12 research outputs found

    Durangoko kultur zentroa. Durango (Bizkaia)

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    Herriaren beharrak kontutan izanda, eta trenaren lurperatzearekin zabaldutako ardatz garrantzitsu bat osatzeko asmoarekin orube hotan “Gaur egunko teknologia eta beharretara egokitutako Kultur Zentroa egitea komeniko litzateke, eta honetan oinarrituko da proiektua. Interbentzio honen bitartez, herriko ardatz garrantzitsuenetariko bat osatuko da, orain arte bitan banatuta bizi izan den herria “Ekipamendu Banda” forma duen ardatz berri batez bateratuz eta berregituratuz. Honez gain, herriak duen hutsune eta behar garrantzitsu ugariri erantzuna emateko gai izango den instalakuntza bat sortuko da. Batetik herriak ez du herritarren eskura inongo elkartze ezta konferentzia gunerik, eta herriko elkarte eta fundazioek ez daukate inongo laguntza ezta erraztasun logistikorik beraien egitasmoak (horietako asko herriarentzako oso lagungarriak) aurrera eramateko. Bestetik herritarrek, gizabanako bezala, ez daukate inongo espaziorik ekintza kultural zein ikasketa ekintzak burutzeko; badago liburutegia baina espazio zein erabilpen aldetik oso urria da, beharrak eta herriaren magnitudea konututan izanda. Proiektuaren Programa Herritarren behar kulturalak betetzeko eta hauei egokitzeko gai den espazio bat sortzea da helburua. Denboran zehar erabilpen anitzak izan ditzakeen espazioa izango da, eraldatzaeko ahalmena izango duena. Espazio hauen artean, ikaskeko espazioak, konferentzia eta batzar-gela, mota anitzerako artea praktikatu, irakatsi eta erakusteko espazioak etab. izango ditu

    Applicability of the Assessment Framework on Building Renovation of the European Union in Spain

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    The energy renovation of buildings is one of the main keys to achieve the decarbonisation objectives of the European Union as defined in the European Green Deal. To proceed with them, some of the main tools are the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786, with an assessment framework composed by Measurable Progress Indicators (MPIs) to assess the decarbonisation process of the national building stock of the Member States. The objective of the study is to analyse the applicability of the MPIs of the assessment framework in Spain. The study carries out deep research of the viability of the MPIs in terms of data availability as well as a round table of 39 experts from different national organizations focused on the energy efficiency of buildings. Thus, the methodology is developed in three stages: (1) the analysis of the viability of each MPI in the Spanish context in terms of data availability; (2) prioritization of the MPIs through a round table of experts in energy efficiency of buildings; (3) critical evaluation of the priority MPIs regarding the efficient applicability in Spain. Firstly, the analysis of viability shows that it is possible to develop most of the MPIs of certain evaluation scopes, like ‘Overview of policies and actions to target the worst-performing segments of the national building stock’ with 6 out of 7 MPIs viable; however, in some other scopes very few or none of the MPIs are viable, like in ‘Policies and actions to target all public buildings’. Secondly, the expert round table prioritized 8 as the most important MPIs to evaluate the renovation of the national building stock, addressing different evaluation fields like environment and energy, renovation progress, social measures, and integration of technologies. Thirdly, the evaluation of the selected eight priority MPIs show that half of them is not viable in Spain according to the data availability, one partially viable, and only three of them are viable, but with limitations in the data quality; in the viable MPIs, the available data sources that allow the processability, exist only for two of them; georeferenced data exist for none of them. In conclusion, the MPIs of the EU’s assessment framework provide convenient indicators to assess the renovation of the national building stock according to the expert round table, but due to the data availability, it shows a limited applicability in the context of Spain

    Analysis of Energy Retrofit Renovation Projects and European Union’s Recommendations Towards a Methodology for The Assessment of Local Renovation Strategies

