60 research outputs found

    Entre mythe et histoire : la légende noire de la domination vénitienne à Chypre

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    C’est en pleine période d’expansion coloniale que le comte de Mas-Latrie a porté un jugement négatif sur les effets de l’administration vénitienne à Chypre ; cette opinion, qui s’appuie sur des appréciations contestables d’Étienne de Lusignan, a été reprise et diffusée dans la littérature historique contemporaine sans analyse approfondie. L’examen des sources montre pourtant que les reproches adressés à Venise ne résistent pas à la preuve des sources et que l’ensemble de la période de la domination vénitienne doit au contraire être réévalué dans tous ses aspects

    Les listes de chargement de navires vénitiens (xve-début du xvie siècle) : un essai de typologie

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    INTRODUCTION Le quinzième siècle représente sans aucun doute une période au cours de laquelle le commerce méditerranéen avait atteint un stade de développement bien avancé. Étant donné cette évolution, les marchands européens n’étaient plus dans l’obligation d’accompagner personnellement les marchandises qu’ils envoyaient outre-mer, mais ils pouvaient les confier au capitaine du navire (au patron dans la terminologie vénitienne) qui les conduisait à bon port. Ces conditions ont conféré une im..

    Sauterelles et mentalités : le cas de la Chypre vénitienne

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    Locusts and Mentalités : The Case of Venetian Cyprus Locusts have pested Mankind from earliest times. Historical evidence indicates that appeal to supernaturalpowers and magic existed side by side with more rationalistic attitudes to this disastrous phenomenon in different civilisations throughout the ages. In Cyprus, a meeting place of various Mediterranean traditions, the locust had been an endemic phenomenon from the Later Middle Ages. This study mainly deals with the impact of Venetian pragmatic reactions to recurrent appearances of the pest, and of rationalistic methods of warfare against it on the more traditionalist patterns of behaviour of the Cypriot peasantry.Arbel Benjamin. Sauterelles et mentalités : le cas de la Chypre vénitienne. In: Annales. Economies, sociétés, civilisations. 44ᵉ année, N. 5, 1989. pp. 1057-1074

    The Rights of Refugees and the Right to Privacy along the US-Canadian Border

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    In this episode, Dr. Antje Ellermann, Associate Professor of Political Science and Co-Director of UBC Migration speaks with two legal scholars, Dr. Efrat Arbel, Associate Professor in the Allard School of Law, and Dr. Benjamin Goold, Professor in the Allard School of Law. They discuss how the public health crisis is changing immigration procedures at the US-Canadian border and putting additional strain on the rights of refugees and refugee claimants attempting to enter Canada, as well as on other border crossers whose right to privacy is being challenged. They assess the troubled legacy of the Safe Third Country Agreement signed by the US and Canada, the role of contact tracing apps, immigration detention and why the pandemic raises serious concerns about the place of human rights in Canada and beyond. Recorded on June 9 on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the Musqueam people. Produced by Douglas Ober with music by the Mini Vandals featuring Mamadou Koïta and Lasso

    The Rights of Refugees and the Right to Privacy along the US-Canadian Border

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    In this episode, Dr. Antje Ellermann, Associate Professor of Political Science and Co-Director of UBC Migration speaks with two legal scholars, Dr. Efrat Arbel, Associate Professor in the Allard School of Law, and Dr. Benjamin Goold, Professor in the Allard School of Law. They discuss how the public health crisis is changing immigration procedures at the US-Canadian border and putting additional strain on the rights of refugees and refugee claimants attempting to enter Canada, as well as on other border crossers whose right to privacy is being challenged. They assess the troubled legacy of the Safe Third Country Agreement signed by the US and Canada, the role of contact tracing apps, immigration detention and why the pandemic raises serious concerns about the place of human rights in Canada and beyond. Recorded on June 9 on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the Musqueam people. Produced by Douglas Ober with music by the Mini Vandals featuring Mamadou Koïta and Lasso