidate della Sala di Monitoraggio Sismico e delle mostre interattive sui terremoti e sul campo magnetico terrestre, conferenze su temi di carattere generale, quale l’impatto sociale della diffusione di voci incontrollate e la riduzione del rischio sismico. Durante la giornata sono stati inoltre inseriti sul canale YouTube/INGVterremoti 13 nuovi video per spiegare come e perché avviene un terremoto e per fornire aggiornamenti periodici sulla sismicità in Italia dalla Sala di Monitoraggio Sismico. L’11 maggio, dalle 10 del mattino alle 9 di sera, la sede INGV è stata pacificamente invasa da oltre 3000 visitatori: famiglie, scolaresche con e senza insegnanti, gruppi di protezione civile e molti giornalisti. L’iniziativa, costruita in poche settimane, ha avuto notevole risonanza ed è stata un’importante occasione per fare informazione capillare sul rischio sismico

    Effect of an educational program in primary care: the case of lipid control in cardio-cerebrovascular prevention.

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    Lowering blood cholesterol levels reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. However, the effect of interventions depends on the patients' adherence to treatment. Primary care plays an important role in the detection, treatment and monitoring of disease, therefore different educational programs (EP) have been implemented to improve disease management in general practice. The present study is aimed to assess whether a general practitioner auditing and feedback EP may improve dyslipidaemia management in a primary care setting and to evaluate patients' adherence to prescribed lipid-lowering treatment. The quality of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease prevention before and after the implementation of an EP offered to 25 general practitioners (GPs), was evaluated. Clinical and prescription data on patients receiving at least one lipid-lowering treatment was collected. To evaluate the quality of the healthcare service provided, clinical and biochemical outcomes, and drug-utilization, process indicators were set up. Adherence was evaluated before and after the EP as the "Medication Possession Ratio" (MPR). A correlation analysis was carried out to estimate the effect of the MPR in achieving pre-defined clinical end-points. Prescription data for lipid-lowering drugs was collected in a sample of 839 patients. While no differences in the achievement of blood lipid targets were observed, a slight but significant improvement of the MPR was registered after the EP (MPR >0.8=64.2% vs 60.6%, p=0.0426). Moreover, high levels of statin adherence were associated with the achievement of total blood cholesterol target (OR=3.3 for MPR >0.8 vs MPR 0.8 vs MPR <0.5,95% CI: 1.5–7.2). The EP partially improved the defined clinical targets; probably, a more patient-based approach could be more appropriate to achieve the defined target. Further studies are needed to identify how healthcare services can be improved
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