11 research outputs found

    Financing Of Political Parties And Electoral Campaigns In The Western Balkans

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    Functioning of political parties and electoral campaigns is determined by internal legal norms and by international acts. Legal regulation of political party financing and electoral campaigns is one of the key factors to ensure a fair and objective electoral process. These funding within a country must be transparent, regardless of the level of social, political, economic, cultural development, etc. Western Balkan countries have regulated this issue in their own way. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the relationship between public and private financing of political parties and electoral campaigns is not clearly regulated. On the other hand, in Croatia, the expenditures of services in electoral campaigns are not clearly regulated. In Kosovo, the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns is made by the political force that the political party had in the previous elections. In Serbia to cover election spending, the state allocates the sum of 0.07%. In Montenegro and Macedonia, these funds are more precise. Otherwise, in Albania the funding of electoral campaigns is determined by the Electoral Code. The main purpose of this research is to analyze and evaluate political parties and electoral campaigns in Western Baltic. The methodology used in this study is comparative research as it covers countries in Balkans.  Through this research we conclude that state bodies in these countries need to do more to increase the transparency of these financial expenses and punish those who exceed legal limits

    A review of sources on terrorist financing

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    Terrorism financing is one of the most complex problems the democratic world is facing today. The transfer of funds to support terrorist activities has created enormous challenges across the world. This has fuelled several inter-religious and nationalist hate, and as such has put many nations into war with terrorist organisations. The main objective of this study is to review the sources of terrorist financing. The paper relies on secondary data that were drawn from various books, journals, as well as from institutional materials relevant to the issues raised. It concludes that terrorists are exploiting established financial systems at the global level to move their finances, and that informal systems remain the biggest challenge to thwart terrorist activitie

    Izborna Ŕutnja i mediji na Kosovu

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    Election process is a fundamental issue in a democratic society. Countries that manage to undergo fair process, based on values and principles, codes of conduct, and applicable laws are able to build up stable and trustworthy institutions. The role of media in this context is of paramount importance to ensure a transparent and accountable outcome. The issue of electoral silence has been a heated debate during the election process in Kosovo, given the loopholes in the existing laws and directives. The aim of this research is to analyse the electoral silence status as one of the specific segments of electoral processes, particularly in the case of Republic of Kosovo. Research has been carried out using secondary data from the existing literatures, applicable laws, cases, media, and other relevant bodies in Kosovo.Izborni postupak je od temeljnog značaja za demokratsko druÅ”tvo. Zemlje koje su u stanju osigurati poÅ”teni postupak koji se temelji na vrijednostima i načelima, pravilima ponaÅ”anja i primjenjivim zakonima u stanju su izgraditi stabilne i pouzdane institucije. Uloga medija u ovom kontekstu od velike je važnosti radi osiguranja transparentnog i odgovornog ishoda. Zahvaljujući nedostacima u postojećim propisima, pitanje izborne Å”utnje postalo je goruće pitanje na Kosovu. Cilj ovog osvrta jest analiza statusa izborne Å”utnje kao specifičnog segmenta izbornog postupka posebno u slučaju Republike Kosova. Istraživanje je napravljeno koriÅ”tenjem sekundarnih podataka iz postojeće literature, zakonskih propisa, sudskih odluka, sredstava informiranja i drugih relevantnih tijela na Kosovu

    Tango, a Cell Phone Manufacturer from US Considering Doing Business in China-Sell Cell Phones in Chinese Market

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    The purpose of this report is to advise Tango's senior management on the viability and mode of entry in China. The methodology used is based on the analysis that covers several relevant aspects pertaining to the business and its implications in reference to Chinese national business system, cultural differences, exchange risks, corporate social responsibility, competition, intellectual property protection, trade and investments patterns. It accounts the differences between the business environment in China and the United-States of America, and also includes potential risks associated with investing in China and possible ways to mitigate them. Based on the findings, Tango should move into the Chinese market due to industry prospects and great potential to generate huge profits. The abundance of cheap raw materials required in the cell phone's production process, low-priced qualified labor force, market size and trends, and current governments' incentives to attract foreign firms makes China an attractive environment for investment

    Tango, a Cell Phone Manufacturer from US Considering Doing Business in China-Sell Cell Phones in Chinese Market

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    The purpose of this report is to advise Tango's senior management on the viability and mode of entry in China. The methodology used is based on the analysis that covers several relevant aspects pertaining to the business and its implications in reference to Chinese national business system, cultural differences, exchange risks, corporate social responsibility, competition, intellectual property protection, trade and investments patterns. It accounts the differences between the business environment in China and the United-States of America, and also includes potential risks associated with investing in China and possible ways to mitigate them. Based on the findings, Tango should move into the Chinese market due to industry prospects and great potential to generate huge profits. The abundance of cheap raw materials required in the cell phone's production process, low-priced qualified labor force, market size and trends, and current governments' incentives to attract foreign firms makes China an attractive environment for investment.Keywords: Tango, cell phone, labor force, market size, Chinese national business system, etc

    Credit Risk In The Banking Sector In Kosovo

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    Loans make up the bulk of a bank’s assets, and thus credit risk is the most significant risk for commercial banks in Kosovo and throughout the world. Despite its complexity, effective management of credit risk is a prerequisite for the success of a bank and the banking system in general. A special role in this aspect is played by the separation of reserves to cover the risk of failure to repay the loan or in cases of non-fulfilment of contractual obligations by the loan recipient. Therefore, this research aims to address this issue and analyses the credit risk management of the banking system of the Republic of Kosovo in general and the effects of separation of reserves for loan losses in particular

    A Review of Sources on Terrorist Financing

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    Terrorism financing is one of the most complex problems the democratic world is facing today. The transfer of funds to support terrorist activities has created enormous challenges across the world. This has fuelled several inter-religious and nationalist hate, and as such has put many nations into war with terrorist organisations. The main objective of this study is to review the sources of terrorist financing. The paper relies on secondary data that were drawn from various books, journals, as well as from institutional materials relevant to the issues raised. It concludes that terrorists are exploiting established financial systems at the global level to move their finances, and that informal systems remain the biggest challenge to thwart terrorist activities

    Review on Policy Developments of FDI in India

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    India has been witnessing an extensive amount of foreign capital flowing to the market over the past twenty years after drastic changes made on its FDI policy. The aim of this research is to evaluate the policy developments of FDI during different stages since its independence and its impact on capital inflows. This research attempts also to uncover lessons that can be learnt from the case of India. A qualitative approach has been adopted for this research. The narrative analysis used in this study is based on secondary data that have been drawn from a pool of diverse sources including various databases, journal publications and books