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    Energy retrofit of existing buildings is one of the main keys to achieve European Union’s decarbonising objectives defined in the European Green Deal. In order to proceed into them, European policy has been adapted and several research projects are developed. The aim of this paper, on the one hand is to analyse the assessment methodology of the research projects, setting up the overview of the assessed fields and the criteria followed to carry out and evaluate each project; and on the other hand, to contrast these processes with the evaluation framework established by the European Union (EU). As working methodology 18 projects have been studied, firstly characterising by the main parameters and afterwards analysing the assessment followed by each one. This analysis is decomposed into five parameters: the assessment scope, reflecting the fields covered by the project’s assessment; data source, the nature of the data; verification, use of data verification strategies; and implementation of life cycle thinking in the assessment methodology. Finally, the projects’ evaluation methods are decomposed into evaluation indicators in order to analyse the level of similarity between the projects’ assessment and the evaluation framework provided by the EU. The research shows that although the projects have their bases in the EU energetic targets they also cover a wider scope, assessing many fields and combining many sources of data. However, despite the large knowledge already defined by many projects, there is a lack of global and complete roadmap to be followed.La rehabilitación energética de los edificios existentes es una de las principales claves para alcanzar los objetivos de descarbonización de la Unión Europea (UE) definidos en el European Green Deal. Para proceder a ellos, se ha adaptado la política europea y se han desarrollado varios proyectos de investigación. El objetivo de este trabajo es, por una parte, analizar la metodología de evaluación de los proyectos de investigación realizados, estableciendo la visión general de los campos evaluados y los criterios seguidos para realizar y evaluar cada proyecto; y por otra, parte contrastar estos proceidimietos con el marco de evaluación porpuesto por la UE. Como metodología de trabajo se han estudiado 18 proyectos, caracterizando en primer lugar los principales parámetros y analizando posteriormente la evaluación seguida por cada uno de ellos. Este análisis se descompone en cinco parámetros: el ámbito de la evaluación, que refleja los campos cubiertos por la evaluación del proyecto; la fuente de datos, la naturaleza de los mismos; la verificación, el uso de estrategias de verificación de datos; y la aplicación del concepto de ciclo de vida en la metodología de evaluación. Finalmente, los métodos de evaluación son descompuestos indicadores de evaluación analizando el nivel de similitud entre el marco de evaluación porpuesto por la UE y el de los proyectos analizados. La investigación muestra que, aunque los proyectos tienen sus bases en los objetivos energéticos de la UE, también cubren un ámbito más amplio, evaluando muchos campos y combinando muchas fuentes de datos. Sin embargo, a pesar de los amplios conocimientos ya definidos por muchos proyectos, falta una hoja de ruta global y completa a seguir

    Applicability of the European Union’s building renovation assessment framework in Spain

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    Abstract The energy renovation of buildings is one of the main keys to achieve the decarbonisation objectives of the European Union (EU). In response, the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 proposed an assessment framework based on Measurable Progress Indicators (MPIs) to assess the decarbonisation. The objective of the study is to analyse the applicability of the MPIs in Spain; for this, the study analyses the viability of the MPIs and carries on the prioritization of the MPIs. Thus, the methodology is developed in three stages: (1) analysis of data availability the viability of each MPI; (2) prioritization of the MPIs by and expert round table (ERT); (3) applicability analysis of the prioritizing MPIs. Firstly, the analysis of viability shows that the data availability and the quality is limited, with many data source entities and big diversity of data features and quality. Secondly, the expert round table prioritized 8 MPIs regarding the EU’s targets in building renovation. Thirdly, the applicability evaluation finds out many barriers but also identifies the key points to launch the MPIs base assessment framework. The study identifies the entities that could likely carry on the data collection and other challenges like the digital building logbook (DBL) or the monitorization towards the efficient assessment of the renovation of the building

    Environmental and economic optimization and prioritization tool-kit for residential building renovation strategies with life cycle approach

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    The most recent regulations, as well as the scientific studies, remark the importance of the evaluation of the entire life cycle on building renovations, relative to the environmental impact and economic feasibility, making the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) the prioritizing analysis. The objective of the study is to develop a simplified methodology for the environmental and economic assessment of residential building renovations with life cycle approach. For this, a script-based tool-kit is developed: the first tool optimizes the thickness of envelope insulation based strategies; the second tool is for the prioritization of strategies by assessing their environmental performance and economic feasibility. In order to follow the objective, the development of the two tools is presented: both tools follow a parallel scheme where the input parameters are required by an excel file and the calculation script provides the results automatically by exporting the results excel file. The evaluation provides the quantification of the relative environmental improvement with the net energy ratio (NER), and the economic feasibility by the financial indicator of internal rate of return (IRR). The tool-kit is applied in a case study of a multifamily residential building. The results show, on the one hand, that the usability of the tool-kit can be determinant in the decision-making of stakeholders; and in the other hand, the importance of carrying out a dynamic assessment, taking into account the variation of the results caused by the uncertain parameters that differ in time. Moreover, the tool-kit can assist the development of cost-effective decarbonisation strategies.Part of the work presented in this paper belongs to the research project PIBA-PUE 2020(PUE_2020_1_0013) funded by the Department of Education of the Basque Government. Moreover, this research work is part of the corresponding author's Doctoral Thesis that aims to investigate the holistic assessment of technical renovation solutions of residential buildings in the Basque Country funded by the Predoctoral Training Programme for Non-Doctor Research Personnel of the Department of Education of the Basque Government (PRE_2021_1_0247)

