8 research outputs found

    Research and Development for Near Detector Systems Towards Long Term Evolution of Ultra-precise Long-baseline Neutrino Experiments

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    With the discovery of non-zero value of θ13\theta_{13} mixing angle, the next generation of long-baseline neutrino (LBN) experiments offers the possibility of obtaining statistically significant samples of muon and electron neutrinos and anti-neutrinos with large oscillation effects. In this document we intend to highlight the importance of Near Detector facilities in LBN experiments to both constrain the systematic uncertainties affecting oscillation analyses but also to perform, thanks to their close location, measurements of broad benefit for LBN physics goals. A strong European contribution to these efforts is possible

    Hilbert-Optic Diagnostics of Hydrogen-Oxygen Inverse Diffusion Flame

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    The aim of this work is to adapt the methods of optical Hilbert diagnostics for the visualization and study of inverse diffusion H2/O2 flame. The diagnostic complex is implemented on the basis of the IAB-451 device with modified optical filtering. Visualization of phase perturbations induced by the studied medium in a probing multiwave light field is performed via polychromatic Hilbert and Foucault-Hilbert transformations in combination with registration and RGB-per-pixel processing of the dynamic structure of the images. From solution to the inverse problem of Hilbert optics using a physically justified initial approximation of the problem under consideration, the temperature field of the flame is reconstructed and the value of the H2, H2O, O2 and N2 concentrations may be restored

    Hilbert-Optic Diagnostics of Hydrogen-Oxygen Inverse Diffusion Flame

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    The aim of this work is to adapt the methods of optical Hilbert diagnostics for the visualization and study of inverse diffusion H2/O2 flame. The diagnostic complex is implemented on the basis of the IAB-451 device with modified optical filtering. Visualization of phase perturbations induced by the studied medium in a probing multiwave light field is performed via polychromatic Hilbert and Foucault-Hilbert transformations in combination with registration and RGB-per-pixel processing of the dynamic structure of the images. From solution to the inverse problem of Hilbert optics using a physically justified initial approximation of the problem under consideration, the temperature field of the flame is reconstructed and the value of the H2, H2O, O2 and N2 concentrations may be restored

    Geochemistry of uranium and thorium in bottom sediments of small artificial water reservoirs and lakes in the south of the Tomsk region

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    Актуальность. Радиоактивные элементы являются эффективными маркерами состояния донных отложений малых водоемов и озер. Актуальность проблемы определяется слабой изученностью радиоактивных элементов в донных осадках озер и искусственных водоемов на территории юга Томской области. Цель: изучение радиогеохимических особенностей донных осадков озер и искусственных водоемов на территории юга Томской области. Объектом исследования являются донные отложения малых водоемов и озер юга Томской области. Методы: детальное опробование донных отложений малых водоемов, многоэлементный инструментальный нейтронно-активационный анализ, обработка и интерпретация полученных данных методами прикладной статистики. Результаты. Проведены радиогеохимические исследования донных осадков озер и искусственных водоемов на территории юга Томской области. Сделаны оценки среднего содержания урана и тория в донных осадках озер и искусственных водоемов на территории юга Томской области. В процессе исследований установлено, что содержание как урана, так и тория зависит от минерального типа донных осадков. Наименьшие концентрации урана были установлены в торфянистом типе, а наиболее высокие концентрации – в терригенном типе донных осадков. Установлено две зоны с повышенным содержанием урана. Первая зона пространственно приурочена к Кожевниковскому и Шегарскому районам Томской области. В этом районе выделяется Осиновско-Бабарыкинская радиогеохимическии аномальная зона повышенного накопления урана, которая очень четко прослеживается в субмеридиональном направлении. В пределах Кожевниковского района она может быть связана с разгрузкой подземных вод в зоне Колыванского разлома. В Шегарском районе повышенные содержания урана пространственно приурочены к гранитоидам позднепалеозойского фундамента. Вторая зона накопления урана простирается вдоль южного обрамления Западно-Сибирской плиты в пределах Кузнецко-Алатаусского блока.The relevance. Radioactive elements are effective markers of the bottom sediments of Tomsk region. The aim of the research is to study radiogeochemical features of the sediments of small water reservoirs in the south of Tomsk region. The object of the study is the bottom sediments of small reservoirs in the south of Tomsk region. Methods: detailed sampling of the sediments of small reservoirs, multi-element instrumental neutron activation analysis, and data processing and interpretation by applied statistics methods. Results. We carried out radio-geochemical study of the sediments of small water reservoirs in the south of Tomsk region. Mean contents of uranium and thorium in the sediments of small reservoirs in the south of the Tomsk region were estimated. The studies showed that the uranium and thorium contents depend on the type of sediments. The highest uranium content was found in the terrigenous type of the sediments, the lowest one was found in the peat. Two zones with high uranium content were found. The first zone is spatially coinsine with Kozhevnikovsky and Shegarsky districts of Tomsk region. Osinovo-Babarykinskaya anomalous zone of uranium accumulation in this region is clearly visible, which is well seen in the submeridional direction. Within Kozhevnikovo district, it can be associated with underground water discharge in the area of the Kolyvanskiy fault. In Shegarsky district, the high uranium contents spatially relate to granitoids of the late Paleozoic Foundation. The second zone of uranium accumulation extends along the southern frame of the West Siberian plate within the Kuznetsk-Alataussky block

    Research and Development for Near Detector Systems Towards Long Term Evolution of Ultra-precise Long-baseline Neutrino Experiments

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    With the discovery of non-zero value of θ13\theta_13 mixing angle, the next generation of long-baseline neutrino (LBN) experiments offers the possibility of obtaining statistically significant samples of muon and electron neutrinos and anti-neutrinos with large oscillation effects. In this document we intend to highlight the importance of Near Detector facilities in LBN experiments to both constrain the systematic uncertainties affecting oscillation analyses but also to perform, thanks to their close location, measurements of broad benefit for LBN physics goals. A strong European contribution to these efforts is possible

    Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p–Pb collisions at <mml:math altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll" xmlns:xocs="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/xocs/dtd" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/ja/dtd" xmlns:ja="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/ja/dtd" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:tb="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/common/table/dtd" xmlns:sb="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/common/struct-bib/dtd" xmlns:ce="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/common/dtd" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:cals="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/common/cals/dtd"><mml:msqrt><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">NN</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:msqrt><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>5.02</mml:mn><mml:mtext> TeV</mml:mtext></mml:math>

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