    Analysis of Energy Retrofit Assessment Methodologies in Buildings by European Research Projects

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    Energy retrofit of existing buildings is one of the main keys to achieve European Union's decarbonising objectives defined in the European Green Deal. In order to proceed into them, European policy has been adapted and several research projects are developed. The aim of this paper is to analyse the assessment methodology of the research projects, setting up the overview of the assessed fields and the criteria followed to perform and evaluate each project. As working methodology, 18 projects have been studied, firstly characterising by the main parameters and afterwards analysing the assessment followed by each one. This analysis is decomposed into five parameters: the assessment scope, reflecting the fields covered by the project's assessment; data source, the nature of the data; verification, use of data verification strategies; and implementation of life cycle thinking in the assessment methodology. The research shows that although the projects have their bases in the EU energetic targets they also cover a wider scope, assessing many fields and combining many sources of data. However, despite the large knowledge already defined by many projects, there is a lack of global and complete roadmap to be followed.Part of the work presented in this paper belongs to the research Project LOCAL-REGEN (PID2019-104871RB-C22), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation -State Research Agency/10.13039/50110001103

    Barriers and challenges of the assessment framework of the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 on building renovation by European RTD projects

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    The refurbishment of buildings is one of the main keys to pursue the targets of the European Green Deal, and to accomplish the European Union has applied two mechanisms among others: the European policy and the European Research and Technological Development (RTD) projects. On the one hand, the EU has published the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 with an assessment framework composed by Measurable Progress Indicators (MPI) that can be considered the main legal instrument to measure the progress of the decarbonisation together with health & wellness, social and economic related targets of the Directive 2018/844, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). On the other hand, the RTD projects also pursue the targets of the EU but following their own assessment methodology com-posed by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Considering the parallelism of these two mechanisms, the objective of this study is to analyse the applicability of the EU's assessment framework by the RTD pro-jects, establishing a critical point of view of the viability of the MPIs and identifying the barriers and chal-lenges of the evaluation system proposed by the EU. Regarding the methodology, the applicability of MPIs by RTD projects has been analysed in five stages: (1) Identification and listing of the MPIs of EU Recommendation; (2) selection of European RTD projects; (3) identification of the KPIs applied by the projects; (4) study of the concordance of the MPIs of the Commission Recommendation's assessment framework and the KPIs of the RTD projects; (5) evaluation of the barriers and challenges of the applica-bility of the EU's MPIs based on the level of agreement with the projects' KPIs. This investigation shows that although some evaluation scopes of the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 do agree with high degree with RTD projects, many MPIs present barriers related to the low reliability, the absence of standardised calculation methods, and the lack of data. Besides, the assessment framework of the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 also presents challenges to improve the evaluation of the building renovation like calibration techniques, standardised input data and the shortlisting of the MPIs to improve the effectiveness of the method. The main conclusion is that the readjustment of the assessment framework proposed in the Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 is needed. This readjustment is proposed to be done by shortlisting the MPIs and defining standardised measurement methods in order to build a common roadmap that could be followed and assessed homogenously towards the decarbon-isation of the European building stock.Part of the work presented in this paper belongs to the research Project LOCAL-REGEN (PID2019-104871RB-C22), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation – State Research Agency/10.13039/501100011033. Moreover, this research work is part of the corresponding author's Doctoral Thesis that aims to investigate the holistic assessment of technical renovation solutions of residential buildings in the Basque Country funded by the Predoctoral Training Programme for Non-Doctor Research Personnel of the Department of Education of the Basque Government (PRE_2021_1_0247)

    Viabilidad de los indicadores recomendados por la Unión Europea en el ámbito de España relativos a la renovación de edificios

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    La rehabilitación energética de los edificios es una de las principales claves para alcanzar los objetivos de descarbonización de la Unión Europea definidos en la European Green Deal. Para proceder a ellos, una de las herramientas es la Directiva relativa a la eficiencia energética de edificios (Directiva UE 2018/844), la “Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” (EPBD), incluyendo el marco de evaluación basado en Indicadores de Progreso Mensurables (IPM) agrupados en dominios mediante la Recomendación (UE) 2019/786 de la comisión de 8 de mayo de 2019 relativa a la renovación de edificios. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la viabilidad de los Indicadores de Progreso Mensurables (IPM) propuestos por la Unión Europea en el ámbito del estado español, estableciendo una visión crítica de la aplicabilidad del marco de evaluación propuesto. En conclusión, la viabilidad de los Indicadores de Progreso Mensurables (IPM) propuestos por la Unión Europea en el estado español presentan varias barreras como puede ser la fragmentación de los datos, la medicación insuficiente y el acceso limitado a ellos. Por otra parte, también se muestran oportunidades para poder mejorar la evaluación de la rehabilitación de los edificios mediante el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas y recursos para la recopilación de datos, entre otros, la monitorización de edificios, “machine-learning” y el pasaporte de renovación del edificio

    Durangoko kultur zentroa. Durango (Bizkaia)

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    Herriaren beharrak kontutan izanda, eta trenaren lurperatzearekin zabaldutako ardatz garrantzitsu bat osatzeko asmoarekin orube hotan “Gaur egunko teknologia eta beharretara egokitutako Kultur Zentroa egitea komeniko litzateke, eta honetan oinarrituko da proiektua. Interbentzio honen bitartez, herriko ardatz garrantzitsuenetariko bat osatuko da, orain arte bitan banatuta bizi izan den herria “Ekipamendu Banda” forma duen ardatz berri batez bateratuz eta berregituratuz. Honez gain, herriak duen hutsune eta behar garrantzitsu ugariri erantzuna emateko gai izango den instalakuntza bat sortuko da. Batetik herriak ez du herritarren eskura inongo elkartze ezta konferentzia gunerik, eta herriko elkarte eta fundazioek ez daukate inongo laguntza ezta erraztasun logistikorik beraien egitasmoak (horietako asko herriarentzako oso lagungarriak) aurrera eramateko. Bestetik herritarrek, gizabanako bezala, ez daukate inongo espaziorik ekintza kultural zein ikasketa ekintzak burutzeko; badago liburutegia baina espazio zein erabilpen aldetik oso urria da, beharrak eta herriaren magnitudea konututan izanda. Proiektuaren Programa Herritarren behar kulturalak betetzeko eta hauei egokitzeko gai den espazio bat sortzea da helburua. Denboran zehar erabilpen anitzak izan ditzakeen espazioa izango da, eraldatzaeko ahalmena izango duena. Espazio hauen artean, ikaskeko espazioak, konferentzia eta batzar-gela, mota anitzerako artea praktikatu, irakatsi eta erakusteko espazioak etab. izango ditu

    Parametric simulation tool for the enviro-economic evaluation of energy renovation strategies in residential buildings with life cycle thinking: PARARENOVATE-LCT

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    The EU regulations require long-term renovation strategies (LTRS) for the energy transition of the existing building stock, emphasising the importance of the whole-life carbon evaluation and the cost-effectiveness of the processes. The building performance simulation (BPS) tools combined with the integration of the life cycle thinking (LCT) are considered a promising approach for evaluating the renovation of buildings. Besides, the performance gap due to occupant behaviour (OB) and the uncertainty of the economic scenario is an essential barrier to the accurate assessment of renovation strategies in residential buildings. The objective of this study is to develop a simulation tool to evaluate the environmental and economic sustainability of energy renovations in residential buildings based on LCT, considering the OB diversity and economic uncertainty. For this, the study develops the PARARENOVATE-LCT tool. This script-based tool combines the dynamic BPS and the integration of the environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) and the economic life cycle cost (LCC), evaluating different renovation strategies in multiple scenarios based on the combination of multiple variables of archetype, climatic zone, OB patterns, economic scenario and orientation. The methodological tool is applied in a case study of the most common archetypes of single-family and multi-family residential buildings of the Basque Country, in northern Spain. The results show how the tool can prioritise strategies, analyse the significance of baseline scenario parameters, and measure the influence of the LCT application. This way, the study provides a methodological tool as a new approach towards developing policies and plans to answer the EU requirements.This research work is part of the first author's Doctoral Thesis, which aims to investigate the holistic assessment of renovation strategies in residential buildings in the Basque Country funded by the Predoctoral Training Programme for Non-Doctor Research Personnel of the Department of Education of the Basque Government (PRE_2022_2_0121). The University of the Basque Country provides Open Access funding